Late update again.
Damn, I've been forgetful lately... I have so much on my mind right now. I'm going to move very soon, and there's so much that needs to be done. I'm not used to all this stuff going on, so I've been a bit absentminded lately. So yeah...

Don't really have much to say today either.

Well, there's been this contest for Project X this month, which is almost over by this point... But it's supposed to be people making boy-versions of the characters in the game for some genderbending stuff or whatever, and as most of them are sonic fans and probably don't give a shit about Zu, I doubt she'll get any suggestion-pictures. Now, I'm not a guy who finds boys sexy, so I do not know how to make a boy-Zu look good and such... So if anyone's up for it, draw a quickie of boy-Zu, and I'll have some to choose from. Even a single picture would help, actually...

Well, enough about that. I'm going to continue work on Besped's flash soon, so I'll be out for now! Got any questions, just leave a comment and I'll reply if I can.

2012-10-29 09:23:46
Rock Candy
Comments (25)
Rock Candy81528147
2012-11-04 02:46:17
There's not much room for small details like that when working with sprites. You have to go with looks.
a huge fan
2012-11-03 19:51:27
I could've given some better advice on how to change "him" to "her" (just watch "Låt den rätte komma in"), nevertheless you could change the reactions to b-hole sex to a bit more protestive or have "him" struggle a bit more. Or maybe slow down / change the octave to a bit lower one.
2012-10-30 13:25:09
I give up, create a bald O-o
2012-10-30 12:58:57
Yeah I did. Sorry.
Rock Candy80988097
2012-10-30 12:18:43
Yeah that's what I'm trying to make. Did you not read what I wrote?
2012-10-30 12:17:05
Or Zu the catboy that'll be cool!
Rock Candy80968095
2012-10-30 12:11:36
That's not Zu.
2012-10-30 12:06:24
Maybe you can bring out that catboy of mine :3
2012-10-30 06:38:49
Give Boy-Zu a bit of a tougher look then. Say Zu's shoes could remain the same style, kinda like Hi-top Converse. Keep the brown hair long, but make it something like dreadlocks instead. Yellow pants, with one leg up. You could have the dreadlocks in a ponytail tied up by a green headwrap or something.
Rock Candy80938088
2012-10-30 04:42:38
It's supposed to be similiar to how it is now.
Rock Candy80928089
2012-10-30 04:41:52
Yes, you probably will. And yes, I do. It's just that I'm too busy to do anything specific, but I still keep various ideas in mind.
2012-10-29 22:17:25
Will we ever see Za in her slutty outfit again? Also do you still look at the request box?
2012-10-29 19:13:45
well and stand with hair like that of Elvis
2012-10-29 16:09:14
how about that hair like Justin Bieber? XD I'm just kidding!
Rock Candy80868085
2012-10-29 16:02:58
Spiked hair? She's not a manga!
2012-10-29 16:01:42
and put it in spiked hair?
Rock Candy80848082
2012-10-29 15:47:59
The problem here is, these clothes doesn't make him look attractive in any way; the hairstyle is extremely hard to make look boyish, without it being too... Boyish. You'd want a girlish looking boy. V:
2012-10-29 15:22:52
1, 75 meters high brown Hair and small and clothes with colors similar to Zu
2012-10-29 13:34:38
A boy-Zu yah say? Well, I'm no good at drawing, so I'll just type up an idea: - Short, brown hair (kind of like Sixten's) - Green eyes - Orange V-neck - Green shorts - Green and orange sneakers I guess it's just a start... it's hard-ish to explain what I'm thinking of... :S
Rock Candy80818080
2012-10-29 13:15:04
Well, I hope someone gives me some pointers, because my attempt was worse than horrendous...