Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, RC.se is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning) Rockcandy.se.

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
2013-11-10 15:40:57
Sorry for the late update, but I was so tired yesterday I went straight to bed. I had lots of fun at the playdate, but the car trip home was really bad.

I came closer to my goal to getting a max score in Luigi's Mansion, but I gave up after failing repeatedly at a few certains rooms. New tricks and techniques were discovered, and I set a worldrecord in ragequitting and I found out you can pause the game before you reach E. Gadd's laboratory immediately when you start the game. Maybe I'll try to stream when I try again, if anyone is interested.

So uhm, yeah, the content for today. I have a couple of drawings.

An old sketch I found of Ellie.
Zara making some poses.
Robot girl & Zu.

I also have some fan stuff to show, but I just noticed that uploading stuff to the fan stuff section was borken! So I'll direct link here in the newspost for now.

First off, a short little story from Guodzilla, starring Ellie once again!
Download Ellie's Pickle!

Secondly, an animated gif of Zu! Made by GBlastMan!


Mh. That was probably everything... Well, actually, there was one thing I wanted to point out as well!

I found this picture, which strikes a very strong resemblance to a flash of mine. Coincidence, or inspired by my work? We might never find out... But it's a fun thing nonetheless!

I catched a slight cold while I was there, because some stupid guys there arrived while they were slightly sick. Luckily for me, it's just some minor throat pains that can be easily avoided. Raz on the other hand got much more affected, and is sick in bed at this time. I'm gonna order me a pizza or two becuase I mostly ate shitty microwave food at the playdate, and it all tasted like plastic. Worst.

Anyway, we'll see what happens on sunday. Perhaps my sickness grows worse or I'll get lots done. See ya then!
<!--<form method="post" action="http://poll.pollcode.com/436283"><table border="0" width="225" bgcolor="3D646E" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"><tr><td colspan="2"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF">Smask rock andy and fuck</font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="1" id="436283answer1"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer1">no</label></font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="2" id="436283answer2"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer2">yeah</label></font></td></tr><tr><td width="5"><input type="radio" name="answer" value="3" id="436283answer3"></td><td><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="FFFFFF"><label for="436283answer3">yes</label></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value=" RÖSTA!!! "><input type="submit" name="view" value=" RESULTET"></td></tr></table></form>-->
2013-11-04 08:09:33
Once again we are back, suffering yet another lengthy downtime. I don't even know what the problem was, but I was close to giving up this time. Therefore, I was spending most of my downtime doing... Mostly shit. I managed to finally clear out and sort through all that music I started downloading sometimes in january this year, which is pretty sweet. And I streamed some games and stuff too.

But I'll dig up what I mustered to do while the site was down!

I drew one drawing!

I made some sprites for LeatherIcecream's Spelunky Mod. You can now enjoy exploring dangerous caves as Sixten!

And also, Zu became a prostitute.

Download here!
There are a few graphical glitches and some such, but I hope they'll be fixed in future versions of this.

I also participated in a Spelunky "race" prior to this mod.

It's best to just listen, as awful videoediting made all but one video totally unsynced with the audio! It's a hour and a half long, so if you're bored go watch me suffer.

I made a shitty flash, that only swedish people (if even they) will find funny!

I'd add some kind of youtube-ish subtitles to this if I knew how to.

And I guess I can post a screenshot of that flashy flash... That I was working on. (I have not touched it in a week... :c )

It's not a normal flash by any means!

I have a few... That I want to start up! But I'm waiting for a voiceactress for that girl up there! I had some potential girl that was willing, but my contact guy got busy and I've not gotten ahold of him in a while, which is annoying! So, in the meantime, I shall make up with Besped and finally made my part of that trade we made like... A year or two ago. Sounds good, because whenever the hell am I gonna do that anyway? Better now, or it might become never! I don't know what that flash will be about though, because Besped was gonna make the art and I was gonna animate it, and he didn't want to show me the artpiece! So that's gonna be something, I hope.

