Only a week left until christmas, and I am starting to make the animations for the flash today. Tried to make backgrounds all day last night, but I ended up hating all of them. Ugh. Spent a lot of time on the art, and wasting lots due to a horrible sleeprythm, friends coming over and Paper Mario and Wii U stuff. I hope I can get it done on time this time, huhu.

And yesh, I forgot to update last night once again, I really need to get my shit back together... uhm... Don't really have a lot to update with. I guess I'll give ya a small screen shot of the flash and then let you go on to do whatever.

Well, time for me to start this shit up. See ya next sudnay/monday!
2012-12-17 06:05:22
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
2012-12-21 11:09:35
Here is mine: 4725-7997-9240
Rock Candy84158413
2012-12-19 14:44:23
2012-12-18 18:52:33
Hey rock candy, can I have your 3ds friend code
2012-12-18 11:05:57
Yeah looks great, just something needs to be done with her pussy, no penetration but maybe she could spread it or something could come out of it like cum,squirt or piss? anything really as long as it is doing something, Also she needs something bigger in her ass, I looked back at your easter pic where she was being tricked into putting an egg in her ass and I thought maybe you could do that. Thanks - Awesome-O a dedicated fan.
juju bean
2012-12-18 02:59:18
2012-12-17 11:06:00
looking great :) fap fap
2012-12-17 07:35:40
Just by looking at the picture it looks to be another great flash of yours. Also this is just me being picky, but at the bottom of your post where it is supposed to say Sunday it says sudnay. Srry it just bugs me :/.