All the motivation and energy I had last week was replaced by utter laziness and tiredness. I wonder why that is... well, at least i made some progress on Onihole again! Oh, and I updated the "characters" tab to make 'em a bit more up to date, however I have not finished backstories yet. I've kinda forgotten to work n othem lately... I really should get back to doing that as well.

Anyway, Guodzilla has some fanart for this week at least, a whole bunch of La VS. Lollo pictures!

La VS. Lollo #3
La VS. Lollo #4
La VS. Lollo #5
La VS. Lollo #6

It looks likes Lollo has the upper hand for now, but who knows what might happen later...

Hmph. I think I shall take a nightly stroll and the go to bed. Shall try my hardest to work on stuff this week!
2012-04-15 15:38:03
So site got haxx0rzed again last friday, to no one's surprise. Some guys saying that Iran is awesome, apparently. Though, personally I don't see what's so awesome about ruining other people's stuff, that sounds pretty awful to me. Those guys should really think through what they're doing and saying. They kinda contradicts themselfes.

Anyway, for once, I actually have new things to upload today!!

Let's start with 3 flashes! No, not Onihole, it is still not done.
But have some other crap instead!!

The first one is this;
Zucky Sucky version 2. As many people complained about there being a "nigger" (remember this word, it is important later!!) in this flash, telling me to remove it many times. So Mittsies took his skin-modification tool from A Blonde in the Dark and installed in Zucky Sucky. However, people complained about that his list said "nigger" in it, which apparently was some SUPER offensive word in americaland and such similiar countries. Well I am not USAian so it is not that bad of word to me.

Anyway it was removed in Sucky Zucky so you guys can shut the fuck up about that goddammit.

SECOND flash is this: Too Many Fantastic Objects!
It's two old flash projects I found while digging around in my flash folder, smashed into a single one. They're both Touhou related and godawful, so it's all good. So go ahead and watch!!

THIRD flash is a FAN FLASH: "Sixten Explains Rock Candy"!
Oooo. Made by FlashMasterXD

I have more things to show, like... These awesome pictures I made!! I made like, 6 in a period of 2½ day, which is a lot for being me!!

I'll start off with this one:
A picture a made for a guy in a trade. He hasn't finished his yet but whatever.
Next, I drew a picture of La, from the fan fiction written by Guodzilla, "Ellie and Zu Get Lost".
Monique Rochenoir de la Rochambeau being assaulted by tentacles!!
I have drawn another picture of her, but I thoiught it sucked and he deserves a better one anyway. So here it is!!

Next, I drew a picture of Ellie getting buttfucked in a public bathroom.
Because Miles Kjeller demanded it.
(I also made a version with a shitty story I made for it. )

After that was done, I thought that Ellie should get buttfucked some more, so I made this little thing:
". . . You get used to it . . .
Ellie seems to get in trouble with things like these a lot, so it's nice to hear that she deals with it pretty nice.

And the last picture, I drew because it was easter.
So it is an easter related picture, with a yummy fucking Zu-butt.

The last one wasn't really drawn by me, but by K@. However, I colored his sketch and cleaned it up a bit.
Happy stuff!!

I'm working on another Zoo comic, however I'm trying to do something other than usual. Hopefully I'll get it done by tomorrow. I have some sprites to make too, but I don't think it should take long to finish those.

That was all for me today, have fun or something!

oh, Dokuro wanted to say something too:
DOKURO's update:
After the bullshit that happened today, I barely even know what to say. 8x, 16x, and 32x-bit Nostalgia will be released on my bandcamp soon enough.
2012-04-08 12:39:07
yesyes, we know.
2012-04-01 16:49:57
I spent the whole last week cleaning my computer and room. Yes, I am slow. Yes, I am procastinating making finishing the flash. But the cumscene is the hardest part of them all, as I have probably said it before. Also I was getting really tired of havingn lots of crap on my computer that I never use, so I cleaned things up and reorganized everything. It took some time, but I am mostly done now.