And yush, if you are a unshy girl with a decent mic and a decent voice, do send me a message or something such! If I never get a hold of that guy again, might be good to have someone else there!

So yeah. It's good to be back. I think. I'm gonna be absent almost all of next week, due to another of those playdates that I sometimes visit.
But perhaps I will stream some sort of game in the next 2~3 days! So keep an eye out, if you are interested. I don't know what game yet, but I'm sure I can find something.
My streaming channel is here.

Now I shall enjoy some Julmust. Good night!

I also noticed you cannot post comments. I hope it shall be fixed soon. Along with the forums.
2013-10-27 18:25:38
This week, I made some quick sketches to try to get rid of my art blocklike problem.

Crappy Zu & Sixten Sketches.
CCrappy Zoo sketches.

Nothing much to go hooray for, but I was told that some people might be interested in seeing them anyway. I don't have anything else to update with right now anyway, so there you go.

My sleep cycle is really fucked up, so I have not done a lot lately. It's already almost 3 in the morning, dammit! And I'm not even tired. I was planning on going to bed early today, but I guess not.

Well. I've been waiting some time now for a bunch of different people to give me some stuff I need to continue certain projects, so I feel like work has been clogged up lately. I need to try to push on without those things though.


I shall try to go to bed now, though. I have a hard time falling asleep though, so I don't think it will go well.
Especially since I take like a hour or more to get out of bed in the mornings.

Anyway, good night!
2013-09-29 17:41:44
Damn, I don't know what happened this week, but it went over in no time. Somehow I managed to waste the whole weekend on shopping and doing laundry, playing games and finding highlights in our Pikmin 3 stream that we did forever ago. I had to do 5 machines of laundry today!! Crazy. At least I only have 3 hours left of Pikmin 3 video to watch... Perhaps we shall stream the Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker HD some time as well.

Not only that, but we defrosted our freezer by punching it. Pat & Mat solutions are the best.

But the good thing is that I at least made good progress on the flash!
I just realized that most of you don't even know what flash I am talking about, so I'll post a screenshot of it right here:

I wont say just what it is just yet though!

It's really the only thing I have share today. I tried to draw some stuff, but I couldn't make it look the way I wanted it, so I gave up for now. Better luck later, perhaps!

See ya next week again!
2013-09-22 16:08:31
Altough motivation is low, I managed to recreate most of what was lost. Some parts even became better than last time, so that's something at least.

So I don't have a lot to show today. I attempted to draw something, but for some reason nothing I drew turned out well. Still, I finished this in time for the update: Happy Zu!

And I forgot to post this last sunday, because of the corruption:
Mikaela Spy, the last TF2 crossover picture thingy!

So now that that's over... It's back to regular flash making for me.
I feel like it's going real slow at the moment though. Lots of stuff going on at the same time. I bet it will solve itself soon enough though.

I wish I had more to show and say.

See you next week.
2013-09-15 15:41:36
Well shit. It seems like progress went backwards rather than forwards.

Of course, Flash decides to corrupt one of my flash projects, deleting a good chunk of animationwork. Very not fun, as I aimed to finish that project next. But the lost work sapped a lot of my motivation, but I guess I'll have redo it.

Other than that, I don't have much to share. I was supposed to hear from some people about voice and arts stuff, but they all disappeared! Saddening.

Well, I hope next week will bring happier news. Huff.

2013-09-08 15:13:29
I'm rather tired today, so this update will be rather short. I don't have a lot to show anyway...

So I was gonna start this new flash, right? The one I said was gonna be the next "Onihole".
Well, somehow, I got involved with 4 other flash projects. So now I'm kinda stuck doing small work on each one of them. It's horrible. Well, at least they're all short ones. Ergh.

Anyway, here's a Pyro Lollo.
It's the only thing I managed to do artways this week.

