Rear ends
Here ya go:
I made a scene selector for REAR GUARD. It's a seperate flash, because... It was the easiest way for me to do it. I did it myself so it's very simplistic, but it should be enough for your fapping needs.

And as you all knew, Zu's birthday was March 6th, so I hope you all gave her a birthday fap. And if not, it's never too late.

Seeing as it was her birthday, I made some Zu related drawings.

Zu, cosplaying as a certain someone.

Zu, Sixten and his brother Hampus partaking in a threesome.

Not too shabby, me thinks!! I've been working on updating Psycho Girl and her design, and to make a reference sheet of her. Maybe that'll be finished some day next week.

Speaking of which, I got some fan arts of her too!
Psycho Girl fan art by Deven!
The same image, but with a photo-like effect!

Very intimidating. Almost works like a desktop background too.

And here's some more fan art of Zu!
This time she's been stuffed with eggs, along with some friend of hers.

And a picture of Zu's birthday party, made by DM DOKURO!

So I hope you'll enjoy the content of this week, and I shall go on to do some shit I've been asked to do. Byes~!
2014-03-09 15:49:52
Rock Candy
Comments (8)
Rock Candy1094810947
2014-03-12 03:11:23
Yeah, it seems like so!
2014-03-12 02:24:04
So then you obviously need all the help you can get as back ups lol
2014-03-10 17:46:15
Wow, thanks for rear guard!
Rock Candy1092410923
2014-03-10 02:40:34
Hoahoa, I already have a bunch to help me out. Though, they've all become quite unavailible lately...
2014-03-09 23:13:25
I kind of want to try and learn this now because you seem to need the help sometimes.
2014-03-09 20:06:02
thanks ROck! looks like you actually read the comments D: im really impressed buddy! have a good day =]
Rock Candy1091910918
2014-03-09 16:37:24
Actionscript 2.0
2014-03-09 16:11:40
Hey rock what language coding is you flashes usually?