Post moving week
The move went pretty smooth. I don't have any chairs though... So I can't really sit down and work on anything yet. There are still some things that needs to be done, but most have been done already. I moved to the big city, kind of, and there are so many burkas. Very scary for a aspie like myself.
It's a one-roomer, but all of my stuff somehow managed to fit. There's clothes all over the floor, because sorting that shit out is so damn boring. Meh. There's also a pile of boxes in a corner. What I don't like is that it's on the first floor, and the wndows are huge so everybody can just see everything I do. And it's easy for people to just jump in a window if they wish. Worst. Paranoia is a natural thing for me.

Anyway, I recieved comments on that I should give up on the christmas flash. I really don't want to give up on it. Besides, I recently got a very nice skilled guy to code the damn thing. What he did in three days has been three months of work for the previous attempters. I'm so stunned by the results that I don't know what to think. I've been so exhausted from actually doing things that I've not been able to look at it much. Huff. I should get a grip on myself. When not sorting things out, I've been playing on my Nintendo 64. Damn Paper Mario.

Anyway, the new About page finally works! It shoulda been rewritten ages ago, but at least it is done now? Yay? If there's something not making sense, do put a comment. I'll try to word it better, or something.

And to give you something to look at, I present to you:
A shitty painting of Lollo!
I'm not proud of it. But there it is.

So yeah, I can't really do anything until I get my chair back. Should be by the end of this week though. I'll try to whip up something special when that happens, for the waiting fans out there. As for now, I'm gonna go and laze about some more. Maybe I'll draw a picture or two as well! Mwah!
2014-08-11 13:35:15
Rock Candy
Comments (26)
Rock Candy1173511729
2014-08-15 23:20:36
Depends on what the coder uses, I guess.
2014-08-15 21:14:00
RC tends to use AS2, as it's easier for him to learn than the more complex AS3.
2014-08-15 19:16:31
Rockcandy i don,t really care if it takes you 16 months to finish the flash i,m fine as long as you release something let it be art a flash an update idc you know i just like seeing your work .
2014-08-15 19:09:58
2.0 , 3.0?
2014-08-15 11:38:34
Looking forward to it, man. :D
Rock Candy1172511723
2014-08-15 00:14:27
Rock Candy1172411722
2014-08-15 00:14:14
I know some basic stuff, yeah. But since I've not had a main coding guy I've not had anybody to ask. Lately I've been asking Mittsies to guide me. So there's that.
2014-08-14 20:59:36
what type of code do you use for flash?
just some dev
2014-08-14 17:18:08
If you're simply not a code guy then you may unintentionally make your work difficult to work with for a programmer. It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with, if not the code, at least what will produce a document that can be convenient to script around. A lot of animators like to do frame-by-frame on the main timeline. Ideally you'd throw each "scene" in a movieclip and then these movieclips on the main timeline. Further refinements exist but this is a good one.
Rock Candy1172111720
2014-08-14 14:39:09
2014-08-14 14:28:14
so, all the animated thing it's done, there's only code left?
2014-08-14 09:46:09
Yup, although I didn't bitch about that mostly because it wouldn't be Christmas themed. Honestly, I also wouldn't have bitched if the Christmas flash had been released in July (Christmas in July, harhar).
Rock Candy1171511699
2014-08-14 08:02:14
I'm getting flashbacks to Onihole here.
Rock Candy1171411703
2014-08-14 08:01:37
Just because it's free doesn't mean they can't complain. But I see where you are coming from. I did promise things that was out of my hands, though. It's all coding from here on out. The animations have been finished since early this year, you see.
Rock Candy1171311709
2014-08-14 07:59:50
It's fine, just sayin'.
2014-08-13 23:33:43
Well I'm sorry, I didn't see that.
happy dude
2014-08-13 14:38:29
ALL HAIL THE COOL DUDE THAT CAN CODE THE FLASH my dream is in your hands now ;3
Rock Candy1170511704
2014-08-13 12:51:49
I've realized that by now, and I believe I said so earlier.
2014-08-13 12:20:56
To be honest man the best thing to do is just in the future don't post release dates. Obviously you have a hectic life and your work relies on other people for coding and voices and that is completely out of your control. So, just don't tell people an exact date and then over several months past keep saying "It's almost done". I think that was the problem with this whole fiasco.
2014-08-13 11:26:49
Hey rock, dont listen to those assholes, like you said, people are complaining about free stuff, so screw them and continue it, that picture you posted of zu and the wolf looked so damn hot, id say your hottest work yet bud! what parts are taking the longest?