So much lateness
Sorry for being late again. In the middle of the E3 conferences and all.

I had to finish a drawing to have something to show in this update hoahoa.
Here it is! A little gay perhaps, but enjoyable nonetheless. Dickgirl Zu's adventures has just started. Or something.

I also got a piece of fan art as well!
Close up of Zu's face.

I don't have much to show in the form of flashwork as I talked about last week, mostly because I've not been able to talk with GBlastMan about it. Nyah. Hard to work with no directive and knowledge of the character.

I don't think I'll get much done this week either, as there's birthdays and E3s and all that jazz. I'll try to make a few more drawings though.

Oh, and I also recieved a youtube poop from the creator of Old n' Rosen parody of Rock n' Raz, LordThexor.

Some funny stuff for sure!

Can't wait for Smash Bros. at Nintendo's E3 direct thingy, why do they always have to be the last ones?!
Speaking of which, I wish I had someone to play Mario Golf 3DS with online. Anyone got it? Wanna play? Wanted to play Mario Kart 8 online, but no luck. Either Nintendo server sucks or my modem/router is ass.

I also bought Todomachi Life. Gonna see what my characters gonna wind up doin' and shit. Intredasting stuff I say.

Myeh, I'm gonna ride this week and continue work when all the shit is over with. Have a good week!
2014-06-09 11:31:34
Rock Candy
Comments (6)
2014-06-12 22:01:43
Do not argue with the blood gods of bike shorts. They have spoken!
Rock Candy1144811447
2014-06-12 13:20:37
There's already a bunch of that made!
2014-06-12 12:45:09
You of course know, RC, that now that the nintendo conference is over, the blood gods of bike shorts demand Splatoon rule 34.
2014-06-10 13:51:30
I actually just bought Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, it's pretty baller, for the most part. The online battles are pretty intense most of the time.
Rock Candy1143511434
2014-06-09 15:38:05
Yeah, that is pretty sad. I wish it wasn't though. My income is my aspergers. And I don't think he knows.
2014-06-09 15:11:37
lmfao the video is pretty funny, and its surprisingly true, that 5 years later thingy :< anyway, ive been reading your Q&A and you say that you dont like much social interrections, i know how that feels, and you say that you live with your father, not anymore i guess, but still, no school no work, can i ask what you source of income is? do you have a side job or someting else? and does your father know about this site and this ''job of yours'' ? anyway thanks for the update! Peace!