And the rain makes me sleepy~. I better try to keep today's update short!

Let me cover some drawings first! Both from me and from others!
Mine first!
Stuck in the Swing! Zu unfortunately gets herself into trouble again...
Punished Girl 2. Lollo and her possessing shenanigans are up to no good once again.
Sofi the Bully 3, poor Zu just isn't left alone these days.

I tried to draw some more things this week, but I hit sort of an art block or something halfway through, couldn't get things to look the way I wanted. That's really frustrating sometimes.

Anyway, there's some nice fanart this week as well!

Public Sex with Aisha, Sheelah and Ellie, Cerberus Carmine's huge tittied and dicked girls make a comeback!
Zu Does a Peace Sign 1 & Zu Does a Peace Sign 2. Riosthename made these nice sketches for me!
Zu Emote. I signed up for this thing a while ago, Satannie was offering. So, here's a sad Zu emote!

I wish I could tell you I had some samples of Sofi's voice to show you, but in the middle of trying to get things just right, the VA got a nasty cold! That's going to slow down the Sofi part for a while, since she needs to get over the damn thing and get back on track. While the worst symptoms of a cold usually passes after a few days, the voice is affected for a longer period afterwards. Drat.

Well, at least there's more progress being done on the Lollo flash as of now. Mittsies got some free time again to continue with the project, and I made some changes in it to make it a bit easier for him. It's still pretty buggy, but it's starting to shape up. The abundance of various voiceclips and different facial expressions is making it quite difficult to balance out. But it's making slow, steady progress at least. And I'd say that's positive.

Lastly, I want to show you another sketch I made, which I think will work out great for the Zu/Johanna flash part.

It's very rough, I'll have to redraw it and fine tune it for the final art later of course! This position will make the action up close and good, while also being relatively easy to work with! I have high hopes for it.
I also redrew the background completely, hopefully it will make the main scene pop out more against it. I'm still really bad with colors due to colorblindness, so I don't know yet. But eh, this one is a bit more optimized, I think the previous background made things a bit laggy during certain animations. It's not as busy.

And I guess I can try to cover some of the questions you asked last time. I'm glad to have recieved so many comments, it makes it easier to judge what I should try to include and what I could change for the better. Or leave out completely. I appreciate the sketches and picture references that was posted too!

"Remove pubes option?"
Got this a lot. I might include one. I don't think there's any garbage area behind them in any of the animations, but I would have to check. It wouldn't be super hard.

"I liked the pose where she was handcuffed to a pole and I think that pose covers all of your criteria pretty well. I sketched out what the pose could look like in the flash as a warm up and figured I'd post it here if it'd help you pick a good direction for the pose."

Not really a question, but I wanted to to highlight these sketches CountMoxi made! Big, fatass Zu and Johanna, hoahoa!

"While I'm not a fand of voice acting outside of general sounds and moans the artwork and aination you have going for this is fucking fantastic and just the quality has me just counting off the days As for the pose i think it really depends on the animals that are going to be in it."
Personally, I think the additional voicelines adds a more personal touch to the flash! I also write my lines with a bit of comedy though, so it might be understandable that they're not likeable by all. But I don't really like the generic "oo fuk my pussy" kind of approach I see in most other porn.

I had a little suggestion time at my discord server a few weeks ago too, where I asked what sort of animals that people wanted to see in it. I got a lot of request for dog, pig and horse. And a whole lot of other things too, but those suggestions weren't animals and thus didn't fit the context. The thing I got out of the whole thing was that an overwhelming amount of people wanted Zu pregnant one way or the other.

"Can there be an option to add dicks? A feminine penis would be nice."
Not this time. If I want that option to be implemented well, I'd have to do a lot of work to not make it look static or tacked on. I'd also want to make it go hard, soft and ejaculate. The balls would probably also be problematic, since they'd hang down over the anus which makes it difficult to make them co-exist with various anal penetration animations.

"if youre keen on just equine maybe an option for color variants too, and a sweaty option for her skin perhaps"
I did add color options in the Zara part, so it might be possible. We'll see, I don't remember the requirements for not making them completely glitch out, it had something to do with having them on the same layer or appear at all times, which is kinda difficult to do when I'm planning on having a few different kinds of cocks. But, we shall see.

The sweaty skin option might be nice. I'd have to figure out how to draw it well, though. We'll see about that too.

"One thing that I'd really appreciate is the cumflation stuff being optional. I know it's kinda your thing, but it's just kinda gross to me and the option to have it not happen would be really appreciated"
Usually, cuminflation has to be animated in manually into the scenes, so it's not always easy to make it optional. With these flashes, considering their complex and rather lengthy animations, it's not possible to do so.

"You wouldn't suppose you could have them suspended in air and arms bound behind their backs. It could fit the theme since it would be simple and less movement to animate, and would also allow could allow the other conditions set. "
The "suspended in the air" thing is actually pretty hard to pull off. You need to include the swinging factor in every animation you make, and that can be pretty difficult to get right.

