Very late update.
Sorry for being late with the update this week, but I've been quite busy the last few days...

I bought myself a Wii U, so I've been playing with that and there's a visitor here at the moment, so that also eats some time.
But I am working on a christmas flash now, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't take as long as Onihole to make, huhu. I only have a few weeks to finish it, so don't go expect anything fantastic out of it! The title is still in the works, so we'll see what it will be called. I can say it's a bit Rule 34-ish and original at the same time, but other than that, you'll have to wait and see what it turns out to be! I'm working on it as I write this...

It's 7 in the morning, but I'm not that tired. So I'm using my time working on the flash. Hah...

WELL, there's a fan art for uploading at least! From Brockus Dain:
Kirby Sofi? Kinda? I'm not sure what it's supposed to reference to, but it looks soothing.

Hmm... Well, I should finish up what I'm doing and go to bed.
Good night, and I'll see you all again on sunday!
2012-12-03 21:53:19
Rock Candy
Comments (10)
so still lying to your self?
2012-12-26 21:16:34
so when you type you bought your self your wii u dont you mean your daddy got it for you
2012-12-10 16:02:12
Yeah, we need moar butts! Buttsecks! BUTTS FOR THE BUTT LORD! ALL HAIL ROCK CANDY!
2012-12-10 11:18:58
Hey Rock Candy it's Monday and still no update ???? this makes me sad your what i look forward too every sunday :))
Rock Candy83598358
2012-12-04 09:15:55
Oh, yeah, Besped. I'm waiting for him to finish his stuff so we can do our collabs. I have not heard from him for a while, so I guess he's busy. Don't worry, it'll come around sooner or later.
2012-12-04 09:14:01
What about that thing you had going with besped? You know, the one with ealier flash that got corrupted? You didn't tell anything about that....
Rock Candy83578353
2012-12-04 04:21:54
It's a surprise!!
Rock Candy83568352
2012-12-04 04:21:14
It's a new console.
juju bean
2012-12-04 01:16:49
A christmas flash, this should be interesting!:)
2012-12-03 23:44:42
Concept drawing for the Christmas flash? Or are you going to keep it a surprise?
2012-12-03 23:42:48
Glad to hear you're active once again. So is the WiiU like a completely different console from the Wii, or is it just an addition to the Wii? I've seen a few things around youtube, but I've just been too lazy to check it up completely.