Two kinds of butts
Today, I present to you, two kind of butts:
Ellie... "painting", or something. Her butt is showing, that's for sure.
Genderbent Zu, called Theodore. Even his butt is showing!

Yes, one large female butt and one smaller male butt. That just shows that any butt can get penetrated by stiff dicks. Oh well.

And have this:
Old characters that I drew anew. These will not be added to the character gallery or anything, they're just... there. They don't have any personality or backstory whatsoever. Hmph.

Fan art from Brockus! Some weird stuff is going on here... But weird isn't always bad!

Yus yus. That was that. That was it for today.

In other news... There is none.
Well, yes, acutally there is some. Zeta decided to put some characters to the side for some time, so they can focus on making more stages instead. We're talking Project X. Zu is still in, though. With fewer characters to make sprites for, it's gonna get a lot faster to progress with stages and such. I hope. Now is also the chance to improve upon old rapes, as the rest of the characters will sprited in later (hopefully by someone else than me!), and I really think some enemies could use some uppity in their rapeanimations. The spider and the Chao, is what I thinking of adding some to, so I'm gonna spend next week to do that. Sprites and whatever.

And, Raz and I also bought a streaming machine for our own amusement, so that we can stream ourselfes competing in various games. We've made a bet, that if he wins in 10 different games before me, he can shave my head. And if I win, my hair stays. Silly, I know. But fun, for us. I'll post the link to my channel whenever we get stuff going, if you are interested in other things that porn.

That's that, and now I'm heading to bed! Good night and good faps, to all of you!
2012-11-25 18:37:24
Rock Candy
Comments (3)
2012-12-01 19:29:59
Any news on a new version of Project X? I know there is a website and I know what it is, but I am too lazy to browse their forum for answers.
2012-11-29 00:17:59
I wanna know what the specs of the set-up is, also heres to hoping you win :D
2012-11-28 10:34:01
I want to join the streaming! :D Either now this weekend och after christmas!