While looking through very old art, I found this... "game" thing drawing. Now my brain is stuck on making a such a flash game, starring Zu captured in a building. She somehow gets out and has to sneak around avoiding enemies and solving puzzles to save her friends, which all has their own unique ability. So it'd be kind of a platformer-escape-puzzle-stealth-action-porn game. Or something.

Just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
I get these stupid game ideas all the time, but I'm always too busy or think too large to actually get them made. It's frustrating, really.

Well, we'll see what happens next week. Something fun, I hope.
Have a nice week!
2013-09-01 17:33:33
Yo! Update ahoy!

Here's Medic Ellie.
And here's some DM DOKURO characters getting tentacle'd.

I also put up the new part of the Zu story in the forums.
Go here to shake it out!
I need opnions and feedback, so please comment if you feel like it.

I can't show you what I'm working on in flash way yet, as I helped out Mittsies with a project of his, and I'm stuck trying to draw a good male body on mine.

Also, if there are any girls out there with a decent microphone brave enough to voiceact, do not be afraid to come to me and say so! I'd like to put in more "personal" dialog and moanings in my flashes. Ripping from porn and hentai gets so boring... Sadly I cannot pay you anything, but I can like... Draw you a picture or something? Hoahoa.

Oh, and if anyone's interested, I and Raz will stream Resident Evil 4 later tonight. Probably in 3~4 hours after this newspost is posted. It's not 100% sure we'll play though, but I'll shout in the forum if we do.
My channel is: http://www.twitch.tv/rockcandyzubutt

Other than that, I don't think there was anything else I have to show for now.

And if anyone cares...
I've only beaten DDC with Sakuya A and Reimu B so far. I've lost most of my skills... Sigh. Well, I'm playing on Hard after all. Huff.
2013-08-25 08:17:03

It took us almost all night, but now we've got most things fixed up. I and T_4 ran into lots of broken stuff when trying to upload content, but he managed to get everything working again!


Let's start with a bunch of artwork from during the downtime and such.

First up, some Yoshi buttsex. Yes, you read correctly.
Johanna and Hampus. Sister to Zu and brother to Sixten.
Dark Zu sketches. Contains male buttsex.
Busty Sofi. Because the other characters have already gotten similiar treatment.
Pervy Sofi sketches. I like how they turned out.
Futa Ellie, colored by KaizoMartin. Nice stuff, shake it out!

And after much trouble, I managed to finish and upload a whole [u]THREE[/u] flashes for you this update.

Let's begin with a sequel; Rock n' Raz 2!
Judge for yourself if it is better or worse than the first one!

Secondly, a parody of the ever so popular BAD APPLE! music video:
I recommend watching it on youtube, as I made it to be watched in movie format rather than flash format. In flash, there's probably gonna be lots of choppyness and such and it will loop endlessly.
So here's the youtube thing:

DM DOKURO was awesome for making the extra soundtrack to it.

And last and probably least, a little porn flashloop!
It's that character called Kitty Katswell! You know, that one... From that... Cartoon?
I don't actually know anything about her, so if you know her and like her, happy fapping.

That's it from me this week! Don't expect too much from the upcoming weeks, hoahoa! But I'll try to get that update on Zu's story next week uploaded in the forums. I'll tell you when I do.

And I'm not ready to reveal what the big project is to you just yet, so please be patient.

Oh, and I did play DDC. I liked it, I found the 5th and 6th boss stage themes very awesome and will await many great arranges of them. (Hopefully dBu will make a good job, huhu.) The Extra boss was a bit meh, though. Didn't beat it yet, because I was working my butt off on these flashes!!

Now, I think that was all. I need to sleep now, so night every body!

2013-08-18 20:34:59
Site is back up, altough a tad slower than before due to the changes and switching we had to make. We shall try to get the forum up too.

Anyway, you might wonder what I've been up to during the downtime.
The truth is, not a lot. I was away for two weeks, had friends over and new games were released, so not much got done.

