Stand By
Actually, this is TheFxApocGroup speaking, once again..

The bastard removed our shit. :| But oh-well..
2013-01-02 17:55:49
Comments (53)
2013-01-04 15:06:29
Heya apocgroup, may i have some of your time? if you aren't so busy with hacking and stuff, i would be glad if you could read comment and reply if it's possible. There's no cursing in it or anything by the like. One day i was just enjoying my net surfing and found this site to spend some time. There were people that had some common interest with me so it looked fun and all. When i finally decided to openly participate in the website, boom. This sort of event happens. i had bad luck. So, there's just one concern of mine to question. What exactly are you going to change in the website? There's no need for a reply if it's too bothersome, or the information can't be mentioned. After all, i'm just a random someone in the net, voicing(writing in this case) a little complain of not much importance. By the way, my grammar isn't that good but i tried to make it understandable.
Two simple words Hackers
2013-01-04 14:00:18
fuck you
2013-01-04 06:07:09
This is the stupidest shit I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Like, seriously? Whats stopping Rock Candy from just using a bigger site like newgrounds or ect to upload shit? Why do these so AWESOME PRO HAXORS care so much about this dudes little backwater website? I'm really confused here, is RC secretly the emperor of sweden or something? Why aren't these people "hacking" furaffinity or secondlife or something? Congratulations on harassing the shit out of this low-risk low-security unimportant art-blog of a website guys, seriously I am impressed, except I'm not.
2013-01-04 05:56:33
Wow you no life losers have nothing better to do with your day do you. Besides pester a artist about his work just because YOU dont like it. Do everyone a favor grow the fuck up and get a life. You can sit there and try and argue and send insults back saying you do have a life but Bro just me if you had a life you wouldnt be wasting your time with this site
2013-01-04 05:38:12
Rock Candy can do whatever the fuck he wants on his own god damn website. If you want to make the thing better, then thats fine, but there is NO need to fuck it up, take it over, and change the agenda to something that no-one who visits this site want. Stop playing badass anonymous hackers and fuck off.
2013-01-04 05:07:24
So, the countdown thing is done... where's this 'web conference'? Or is it not going to be public? Which would be a severe disappointment, as I was interested in watching and perhaps even commenting on the proceedings...
2013-01-04 03:00:20
hackers arent bad people i mean what they want is for rc stop making porn also rc is looking for trouble,he could just abandon this site but he seems to like suffering plus mittsies is responsible for most of the best animations knowing basic cryptography,hacking is quite an art
Concerned Citizen
2013-01-04 02:54:34
(But uhh..They do have good taste in music, at least.)
Concerned Citizen
2013-01-04 02:48:46
If I got this straight...You're gonna' try to stop RC from making porn? Come on man, that's a really fucked thing to do. (On a side note, RC is a cunt imo, but he makes good porn.)
2013-01-04 01:59:00
`nonintellectual beings that watch porn all day, with nothing more better to do` oh thats rich as far as i know theres more dumbasses and idiot not watching porn like say....religious people you hackers are just too sensitive and innocent there is no way you can purify the net you are giving hackers a bad name by wasting time on this foolish errand
2013-01-04 01:55:56
not if RC supports loser hackers who thinks they are all powerful because they can aint hard,its taught in informatics support and computer maintenance dont even need high school diploma to study this
2013-01-04 01:55:30
I hope the conference is saved somewhere else so I can see it latter(Alongside anyone else who might miss it). I need to sleep for something important tomorrow and I can't waste two hours waiting. Also the butthurt comments are very entertaining to read. Can't say I entirely support the hacking but seeing people angry is always funny. Besides RC is kind of a dick, I am not surprised this happened, he kind of had it comming.
Prof. Walrus
2013-01-04 01:38:48
Therefore we stand together and support Rock Candy!!
2013-01-04 00:54:05
if RC collaborates(lets himself be blackmailed) he will lose a lot of followers and respect who the hell would let himself be intimidated and bullied by low lvl hackers? also no one would want to donate to a guy who constantly get hacked and gives in to their demands
Zeus Kabob
2013-01-04 00:40:38
Well, I guess these hackers will have their fun. I'd be worried about some exploits running on vulnerable computers (a VLC media plugin is in the hacker's message. As it's not enabled by default on Chrome, I assume it's something that could be dangerous). Keep safe, everyone, and hopefully the hackers don't waste too much of Rock Candy's time. I wanna see that Christmas flash! :)
2013-01-04 00:33:00
noobie hackers that is,this site security is total shit,14 yrs old could hack it
2013-01-04 00:05:30
Hahaha! Anonymous, boohoo, gb2gaia you fucking newfags, mommy's waiting for you. On a serious note, RC, switch over to something safer, as has been suggested. There you can no doubt get in touch with people who can help you construct safer and more well-protected sites. I love your art, but until you get this stuff fixed, I won't come here and sate these little shits' ego.
2013-01-03 23:35:05
why does Rc stands for this? Why doesnt he just say `go fuck yourselves` and abandon this low level security website to those offended virgin hackers and either open a blog or just keep posting on FA or Hentaifoundry or inkbunny
2013-01-03 23:32:27
`bringing freedom to the net` hacking and forcing an artists to do what they want yeah right
2013-01-03 23:07:32
why are you guys afeiliating (sorry if misss spelled)your selfs with anonymous they mess with government sites not take out a small artsite that isnt hurting anything i have respect for anonymous not for you failures take down the anonymous banner your bringing them a bad name