Late update again?!
I really need to up my game when it comes to updating, don't I? Ah well, I don't have any excuses. I was just too tired and lazy yesterday to collect all the stuff I have and write something coherent. Today, however, I had to camp by my front door because I had to mail a package, and there's no waiting tolerance with mail people I tell ya. And I also took the liberty to finish a birthday drawing for Zeta, ya know the girl behind Project X n' stuff that I was involved with.

Zeta and Zu are together again, butt to butt!

And as you asked for screenshots, here have one of the christmas flash.

Looks a little dated to me, hoahao.

And, have another screenshot of the Peach flash.

I'm going away on the 5th of july, so I hope I can finish this before that.
It's time again for the annual riddarveckan (knight week, literally translated for you non-swedish people) and it spans like a week... And a little more. This time is special, because two fans from Serbia is coming to visit. Such dedication, they put the rest of ya to shame!

I'll try to keep ya all updated anyway.
2014-06-30 05:11:14
Rock Candy
Comments (29)
2014-07-05 02:14:46
When do you come back? Is it alot left before it is finished?
Isaac N.
2014-07-03 05:23:03
Happy birthday Sixten! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come and party like it's your 18th birthday.
Rock Candy1152811527
2014-07-02 03:39:39
I'd appreciate if you didn't make modifications to my characters. I don't use flash decompilers, because I make flashes, not edit them! It's still a little short. A few more characters wouldn't hurt. Sometimes going in depth is good.
2014-07-02 02:29:03
Eh i guess its just personal taste i guess, that glitch has been happening almost everytime i select part of an object in 98% of shapes, its happening more as im using the latest version of decompiler, the last version i used didnt do it so hardcore, which version do you use? if any i mean. the word limit is alright, i think for comments its fine because i doubt il ever see anyone comment in depth about the awesomeness and practicality of anal sex ;D
2014-07-02 02:16:14
Well, damn this Christmas Flash really has some fine beastiality it seems. Just imagine how much that cock stretches out that butthole... It's almost a little painful, I could imagine, but there is always a little pain involved when it comes to making (non-consensual) buttsex, right? On a different note, aww man, that really sounds neat. I wish I could attend such an event since it sounds like a lot of fun, but it's too far away. Hope you'll have fun there, Rock!
Rock Candy1152411523
2014-07-02 00:15:46
The word limit really should be less strict. Also wow, without the ears and tails, it really looks terrible. Why even? As for the decompiler, either it is memory issues or just glitching.
2014-07-01 21:31:07
Ugh these damn word limits! hey rock since youre the only person i know who makes flash, what do you make of sothink decompiler? everytime i click some objects this shit happens any way around it? files took me 20 minutes to upload cause australia has crappy net =[ edit.rar got some zone edits in there too
2014-07-01 21:04:12
sometimes they are needed *ears or tails* if they looked really stupid (imo) id leave them, like the blonde in the second scene of the past christmas flash with Rudolf, and sometimes i just feel a tail detracts from the art of the model. but as for miaka, i really dont like penis, my own yes, but i couldnt get off to a herm i dont know why its just the way im wired i guess. i also takeout annoying ambient noises like in zones bioshock
2014-07-01 12:42:48
Wait, so the Shaodw Queen is fucking herself while in Peach's body with a shaodw-tentacle/dick thing? Sounds great!
2014-07-01 12:27:57
i gues he just want a "normal" woman. I think it's just retarded since the characters like you said are created that way, but i don't like that homosexual part also so I wouldn't mind some of those edits.
Rock Candy1151811517
2014-07-01 12:00:19
But it's a girl with a dick, not a male though. That's not really a guy, but whatever. Why would you take out the tails and ears, then the characters just look kinda dumb, since they were designed with them...
2014-07-01 11:53:36
sometimes just remove a loud audio sound, or music. in mitsies miaka i took out the balls and penis so it was just a cute girl cause im really not into any kind of homosexual natured sex, i take out tails and ears. sometimes accessories like a hat or anything i dont like
2014-07-01 09:01:47
I would like to see thiese modifications as well. Post links if you have uploaded them somewhere :D
Rock Candy1151511514
2014-07-01 04:51:37
What alterations are those? And why?
2014-07-01 03:17:31
Looks amazing rock! dunno if you read allll the comments but ive been editing some of your flashes to suit my taste, no big edits just removing some obejcts or changing colours, i hope it doesnt offend you if i do so. i would never pass them off as my own work; i have had a few requests on ULMF for some alterations to zone/ mittsies/ yours & other random makers. please dont take it as an insult!
Isaac Newton
2014-07-01 02:39:22
RC you never cease to amaze me!
2014-07-01 02:31:10
Zu is gonna get it SO good, I can't wait! :3
2014-06-30 22:31:29
My dick is exceptionally ready for the Christmas flash. . . omfg.
2014-06-30 18:42:05
Ooh! Looking great so far!
2014-06-30 18:34:11
Fantastic, really looking forward to it. Thanks RC!