"Will this be like the christmas one where the more you fuck her, her attitude gets more lewd? Or at least will she be cuming/squirting? Or is it more of a simple animation style."
I'm not sure which of the projects you are referencing, but I am planning on doing something similar with them. We'll see how it plays out, though. The amount of facial animations I make usually makes flash really laggy and difficult to work with, but it's a thing I'd like to add.

"Will they eye brow color change too or nah? Just seems off for the hair color to match."
The eyebrows will be animated frame by frame when the facial animations kick in. Having them switch color will make it difficult to code in.

There, I hope this update was satisfactory. It took a rather long time to write it all out, even if I tried to keep it short.

Ah, it stopped raining... I was hoping to fall asleep to the sound of it. How unfortunate. I'm still pretty tired though, so sleep should come quick.
2018-09-16 17:47:22
I've done a lot of thinking about the Zu part, taking suggestions into consideration. I'll talk about that further down, first let's cover some artsy stuff!

First, some hippogriff action in a set of three!
Zu & Sagey 1
Zu & Sagey 2
Zu & Sagey 3

And then, another set of three with these updated Beleth reference images. I think they're a great improvement over the previous ones.
Updated Beleth 1
Updated Beleth 2
Updated Beleth 3
I am surprised that there's a demand for Beleth getting buttfucked.
I've forwarded these requests to Pyreaus, who's character this is. We'll see if he decides to act on them.

And then we got this!
Tera Dominating
A drawing that was commissioned in return for that drawing I finished last week!

I have now a working demo of the Sofi flash. I have to say, it's somewhat mindblowing to see Sofi like this after staring at the standard options for over a year!

It does however look kinda creepy without facial animations. I've gotten a girl on doing her voice, though, so after I've gotten some clips I am satisfied with, I'll get to animating in her face.
Feels good to have came this far!

So, about the Zu part. It's been really tough to come up with something that works. The majority wants to see the two sisters recieve the dicking together, and I agree. Mostly because, their body proportions and even facial structures are very similar, allowing me to easily re-use assets and animations for the double-dickings.
I know it's disappointing for you Sixten fans out there, but I gotta take into consideration those who don't enjoy man ass in their faces too. Maybe he'll get his time to shine some time. If I am not completely burnt out on this project, perhaps I'll make an extra part for him near the end.

Anyway, after making this decision, I reached another conondrum. I don't know what position would be best to use! They need to follow a few important points:
1. Must be easy to animate. Can't use strange or unusal poses, I am using most of the same assets to make a lot of options.
2. Must show action without becoming too complicated. (Show animal body or just have floating dicks?)
3. Must be mirrorable. Zu and Johanna needs to be on the same screen, next to each other. They'll need to face each other, or away from each other, look identical.
4. Must allow cuminflation. This is a dealbreaker, since a lot of work go into making this. Especially if they are allowed to be fucked with the belly still huge afterwards.
Previous attempt I made at this looked really bad and turned out to be really difficult to code, so I need to simplify it this time around.

Here's a big canvas with some doodles I thought of, or was suggested to me. So far, I don't know if any of the would work well or not. None of them have clicked with me.

Further ideas and suggestions or just simple comments are welcome.
I've got until the Zoo beta release to decide on what to do, so there's still time to discuss.
2018-09-10 07:56:14
I got my ass into gear and finished up those last cum animations this weekend. I'm now letting somebody string it together so a demo can be made. I asked my patrons what they thought I should do, release it without voice and facial expressions or wait til all that's done, and it seems like most of them wanted to wait for the voice. I feel like that's a good idea too. I've got a girl who's willing to voicing Zoo a try, so I'm hoping it works out!

I also had some time to think of what to do with the Zu/Zeta part. Since it's going to sport two characters instead of one, and all the previous parts have turned out to become quite laggy and possible crashprone, I had to cut down on some of the planned stuff, the major one being I got to work with two similar styles of bodyshape to be able to recycle animation a lot easier. Zeta didn't like this, so she instead opted to pull out of the project this time around.
I still want to have two characters featured though, so the question is... Who will replace Zeta?

I've been thinking of either Johanna or Sixten. Johanna has a more similar build though, so it might work a lot better with her. Besides, she hasn't been in a flash yet. Because she's practically not a fully fleshed out character yet... But people still want her to receive the dick.

I drew another thing, too! Tearing Tyrant!

Well, until I can get voiceclips to work with and figure out what to do with the Zu part of the farm project, I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll have to look into side projects or something. We'll see.
I do want feedback and ideas about what to do with the Zu part though, so throw me some in the comments.
2018-09-02 21:27:06
Yesterday I was so into the groove of animating cumshots and cleaning up lines to make it look smooth and fluid, I forgot it was sunday. Sorry about that. But I'm at least getting close to possibly getting out a demo of Zoo's part of the horse project. I'm not sure if I should show it before or after I can get her voiced. She's going to be completely expressionless if before, but animating in facial expressions and lipsyncing is quite timeconsuming! Which ever I decide to do, at least I'm getting closer to finishing it. And then only the Zu/Zeta part remains. And the Ellie bonus scene, but that's got low priority! I've had a good amount of time to plan out the Zu/Zeta part at least. My previous attempt was so bad I am ashamed to even show it off. But we'll take that when we get there. Yes.