I have a few sketches lying around, but I'll save those for the next update.
Have these in the meantime:

Zu Engineer
Zara Sniper
Sofi Scout
Heavy Sixten

Based off of the RC-TF2 mod that that LeatherIceCream made. Sometime I'll draw the remaining gals too.

There's also a new flash! But it's not porn, so there goes 10 000+ views, hoahoa!

The pornflashes will come... Some day! I was working on this flash that someone comissioned me to do, but he suddenly disappeared. To not make work wasted, I'll put together what I made and release it as is.

I also started on a new flash. I sketched a picture and I really wanted to make a flash out of it. So... I started one up. I want to put lots of effort into it. Maybe it'll turn into another Onihole, but I hope not. I want there to be more "content" in it, at least I want to make the animation smoother and add extras and such. It'll be a while. It's always slow in the beginning when I have to make sure everything looks right and such, so I don't start animating and it looks awful.

Huff. Well. I don't really have much else to say at the moment.
If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them.

I hope people notice the site is back up. Spread the word if you see this, or something.
2013-08-11 16:41:24

But it is now temporary OK, as we managed to borrow some serverstuff from T_4.
All hail Toad_4!!

Seriously though, our MYSQL thingy died and it has been awful. From what I heard, no one knows yet how to fix it, so that's kinda shit.

Anyhow, I will take some time and update later, when I can sort out all teh stuff I've made while on vacation and during the downtime.

So uhm... Yeah.
I must go to bed now, I'll get a real update done tomorrow.
2013-08-10 19:53:55
This week I will be away for most of the time, as I will not be at home. Obviosuly. That also means no update for a while. Maybe I'll post something next sunday, but we'll see.

So see ya then. Byes!
2013-07-08 00:21:58
During the week I got a few comments on a certain picture.

Like these:
"Requesting extra large Ellie. Would be AMAZING, she's already curvy but like, add even MORE unf to her. Even BIGGER tits and way bigger ass/hips/thighs. IT MUST HAPPEN."
"Hey Rockcandy do you think you'll ever start drawing your characters like this more often (cury and "large")?"
"Man do I love thick girls. It's a proven fact that they fuck better than their skinny counter-parts."

5 comments on one picture in a week is very rare! So I thought I was gonna put my answer and notes here so everybody will see it.

I will probably not do many pictures like these in the future, I think my characters are good like they are! They don't need any modifications!
With that said, Have some Zu with big tits.

And here's a short comic. It's based on a true story!! It also involves tits, hence the newspost title, huhu.

I also posted the latest part of that one Zu story in the forums, for you who don't lurk there.

Don't think there was anything else this week. Hum. still waiting for soundclips for that one flashloop.

Actually, I just remembered I got some video... Thingies, from LeatherIceCream/FlashMasterXD that I forgot to post. So have them!

And with that, I wish you... Good bye? Or something.
2013-06-30 17:15:02
Sorry about the downtime, but I couldn't be helped. huff.

Well, now that we're back, I'll show ya what got done while you were furiously F5ing RC.se.

Zara, being... Fat or something.
Besped being buttfucked by hermdragons, just like he likes it.

Rock n' Raz!
Well, it was just really one flash, but still...

FlashMasterish fan art!

And with that, I shall leave. For now.
I have tons of things to do.

Ah shit, I almost forgot!!

There are some really great moments in this. My favorites are somewhere in the middle, hoahao.

And this is... Me losing the game contest and stuff. Sigh.
2013-06-24 14:15:25
Why, hello! I bet you were expecting a flash today!

And, I'm gonna give you one! "A Peaceful Race!", made by FlashMasterXD!

Hoahoa! But really, my flash is basically done. I just need some voiceclips and stuff, but the guy with the stuff disappeared for some reason, so I'm just waiting.

Anyway, have some drawings instead!
A drawing I made for a friend of mine! I hope he will like it.
And... A drawing I made while supertired. It's kinda eh, but still good enough to upload, me thought.