Raz posted this comic yesterday, but I'm giving you the uncensored version now.
Nyorp Nyorp, click here to see!

I'm satisfied with the results.

Anyway, as I said I was cleaning shit up, and I found lots of interesting things in my old pictures folders:

This here is an old picture of some girl I colored in flash. While the colors might look nice, the girl isn't that fantastic. Meh.
Large picture of girls getting buttsexed by tentacles. It was supposed to be colored by some guy who eventually abandoned it and I forgot about it. Well, here it is now! Not that great, but not that bad either.
Zu with horse. A picture that's kinda old. There isn't really much to it than Zu getting a horse dick up her anus.
First adult picture of Ellie. Yeah... It sucks. But still.
SMILE! Some creepy picture of Zoo...
Parasite Zu. Myeah, I found this kinda interesting, so I uploaded it. I wonder what happened to her.
A short flash loop. A little flash that I made a while back. It's not that good, but it became sort of an inside joke between me and Raz. Fried egg.

I also found a lot of other art, but I don't want to flood the art section with lots of old pieces. You probably don't care anyway.

As for future plans, I'm gonna make some sprites, 'cause Zeta said next demo of Project X is supposed to be released soon... So I have to do that shit real fast then I can go back to my Onihole flash.
2012-03-26 06:51:55

2012-03-25 11:46:35
As many of you wanted me to make a flash of that one Zoo sketch I posted last week, I did the next best thing: I colored it!!!
Hopefully, you'll like it.

As for Onihole news, I have reached the point where I have to make the cumscene. I shall try my best to make it worthwhile!! It may take forever, but hopefully, I will not disappoint with it. I want it to be a little more than what I've done so far; just a few squirts...

Other than that, I don't have much else to say.
I think I'll start workin' on it tomorrow. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Nights.
2012-03-18 17:35:33
gragh, my gums hurt. Stupid wisdom tooth growing out. The pain has made me lie in bed feeling sorry for myself for some days now.

Anyway, as last TUESDAY (3rd of march) was Zu's birthday, I decided to finish up this old picture that has been lying around forever:
And Guodzilla also drew a picture for Zu's birthday:
Zu Triple? Sixten Triple? Whatever...

Shame on the rest of you who didn't celebrate her birthday >:C

Well I have two other pictures for us today.
One is an old sketch of Zoo, which was supposed to be used in a flash at some point, but got cut out.
It's a bit sketchy...

And the LAST ONE IS.......

Of Raz and his girlfriend Yulia.
Ya. Raz even made a flash out of it! It's his first, so you should totally SHAKE IT OUT!!!


So uhm... Yeah I think that was everything for this week. Only have some things left to do before I will start working on the cumscene in Onihole. However, thses things can take some time... Especially the hair and chains... I wonder if I should... Hmmmmmm..... Yes...... Maybe...... Or not.... I'll figure it out....
2012-03-11 18:03:03
Sorry for being late with updating. I was so tired yesterday I went to bed early and forgot to update.

I don't have a lot to share anyway, just part 10 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost:
Written by Guodzilla.

As for me, I've gotten to the point where I have to start making the cumscene in Onihole. If you didn't know, it is often the hardest and most tedious part of the flash that you have to make, so I have been procastinating it for a while now, doing some other shit instead.

Not only that, but I also have to make a lot of frame-by-frame animation of small details like this:

And it takes so much time and it is so boring. Though it isn't very hard, at least.

Loooots of driplets. It probably doesn't look very impressive on a still shot, but I put a lot of work into this.

Ah, well, I woke up really early today and couldn't fall back to sleep so I'm kinda tired. I shall rest a bit and then try to work some moar...
2012-03-05 02:10:49
This week, I got some fanarts from Guodzilla! By next week, the next part of Ellie and Zu Get Lost will probably be done as well.
The sabergirls trying on some new clothes!
Za being herself!

