Don't have a lot to update with today...

I and Raz streamed some more games, and I lost badly. The score is now 7-3 to Raz. It seems like my hair is a goner :C

So yeh... Next time is probably gonna be next weekend, and then we'll see if I can make a supercomeback. The best parts will end up on youtube, for those who are interested.

And when we're done, maybe I'll continue streaming stuff... If people are interested enough.

But we'll see about that. I'm going back to work!!
2013-01-20 17:14:36
Rock Candy
Comments (3)
Rock Candy8706
2013-01-21 10:03:10
Yes, I will still post things here. I'm not moving yet. And slow loadtimes is probably your internetconnection, because it works fine for me. Press the thumbnails for the slideshowthingy.
2013-01-21 09:58:19
oh and one more thing. While im looking through all of your drawings sometimes it takes forever too load. so i started to think if you wanted to could you make a big slide show with a lot of your pic's. Well thank you for taking the time to read my comment :)
2013-01-21 09:49:05
Hey rock candy. Will you be posting anymore flash's on this site anymore or will you be posting them on HentaiFoundry? that includes pictures aswell