None of my three hopes for last week came true... Which is sad.
Oh well, I can live on still. And now, I shall go and... Do something, I think. Maybe continue working on that game and stuff. Huff.
2013-06-16 16:25:17
Hello everybody! Tomorrow is E3! It shall be very interesting to see what will be revealed! The wait is harder the closer it comes... Huff.

I spent all night reading a book, staying up until 6 in the morning. So my sleeping schedule is all messed up... But on the other hand, it was a real good book, hoahoa. It was an early birthday present; I turn 22 on wednesday. Woop for me or something.

I cleaned up a couple of sketches today. I have a few more drawn but not yet scanned and finished.

Zara with a large fleshy thing between her mammaries.
And Ellie, with a large flashy thing also.

Not only that, but... I got a fan animation as well!! Long time since I got one of those!
It almost looks she's getting fucked by the site due to its size...

Well, that was all the content I had for today!
In other news, I am making a short flash loop of a thingything, which you'll see next week, hopefully. Birthday stuffs happened early, so I shouldn't be bothered no more.

So yus, let's hope for an eventful E3, a flashloop for next week & that dBu music's album "The Suite" pops up somewhere soon. I've been looking for it for quite some time...
2013-06-09 16:23:49
Hoo boy, I hope you all enjoyed that last flash! Because I sure did!
Here's that picture at the end of the flash!
It's quite large, so you can use it as a background for your desktop if you want, hoahoa.

Anyway, now that that is over... I have of course started working on other projects that I have! As you may know, I pulled out from Project X for now to focus on my own things. I have a few miscellanious flashes to finish... As well as writing!

But at the moment, I and another guy have been starting up the very very basics of a game. This game will be quite large, I hope, and will take much effort and time to even get working and such. If there are any artists out there who are willing to help out with things like background art, character design or animations do not hesitate to contact me!!

The game will focus mainly of Zu's behind, and the rest of her will also star as the main character. It'll be in top-down style and... I don't want to tell too much about it, as it's only been started up just now. I've been working hard on making the main sprites look decent!

So yeah.

Have this as well:
2013-06-02 15:23:26
This didn't happen as fast as I thought it would, I got some trouble with the dubbing people, but now it's finally done!

"Roliga Saker!", aka "Funny Stuff!" is now finished and uploaded!

Titta på svenska?
Watch in english?

I have been working on this for almost two years, I believe. So it feels great, but even a little empty, to have it completed. This project murdered my Flash many times, almost like a second Onihole. But not as bad. There might be some unavoidable unsync with audio/video near the end, but I uploaded both versions to youtube as well. The links are in the descriptions of the flashes, so just grab them from there if you rather want to watch those.

Now that I have finished this great project, I am going to... Well, start another one, hoahoa. Don't worry, it's porn this time around! More info on that later.

I was gonna upload some sketches I did, but eh. I'm too lazy.
Instead, have some fan art from Switzerland!


So, there's not gonna be an update on sunday, just so you know. It'll be next sunday, myep.

Until then, try find all them hidden "Yo!"s I hid in the flash without cheating!!
2013-05-24 14:42:01
This weekend has been a very great weekend! For me, at least!

That flash I've posted screenshots from the last couple of weeks is finally done! Well, the swedish version at least. I'm still waiting for the english audio to be recorded, so I have to hold back on the release for a couple of days.

So I made some upgrades to the flash that "Roliga Saker", or "Funny Stuff" as it is called in english, is a sequel to!

If you happen to speak swedish, tryck här för att se "Vår Knashumor Extended Version"!

And for the english speaking audience, we recorded a special english dubbed version! Also extended and upgraded of course! Click here to watch "Our Sense of Humor Extended Version"!

I'll post another newspost, or edit this one, when the real flash is ready! It shouldn't take too long, so keep an eye out!

Until then, enjoy... That other flash!
2013-05-19 14:12:13