Moving week
Yeah, this week I'm gonna move. Hopefully it'll go smoothly. I never know how to start packing stuff up. I always find things I never use, but may come in handy... Some day, surely. And lots of crap that's just lying around. I'll start moving my shit on thursday, so I have to pack shit from monday to wednesday. If only I wasn't such a slow person.

Anyway, I got some really neat fanarts from Cinndrie this week!

A scary Lollo!
A scary Lollo! (Version 2)
A scary Lollo! (Version 3)
A scary Lollo! (Version 4)
A scary Lollo! (Version 5)
And also...
Lollo's Wand!
Lollo's Wand! (Version 2)

I think it is some very impressive work! I couldn't handle coloring and shading this complicated... I'm a little jealous too. Nyuh.

For some previews of my stuff, I put up some stuff in the forums! Just scroll down to find some more. There's some Zara pictures, 1 Zu picture and a preview of a flash in the making.

I wonder if my new apartment will be nice. I hope it's not haunted. That'd be worst. Or if it's right next to a disco palace or something. I've not seen it yet, so I'm a bit nervous... or something.
Well anyway, I'm off to bed. Once again, I'll update on sunday if I have internet connection by then!
2014-08-03 14:48:46
Rock Candy
Comments (4)
2014-08-06 11:24:45
As far as I know the reason why this flash is taking ages is because Rockcandy doesn't do the coding, only the art( and maybe something else not sure) and the person who was doing the coding stopped working on it(?)and didn't say so for a few months, so now illogical is working on it.( I think anyway). Not really sure how much of this is correct, but the moral of the story is. Just Wait.
2014-08-04 22:37:58
Man I hate to agree, but I don't really get how a project can be delayed for almost a year. We totally get you moving, being busy, and having no internet, but the rest of the time (it seems like) work still isn't getting done.
2014-08-03 22:36:37
At least someone finally said it.
2014-08-03 21:00:26
maybe you should cancel the Christmas flash seeing as how it will never actually get done along with all the other ones that you don't want to finish