I'm not dead!!
Sorry about not writing an update last week. It's been quite... caothic over here. I'm not talking about the downtime and stuff, but in the life of mine. I have to make sure all kinds of papers get made, and I am moving again. It's also been really hot, making me extra sluggish and tired. Huff, I hope the move is much smoother this time around...

So yeah, I've not made much arts other than some sketches, which I don't want to show at this point. I only got this WIP of my new Zara profile picture. If only the new bio of hers was done... My ghostwriter ran into some troubles with his computer, sadly.

Woah, she's kind of the same...! And naked. It sure is better than the old one though. It's not finalized, and I'm going to make some different outfits for her. I hope it wont take too long, but since I do flash work from monday to friday, and spend saturday and sometimes sunday to do character work, it might still take quite some time... Mh. By the way, I might rework and redesign some of my characters visually and not only in characteristicly. Talking to my ghost writer about the bios helped me a lot to get things straightened out. If he gets his stuff sorted out, I'm sure we can make the bios really good. And shorten them down slightly, since I always tend to go into too much detail.

I also tried to update the About page, but it exploded in a classic RC.se nature. I'll have to try get that figured out as well later.

I'm sorry I don't have much else to show, not even the Tomodachi Life stuff. Maybe later during the week I'll add some, quite a lot has happened since... Hoahoa.

I have no idea if I can get much done the coming weeks due to the moving and shit, but I sure hope so.

As for you who are wondering about the christmas flash, it seems to be stuck again. My codeman needs some help it seems, but I don't know anyone else that knows actionscript. So if you have some knowledge, send me an email or something. And I'll hook you up with my current codeman.

I am still working on my besped trade, and that's moving forward at a slow but steady pace. Next week I'm gonna work on another trade I did with an artist known as GBlastman. I posted a WIP arts of that in the forums, but looking back at it now, it looks kind of terrible. I guess I'll have to start over. I don't know where to contact him either, so I can't ask for his opinion, hoahoa!
I was told that making a flash for a bunch of pictures wasn't a good deal, though. I don't know what to say about that... I was never good with "pricing" things, so to say. Just an afterthought, I guess. I'd like to hear some opinions from all you fans about that, for next time. Or somethin'.

Lately, I've gotten more ideas for drawings than ever, but I can't seem to single any out. A bit frustrating.

Well... I gotta go pack down my new laptop and send it back for reparations, again. Don't know if I mentioned it before, but I bought a new laptop which the screen broke on. So I sent it in for repairs, and when I got it back, there was an annoying buzzing sound coming from the fan which wasn't present before. And I gotta camp all morning by the front door, because mail people are like ninja master pranksters. They ring the doorbell, and then they're never seen again unless you open instantly.

So yeah, lots on the schedule now. I'll give you all an update on how it goes next week if I can. Have a good week!
2014-07-27 16:21:49
Rock Candy
Comments (5)
2014-08-03 05:21:01
Awww man, this really sounds like an awful lot to do for you, man. Really hope you manage! Where are you moving to, by the way? Further away or just a change of your four walls?
2014-07-28 20:28:55
I'm glad nothing is wrong with you. You had me worried, maaaan. ; w ;
Rock Candy1163911638
2014-07-28 05:48:02
It says in the newspost.
2014-07-28 05:09:37
Where is the christmas flash?
2014-07-27 18:29:33
Awesome, i was worried about you for a sec. nice to know people care about ya!