A damn hot week
The weather this week sure has been good. I even stepped outside on my own for the first time in months! You can go outside in the middle of the night in only shorts and T-shirt and not feel a bit cold. It's been a really long time since you could do that, and it sure is welcome. However, it's not so well when you want to sleep! I don't have much trouble, but Raz, who's room has no air conditioning and has the sun on it all day has to sleep in a temperature up to 27 celcius. Must be hot n' stuffy, hoahoa!

I wish he'd work less so we can do some damn streaming some day soon.

Oh uh, I did email Jabajay, and he has choosen the character he wanted me to do the flash with. He choose Shadow Queen, from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Which is kind of neat. There comes a time when every flash artist makes a flash of Princess Peach, and I guess it's my turn now. Altough she's possessed, I'm sure I can make something out of it! I've had Peach voice clips stored on my computer forever. Hoahoa.

In other news, I have made some drawings this week... And recieved some fan art! Let's start with mine.

Would you suck Zu's dick?

Zara doing some odd activites after a race.

A drawing I did for Spazman, starring Ellie and his character, which I don't remember the name of at the moment.

I'm pretty happy with all of them. I hope you'll enjoy them too.

As for fanart, I got some odd TF2 stuff from LeatherIceCream. I'm not the one to try to figure out what it means...

We also got some nice stuff from GBlastMan!

A redesign of Zu in his style.

Remember that sketch of Zu I did a while back, the one where she spreads her anus?
Well, GBlastMan colored it!
While some details are incorrect, I can't really complain! It looks great! Now go jerk off to that smexy butthole.

Finally, Ellie getting attacked by some ghosts... From the inside!
How bizarre! But it still looks great, hoahoa.

He also posted more unrelated arts in our more than dead old forums! So go check that out, there's some Curly Brace and Pizza cats and whatever else there was...

So yeah, that was all the arts I had to show this week. The christmas flash is also on it's way on the coding front now. You can actually look at the scenes now, but it still misses many details and sounds. We'll see if we can't have it done before my birthday... Which is June 12th for you who don't know. So yash, you have that to look forward to! Now, I'm going to go and... Do something, and start working on flash tomorrow! See yargh!
2014-05-25 14:51:58
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2014-06-01 07:46:31
Has the Christmas Flash made much progress since this last post?
Rock Candy1139211391
2014-05-28 03:02:17
Well, it's no fun doing commissions. Then you'll have to do what other people want, and try to live up to their expectations. I can't live up to my own, so I don't want to disappoint people who pay me to do such things.
2014-05-28 02:22:18
Honestly, RC, I'm surprised you don't accept commissions at this point. You'd probably make a lot for flash loops and such. You should really pick up learning all the code yourself. Sure ya wont get rich or anything, but you'll probably never have to pay for a video game ever again, that's for sure.
2014-05-27 10:30:18
All this new delicious fanart... I keep wishing I could do something similarly stunning and arousing, but I'd have to start first! On a side note, couldn't help but notice that there is a different captcha system now fpr forum registrations. Looks like it's not broken anymore! So props to the guy who fixed it.
2014-05-27 00:36:51
I disagree you should try it out and see if anything.
Rock Candy1138311367
2014-05-26 13:47:55
I dunno, I don't think wathcing me working in flash would be very interesting...
2014-05-25 17:01:36
Hey Rock, great art from you as always and awesome fanart from GBlastMan.I love it. By the way, have you ever considered streaming some of your work in flash, like your Rock n Raz game streams but just with you animating or drawing and maybe just some music in the background?
Rock Candy1136611365
2014-05-25 15:23:41
Not for a while. Flash work is hard work, and I have lots on my plate already. Thank you, though.
2014-05-25 15:08:31
man you are my favorite flash animator! (18+) is there going to be anymore opportunity's for us to choose a female character for you to animate?? cuz that would be awesome. your drawings look awesome too, keep it up, and have a nice week my friend!