Busy Birthday Week
Finally, everything is over. Birthdays, visitors, all that kind of stuff is done and I can have some peace once again. I couldn't spend much time doing stuff, but I did recieve various kinds of presents. Interested in what they were? Well... OKay. I'll tell.

3x caps, including one with my most hated gaming characters on it; Donkey Kong.
1 electric shaver
Some moneys.
Shorts that were already teared.
Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer: The Movie.

Amazing aint it?
Of course, I also got some birthday arts!

Birthday gift 1!
By Captain Eaglesmut!
Birthday gift 2!
Also by Captain Eaglesmut.
Birthday gift 3!
By Yellowpower!
Birthday gift 4!
By Timathor.
Birthday gift 5!
By kirbsuperstardude!

Thank you all, it makes me happy that we all can enjoy some stuffed Zu butts once a year! ...But any day is fine really, so keep stuffing that butt. I know you want to. I know I want to. Let's stuff it together. All of you at once! Mwahaha!

Oh, and E3 was quite nice. At least, I think so, from Nintendo's side.
Though, still no MOTHER character in smash. No Ness, no buy. Such are my rules.
And no, I'm not gonna draw smut of splatoot or whatever it was called. It looked fun, but damn was the pornartists all over it in an instant. I'm not really one to follow a bandwagon, so I'm gonna sit that one out. Might buy the game tho.

Speaking of games, I got my Tomodachi Life. I've been playing it a lot, I found it quite amusing. Let me post some highlights photos I snapped, ya?

Very important questions are brought up.

Sixten ate White Bread and flew into space.

Introducing the Lollo-phone.

Sixten and Zara starts dating.

Zu shows interest in my fingernails.

Sixten proposes to Zara and they get married.

Apparently only me.

RC and Zu are dating, but both fell asleep.

My apartment looks like Luigi's Mansion.

Sofi hates bugs.

Ellie's very unexpected reply was ignored, and Psycho Girl (who apparently has started talking) changes the subject to cheese.

Zu proposes to RC and they marry.

Zara wtf r u doin

Lollo also marries someone!

Sofi had feelings for Crosstail, and when he turned her down, she got pissed.

Sofi tries to lure him in with cake, but Crosstail doesn't take the bait. Amazingly, Sofi took this pretty well.

Ellie just loves flowers.

Then a boat from Christmas Island arrives at the docks.

This is the first time I've ever seen Zu angry, and she's fucking PISSED. She's even on fire.

She's angry at Yulia for some reason, and they kept throwing stuff at each other for several minutes until...

Sixten tries to sort it out.

It didn't go too well.

Zara and Sixten brushes their teeth...

And starts eating not soon afterwards. Disgusting!

This doesn't even need an explanation. It is simply the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while.

Oops, seems like it got a tad long there... But that's what happens when my aspieness gets to run free! Perhaps I'll update more next week... But I also have to get started on flash again, hoahoa! Tomorrow it's time to work on that Besped trade, so ya! I'll see ya next week!
2014-06-15 16:53:45
Rock Candy
Comments (5)
2017-01-20 13:22:29
please post the mii codes
2014-06-16 22:21:20
dude don't worry they gonna have ness in smash he is the Original 12 so he gonna be in it,I know.
2014-06-16 16:06:24
You can just tell by my face that I'm like. "I don't fuckin' believe it..." Just the contrast in emotions of the two. Amazing!
Rock Candy1145911458
2014-06-16 06:01:03
I'm not a believer of such things so I'm pretty sure I'll be fine.
2014-06-15 21:33:16
The blood gods of bike shorts are displeased to hear this, and caution you against any bike riding or wearing shorts in the near future! Double trouble if you do both at the same time!