Serbia Update
Hello, everybody. The few people who managed to catch yesterday's stream should know that the two serbs, Shrapnel and FlashMaster/Leather Icecream was here and we had some fun and shit. By the way, I drew the results of that stream. Poor little thing.

I also made some other sketches, shake 'em out if you want to!

Streching Zara
Early Pyromaniac
Piggyback Sketch
Lollo with fancy magics

Leather Icecream made a fuckton of drawings while here, and here are some of them:
Tomodachi sketch stuff
"Plutonium Candy"
Turdy drawing stuff

A lot of random, like usual.
Shrapnel also managed to draw something though:

A loli Lollo getting fucked in the ass.

They're going back home to Serbia tomorrow. Such sadness. Well, I guess it can't last forever. I have to get back to work, hoahoa!

But anyway, I still have some more fanarts to show:

Sofi and Mikaela. Sofi's in a real tough situation... Drawn by Cinndrie!

Two naughty girls, drawn by Deena! The question is, do you watch or join? Hoahoa!

Great stuff, thanks to all of ya!
My little vacation was pretty nice, I think. It's gonna be weird to be alone for a while now, hoahao. I don't even know what to say about it. It was all over the place. All in all, had a good time, don't regret it. Hope the Peach flash was decent. I'll have to go back to work on tuesday, hooray!

Well then people, I shall head off to bed, it's getting late! Enjoy the arts, and have a good night!
2014-07-13 16:39:38
Rock Candy
Comments (8)
2014-07-27 14:12:57
It's been 2 weeks since your last update. I hope nothing happened to you.
2014-07-27 01:01:29
I'd hope, in heaven of all places, he'd be doing a lot more with butts than just drawing them!
2014-07-26 12:58:53
Rock, Where are you. =/ People are worried about you.
Sad person
2014-07-26 08:40:14
i think he gonna cry for him now he's drawing butts in heaven Q_Q
Confused Person
2014-07-25 10:24:37
So, was the site down for a few days? Is this just a restored state? Where is our Sunday update with Tomodachi life posts and butt sketches?
2014-07-23 12:58:41
No new Sunday update?
2014-07-20 22:42:13
So how's the Christmas flash coming along?
2014-07-14 15:36:17
Woah. Alright, I knew Shrapnel sounded familiar, but if you had mentioned Leather Icecream, yeah, now I definitely know who you were talking about. I like the latter's BoI flashes, they are strangely entertaining. Good to see you had fun!