Man, these last weeks have been really slow for me. I need to focus on my projects, I've been enjoying Mario Golf and other miscellanious games and distractions far too much lately. So I decided to finish the Ellie flash prematurely so that I can start on the project that matters right now.

The Ellie tentacle flash loop.
Not too shabby, but I'm not really happy with it either. Egh. At least it was done in time for Ellie's birthday, which is May 11! It's May 12th here in Sweden since 40 minutes ago or some such, but it was finished before that, hoahoa! So even if I uploaded it late, it's still her birthday present! Or something. I don't know!

Other than that... I don't think there was anything else? Only something about people wanting to buy the T-shirt of mine? I could get a shirtshop open or something if interest is high enough, which I could update with motifs if I feel like it.

So yeh, I'll attempt to get my trade with Besped start soon, it's about fucking time I tell ya... Good night for now!
2014-05-11 15:40:10
Rock Candy
Comments (12)
2014-05-15 20:40:02
Working on it! Should be done this month if luck's on my side.
2014-05-15 02:14:59
The Christmas Flash going to be released soon?
2014-05-13 10:32:05
Yo! is in the green cables on the top left corner!
2014-05-12 14:06:00
Are you going to do a Sixten getting raped flash for his birthday?
Rock Candy1129211291
2014-05-12 13:21:08
Don't they steal anything they come across?
2014-05-12 11:30:53
Some asshats at gamesofdesire.com stole your Butt Plug flash.
2014-05-12 10:06:45
I would buy a teeshirt if you oppend a shop. keep up the great works
Rock Candy1128711286
2014-05-12 07:38:26
Sounds neat.
Some Human
2014-05-12 07:01:32
i'm starting to learn flash and java now, so in 2 months i'll be able to help u, if u need)
Rock Candy1128411282
2014-05-12 06:15:14
I explained my reasons in the newspost, man!
a viewer
2014-05-11 21:20:23
wasn't there supposed to be a cumshot in the loop? you did mention that.
2014-05-11 16:25:40
finaly an update dude!! so what are you planning on doing now? like are we going to get any info about the next preject? and the loop looks Awesome! ^^ keep it up!