Just an old update
Another week passed. Man, time goes too fast. I've made some progress on my flashwork, but I coulda done a lot more I feel like. I think this is mostly because of Tomodachi Life. It's incredibly fun. I wont post a lot of pictures this time, even though I want to. It'd be too much to cover, hoahoa. If interest in what crazy antics my characters has been up to is high enough, I'll update with... An update about the life on my island! Well, if anyone is interested, I'll post my characters' QR Codes at the bottom of the news post.

I'm going to continue on the Peach flash next, and I hope I'll get somewhere on that quickly. It really feels like I've done jack shit this year, which I'm pretty sure I've said before. It's taking its toll on my motivation. Good news is though, that it's looking good for the very late christmas flash! It's actually playable now, to a degree!

I don't have much to show this week, sadly. I've sketched some new profile pictures for my characters, and I think my drawing skills are becoming better. I did get ahold of a ghost writer, but he seems to be busy with some steamy summer sale, so I'm not sure how quickly that will be done... The main problem with the bios now is that, I put too much damn effort into them. I put in all kinds of little details, and it's starting to become a novel or something. So I and the ghostwriter agreed to shorten it down, keep the important parts and I'll draw some pictures for it to make up for the loss. With that said, I hope they will be done before the end of the year. Bah.

OKay, since I don't have anything interesting to show, have a song I made in Tomodachi:

You can't help but enjoy it. Here's the QR codes for my characters, if you want them in your Tomodachi Life. The birthyear doesn't transfer, so I'll write that underneath each picture.

Birthyear: 1991

Birthyear: 1989

Birthyear: 1993

Birthyear: 1984

Birthyear: 1990

Birthyear: 1986

Birthyear: 1979
(Based on her age before death.)

So yeah, this is your chance to grab Zu and make some babies. Because sadly, there's no buttsex in Tomodachi. :c

Hoahoa, anyway, have a great week. I wish I was less of a failure, but I'll try my hardest. See ya around!
2014-06-22 16:00:22
Rock Candy
Comments (11)
2014-06-30 00:09:24
Are updates every monday now? They seem to be rarely ever on Sundays.
2014-06-29 23:00:47
so this is the end of Rock Candy?
Rock Candy1148611483
2014-06-26 10:39:28
Not as good as I would like.
Rock Candy1148511484
2014-06-26 10:39:14
I know I showed something in the forums long ago. I don't remember how much it was. Ah, it's almost sunday anyway.
2014-06-26 10:20:15
You did? Where? I didn't see any teasers in anything new's related, maybe a small screenshot in one of the countdown videos if you looked really close. Was there anything else?
2014-06-26 09:14:49
There's a distinct lack of porn lately. How are those flashes coming RC? Anyway, take care! ^^
Rock Candy1147911477
2014-06-23 15:46:24
I'm glad someone still has hope left! Hoahoa. I'll do my best!
Rock Candy1147811476
2014-06-23 15:45:41
I released some teasers a few months ago... It doesn't look much different since then.
2014-06-23 05:37:10
lmfao the song is awesome, the dance moves too xD i hope to see more of the late x-mas flash, and you no failure man, You are my favorite artist, so no worries, and im sure im not the online one :P keep it up and have a nice week!
2014-06-22 16:45:35
This...thiiiiisss. Some teaser or preview?
2014-06-22 16:03:55
You could make it up to us by showing us what the Xmas flash looks like at the moment? =D