I have been working on animating tentacles for this whole week, and it is still boring. I'm almost done with the tentacles, but then I have to add juices n' stuff on them which also takes forever... Huff, all this effort I put into this, I hope it is not in vain...

Also, have some RC character Miis.

I'm getting tired, so I shall go to sleep, I guess.


2012-02-26 17:01:29

I have barely done anything on anything this week. I animated some tentacle slime on wednesday, but I think that was all I did. So because of that, I drew some Lollo pictures real quick...

A bunch of Lollo skteches. Wanted to draw her butt, so I did. You don't usually see it, but here it is.

In Fan Stuff news, we've got a new fan fiction, from our own SuperShark88 from the forums! Not that any of you visit it, but still... :3
It's a bit on the short side, but it's very well written.

Annnnd, I got some fan art as well! Two drawings from "Mugen"!
Linda about to do some snowboarding...?
And Ellie with... Tentacles and milk!

Very awesome fan stuff this week, though I feel like I don't deserve it for being such a lazy ass. :C
Sigh. Well, most stuff that I had to do is over with and I can continue flashing now, I hope.

So... uhm... Bye for now!

Also have some Green-eyed Jealousy.
2012-02-19 17:21:15
It's sunday already?! Meh.

Oh well, this week, I finished up smaller projects I had to do. And again, I'm left with no content to upload. At least I got some fanstuff to update with!!

Namely, the fourth part of "The Dungeon"!
He also drew a picture of Damien: Look at it!!
Both things made by Damien himself, of course.

And three pictures by FlashmasterXD!
Some game thingy crossover...
Zu's winterjacket
Valentines Day

Myarp! Very nice.

Now that I think of it... I did upload the new WIP biographies at the forum a while ago.
Here's links to them for those who are interested! Keep in mind that they're still work in progress and they may change as I keep working on them.

Zu's bio!
Zu's backstory!
Za's bio!
Zoo's bio!
Ellie's bio!
Sixten's bio!

Bleh, I shall work on Onihole next week...
2012-02-12 13:46:02
Tentacles are so BORING to animate.
I've not worked a lot on the flash this week. I suddenly got the urge to play through EarthBound, so I'm currently doing that at the moment. Stupid wonderful game, being all awesome. Oh well, I'm near the end, so I should be back with working on flash soon.

I don't really have a lot to share this week, just two fanarts from Guodzilla.

Picture 1 & Picture 2!

Also, my Wii broke, so now I can't get distracted by playing Brawl all the time. I guess that's a good thing, but that's also what made me pick up EarthBound again.

I should go to sleep now. I need to get up early tomorrow... Today, I mean.
Bleh. I hate making tiny updates, but I really don't have anything else to talk about.

So, G'night~!
2012-02-05 18:36:03

Just 'cause I'm so awesome, I'm doing this anyway. It's just a WIP shot, so stuff may look a bit odd. I bet you're tired of her expression looking the same all the time, but I haev not made those yet, I'll do them sometime near the end when all the main animations are finished.

Dokuro is also sending this from his "backup" computer that he borrowed from his parents or something.

Guodzilla drew some more of Herbert as well.

Hmm, I don't think there was anything else right now... Hmmm.... It feels like there was something else I wanted to say, but I don't know what that could be.
Anwyay, I'm off to take a shower.

[?=size]SHOWER POWER!![/?]
2012-01-29 16:33:41
I'd like to start out with Dokuro's update.

Hey. It's gonna be a long pause from now. The computer is finally dead, and until early-to-mid-February, I won't be able to talk to you guys, or give you updates on important things. The bitter truth is: Life is getting the best of me.

Soon enough, I'll have to work with MassRehab to get my driver's license. Something I loathed doing, because that would lead to the next step: Getting a job, which leads to another step: going to college, and the final step: Getting married... If that ever happens. I'm not so humorous, but hey. I'm not so social either.

