Drawings and sad news.
Hoo wee. I've spent most of this week catching up on internet stuff, as well as playing some online games with friends. But I managed to draw some drawings!

Zu having some fun with her boyfriend.
Well, in an alternative universe, this is her boyfriend...

Shinobu, from No More Heroes.
A request. I kinda fucked up though, hoahoa. I think you can tell how when you see it!

Concept art for a spiritual sequel to Zu Triple.
I like to call it "Zu's Maid Service". Whenever I get done with my current projects, perhaps this is what I'm doing next. I can never make any plans, because they always seem to get fucked over.

By the way, my codingman gave up on the christmas flash, so I'm kinda beat over that. But I've talked to a guy that might help me out with it instead. It's really sad that he didn't tell me this earlier, because then I coulda asked someone else months ago!! But egh. This year hasn't had a very good start. I haven't done much lately, it feels like.

I'm also going on another playdate on thursday, and I'm coming back on sunday, so don't expect too much of a newspost next sunday, ye?

Oh, and about the Ellie flash, it's really just a short loop with a cumscene, so don't go hoping to much. I thought I'd make something short to get it out quick.
2014-04-27 15:07:40
Rock Candy
Comments (6)
2014-05-04 21:10:44
It's still a thing, as far as I know.
2014-05-02 15:50:07
Don't worry about it, evreything what contains Ellie will be good for sure. And you still have time until this christmas, right?
2014-05-02 14:50:46
Is the christmas flash still a thing, or was it cancelled?
2014-04-29 14:58:51
Regarding the Ellie flash, if it's as long as Gooper Blooper Returns, I'll certainly be happy with that! Ellie ftw
2014-04-28 09:41:49
Ouch. Flakers are the worst. And they never tell you upfront, either!
2014-04-28 02:39:00
Bummer about the coder, keep up the good work. I look forward to the little flash.