Late-ish update.
Sorry for the late update; I was really tired yesterday. Spent most of the weekend playing Mario Kart 8. Can't play online though, due to superior Telia not allowing such fun things to be had.

So yeah, much questions are had about flashes lately! And other things. I'll try to clear it up once and for all.

About the christmas flash, it's going forward for sure. My man Illogical is working on it whenever he can. If I don't say anything about it, you can count on it going as it should. I only really focus on the negative details for some reason. I guess I'm a little secretive about progress and such, hoahoa. But sadly, not much was done this week because of a lack of computer. It'll probably be finished sometime this summer, a perfect time for a christmas flash! It's reached that point where I don't care anymore, hoahoa.

And the Yo! winner flash, is what I've been working on this last week. This is what it looks at this moment:

I wasn't given much instructions and was given much freedom with what it could be about. I tried my best to come up with something interesting, but I won't show what it is yet! I want to make sure it's good though!

Recently, I've made a little schedule for myself, which I think is much needed. I'll work on flashes during Monday to Friday, then writing character stuff on the weekends. I really wish I could have someone help me out with the writing part though, so if you're a writer, please send me an email or something! Like, a ghost writer or something... I'd just like to ball ideas and stuff back and forth with someone as well.

But anyway, got a little sidetracked there. Flashes from monday to friday. I'll shift from the Besped trade, to the Peach flash, and then to another trade I made with GBlastMan. So that is what I shall start on this week! Yash.

By the way, here's some more arts from him!
Zu & Ryuujin 1
Zu & Ryuujin 2

That's some crazy stuff!!

As for about streaming, I'd like to stream stuff, but I don't think Raz wants to anymore... Or at least, is too tired to. I don't really want to stream myself working in flash because... Well, it's a pretty boring process, and I don't feel comfortable showing everyone my shitty ways of drawing and animating...

Ugh. Well, besides from this and that, I think I'll be a little distracted from work in the near future. Runki (from Runkistum) is coming over to visit, for like a week or so. From 5th of June to 13th. Which will cover 3 birthdays, one graduation and E3. But I'll try to get work done, hoahoa!

I hope I'll have made enough progress on the GBlastMan flash to show a preview on sunday. He wanted some unique stuff in his flash, some stuff that aren't that regular around here. It wont show in the preview image, but still... You'll have something to look forward to I guess!
2014-06-02 03:56:27
Rock Candy
Comments (5)
2014-06-06 20:53:14
What's the matter, don't you like fingering turtle butts and giving Punis a rimjob?
2014-06-05 08:13:34
Exactly this, my friend. I probably didn't express my opinion on that thing vividly enough, but sheesh, that did not look good.
2014-06-05 00:20:17
Dude! EVERYTHING Paper Mario-related is more appealing than Gaper Mario. The art style in that thing, simply did NOT suit the Mario characters. Good luck with your Projects, RockCandy! :D -Alp, the femboy
2014-06-02 17:23:07
nice to see you keeping us updated almost every sunday! looks like a busy week is coming up, good luck! have a nice week man, see you next sunday! (hopefully)
2014-06-02 11:12:57
First: Woah, darn! That lucky bastard who requested that flash. Totally didn't see anything Paper Mario coming. From what it looks like this is going to be more appealing than Gaper Mario through, hehee~ And second, shit, that reminds me, I totally forgot about that writing stuff! Vidya and Touhou stuff in general has had me occupied too much, promotional stuff for some of this, too... Thanks for the reminder!