Other than that, this will be my "final" message to you until I get a new computer, and hopefully work on the Character themes again.

Until then, I'm off for good.


Fucking hell, I miss you all already.

Dokuro sent this to me before his computer died forever. :C
I sure do hope that he manages to get his hands on a new computer. He is a good friend. I'd also rather not release Onihole music-less...

So for updates this week, there's two new fanarts from Guodzilla!

Saber girls & Herbert!!

I also got a fan flash from FlashmasterXD that I turned into an adult one.
Lollo VS. Zu (RC Edit)
I made it in about 6 hours or something, and I think it's pretty nice for a quicke.

Also, I have been workinng Onihole most of the week, and I have almsot finished "loop1" now. Damn tentacles takes forever to animate.
Here, have a screenshot:
2012-01-22 19:41:24
Hoi, I'm posting this update because DM DOKURO needs some help with money. I'll let him explain it to you:

Hey, everyone. Sorry I've been away for a while, but I've got unfortunate news.

The sound card in my computer is permanently damaged, thanks to the integrated graphics card. This now delays EVERY music project currently available.

So I REALLY need help if all else around me fails.

The Zen Garden

Please support me and purchase one of these items. It will REALLY mean a lot to me.

The Zen Garden EP is a 5-track compilation of newer music projects.
1. Our Father Time
2. Closed Path
3. The Never-Ending Imaginary Adventures of a Childish Mind (Zu's current theme)
4. Another Traumatic Night at The Hospital (Remix)
5. Unwind

Leviathan is (and was) my most successful album, full of mixed emotions.
1. Restless Sea, Clouded Sky (Sixten's Theme)
2. The Red Skies of Thunder (Lollo's Theme)
3. Their Hearts were Never Mended
4. The Dream Weavers
5. Depression: Forgiveness
6. The Sands of Time
7. I Dream Of The World
8. Zypher
9. Restless Sea, Clouded Sky (Remix)

So please give these a listen, and purchase one of them if you enjoy them. Again, the donations would really mean a lot.

No, I'm serious. I want to make music. Now.


You'll help both me and him out by doing this; I'll get my Character Theme's done and awesome music for my flashes. He made the music for the SSAASSC, and BHEE & the SZ flashes and I'd like to continue having awesome music for both my characters and flashes.

I gave him 150$ myself, and he needs a minimum of 400$ to buy himself a computer. So if you have some spare money, you should totally help us out.

Thanks, bye! :3

(Also as I don't have a deadline on the Onihole flash anymore, I'm putting down some more work into it and adding some extra stuff, so it might take a little longer to finish it.)
2012-01-18 12:30:46
I've finally started working on projects again, which feels nice. I have so many of them though, so I'm not sure which one to work on!!

Anyway, I only got a little picture to show today: Za kickly-kicks!

And a single fan art from Guodzilla as well: Zu meets Saber Zu!!

Other than that, there's isn't a lot to say... I'll try to make something for next week, at least.
2012-01-15 10:27:54
I'll make this short, as I'm about to go to sleep...

Three new fanficitions!
Part 2 of "The Dungeon"!
Part 3 of "The Dungeon"!
Part 9 of "Ellie and Zu Get Lost"!

A new flash made by me & FlashmasterXD:
It's funny, I hope! GO shake it out!

And a new picture made by me! It's a foursome...
There's also a "Download" button in the comment sections of the pictures now, so you can see/download the pictures in full format, instead of the shrunken down one. Nice, yes?

In other news, I've been unable to work on any of my projects yet... I've only made minimal progress on some things. It feels kinda bad, so I hope I can get back to work on them "full time" soon....
2012-01-09 20:25:18

Server was being full or something, that's why the site was down for the last two day. Not sure why the news are gone though! Must've been some glitch or something. I'll look into it...
2012-01-04 04:19:11
Hope you liked the previous update, with the flash and all that blaha blaha.
Today's update is a bit smaller.

'cause I'm cool, I'll let DM DOKURO say what he wants to say first.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hey, everyone, your favorite evil eyeless foxboy here with yet another oldie of mine:
SHADOW OF LIGHT 2: Clear Canvas!
I was pretty depressed when I made this shit-heap... But whatever. The good news is that there's only a few albums left until 8x-bit Nostalgia.

Oh, and I've JUST realized that I can't draw worth shit. RC says I can, but I doubt that's true...(CN)
From the low scores of my work on this site, I think the fans speak for themselves.

Oh, and here's a question: Since the "Something Different" series were a success, would you like to probably know more about Crosstail and a few others?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I got a fanart from Dokuro as well;
A picture of Psycho Girl!
And one from Guodzilla too!
Sabertooth Zu?!
I like 'em a lot! :3

As for me, I've drawn some shit this last week.

Train Drawing 1
Train Drawing 2
Strippers, fan art of the fanfiction "Ellie and Zu Get Lost".
Gaming Nezumin, a picture I drwe for Dokuro!
Rape the Maid 1
Rape the Maid 2

And if anyone is interested, the harddrive on my computer is about the die.
Luckily, I had bought a new computer in case something like that would happen. I successfully moved all the valuable stuff to this one, so don't worry that I lost anything.

The screen on this computer is HD, so everything is tiny tiny.
The downside is that it makes a constant "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee" sound, which is kind of annoying.
2011-11-06 18:21:52
Stupid glitch makes yet another empty newspost.
I'm just gonna copypaste the latest one into it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the last week's update was a complete failure, I hope this one will make up for it.

Let's start with the fanfiction and the fanart I got from Guodzilla!
Download it now! It has lots of smexy scenes and what not!
Along with the story, comes two pictures:
Moneymaker Shaker 1 and Moneymaker Shaker 2!

He also made another picture of Ellie, not connected to any story:
Ellie with a Sabertooth!
As well as a Happy Halloween picture!

Not only that, but Soda decided to color one of his pictures; Friday and Za!

Great stuff, great stuff! :3

And, now for a some completely unexpected:
DM DOKURO got tired of being at Breakbit, so I let him advertise and "blog" through here until he finds a new place to be at. He'll be giving links to his albums too, for free.

Dokuro's corner:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Yeah. I left Breakbit. Shoot me. But here's some good news: I'm posting my songs up on Bandcamp. I'm just hoping there isn't too many of you out there, since there's like 200 download credits a month or whatever. So yeah. Expect updates on the character themes as well. I'll be getting to work on those as soon as 32x-bit Rejects is done. Anyway, since I'm starting off new, I might as well post something old.

SHADOW OF LIGHT: Promises and Lies

This was the first album that I posted on Breakbit. Be warned, though. It's very noobish compared to my other works. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm on this site. I'd rather be here than on a label with 6+ jackasses that think that they can create music.

Oh, and here's the instructions on how to download the album free:
-Click on "Buy now (Name your price)"
-Set the amount of money to 0
-The "Checkout now" button should change to "Download now".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you don't remember or know who Dokuro is, he's the guy who made the character themes for my characters! Go check his other stuff out too! There's a limit of 200 downloads a month, so you have to be quick if you want to get it...

Anyway, I have yet to show what I've been doing lately.
First, let's start out with some PICTURES. The whole three of them.

1. Worst Captcha Comic ever made. The title is very true.
2. Depressed Pomsy. A picture I drew for Dokuro.
3. Lollo being mean! And another picture I drew for Dokuro!

And the last thing we will look at today, is a Halloween flash I made.

(Press the picture to go to the flash.)

So uhm... I tried something new this time, with a lot of help from Mittsies, we got it to work, so do check it out.

That was all. Have a nice halloween and don't get killed by trick or treaters. See ya!
2011-10-31 01:26:17