Anyway, as exciting as these demo releases and near-finishing of the next are, it takes a lot of time away from drawing and getting other content out. I've neglected my schedule of Monday-Friday flash work, Saturday drawing and Sunday free choice for some time now, but I think I need to go back into it. Mostly due to the failure to get that Lollo flash out. However, it's still very close to finishing as well! I've received a few updated demos of it from Mittsies over the last few days. There's glitches up the ass, but he's slowly but surely smoothing things out! Doesn't help that it's a memory hog like most my projects turn out... Takes long time to save, long time to export and it's prone to crashing! And I'm only afraid all of the horse project parts are going to wind up the same... But unless the Lollo flash, these ones won't have as much randomness and voiceclips going on in them. So it'll be less of a mess to code (I hope). Mittsies has been busy during the weekend though, and I'm not sure when he'll be able to continue, but you should know that things are moving at least.

Before I go, have a drawing I manage to finish: A follow up that Bitch Breaking Foundation fanfiction! There's no story along with it, but I made up my own follow up where Ellie turns into the foundation's mascot... And she's a very energic mascot!

I do hope I'll be able to finish up the cumanimations of the Zoo part by sunday, but I can't say for sure. It takes me days to just make a few cumshots... I wish I knew of an easier process, but what can ya do. At least I don't have to worry about that for quite a while after I'm done with this!
2018-08-27 20:21:37
It seems that the Ellie Beta reception has been mostly positive! That's great. But also a lot of features has been asked for, so I thought I'd take my time and answer some.

"All the way through cum/cock would be awesome :3"
I get this a lot for some reason. I don't know how you missed it, but her body is longer than the dick. And even if it wasn't, the assets weren't really made for that sort of thing. It's a reskin of a previous project plus a major touch up of some of the animation (the boobs especially.) All the way through is just something that won't be a thing in this, sorry.

"Huh, and here I thought ZZZ would be a prority since it's been in development fo so long"
This is the ZZZZ project, though the project has changed name for now. I just call it the "farm project" or "horse project". The reason for that is that it's basically going to be 4 flashes in 1 as I've stated before, and that name only covers 1 of the parts.

"I think the milking cups need to be wider, covering most or all of the areola, but the nipples should stretch into the glass with a nice rhythm. (maybe have a little bit of areola bordering the edge of the cup, which gets sucked in with each pump) I'd look to those old flashes by Besped for reference. This would probably require altering the zoom level a little, or allowing the camera to move down a bit (assuming this doesn't reveal unfinished art), but it'd really improve the milking aspect hugely. Great work, otherwise!"
That is exactly what it would do, there's nothing below the borders of what you see. The original art was sort of poorly planned in that regard, since the boobs dip so low at later stages of the animation. But that's too late to fix.
Milking was not a planned feature in the original (neither was clothing options), this was just something I added to add a little spice to the animation since I saw it easy to implement and people would probably appreciate it.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to easily make the suction cups much bigger, since the nipples and areolas move around a lot. It might be possible to redesign the suction cups to work with it, but I don't remember exactly how it was built. I might look at it again later when I return to it.

"Looking good, it's cool that there are variations in each part of the loops if you wait, it's a nice addition of detail. Will the animations in the other parts of the flash have this as well?"
No, but the other parts have more loops and animations already. Since this is so short, a few variatons spices it up a bit more.

"Absolutely love the body writing. Great touch. Was curious to know if you intend to let her belly stay full in the full release? Easily my favorite feature that you do since you always make it so perfect!"
Another frequently requested feature. I considered it, but it would require so much work and animation editing that I didn't think it was worth all the trouble. Maybe if I was planning to include it from the beginning, but since it wasn't, it'd just be a huge bother to do. You'll have to take it for what it is this time.

"Really like what I'm seeing so far. Any chance of you doing more with the lactation element?"
What do you mean, just in general, or within the flash...?

"Plz add anal action :D"
There will be a second scene where Ellie is turned around. That's pretty low priority within the project now, though, I plan on doing it last.

"Please add a viewable navel that protrudes from cuminflation. More of the same, sure, but I love it. "
This is possible. An easy addition that I'll add to my notes.

"This definitely needs all the way through and some nice lipstick smearing"
While lipstick would be nice, it would be pretty awful to add it to each indivudual frame. Not sure how I'd add the smearing on the cock, but I suppose it'd be possible. Perhaps if I feel brave some day, I'll consider adding it, but don't get your hopes up.

"Definetely needs the background darkening a bit so the foreground sticks out more"
I plan on redrawing and simplifying the background later, across all of the parts. Making them outline-less like in many other projects, like Onihole and the recent reskin. I reused the colors from the Zoo-Philia flash, to bring out the nostalgia factor, but I think it's better to optimize it and make it not so clustery.

Another feature I've added is a hairstyle change so you can more easily see the throat bulge, if you so wish.
I'm also going to give her a voice in the future. We'll see how it goes!

Here's two drawings I finished up as well!
Sofi the Bully 1
Sofi the Bully 2
I sure got a bunch of flack for these at a few places... Apparently it's not OK to add a little psychological trauma in a picture, but it's completely fine to draw all other sorts of fucked up things. Bluh.

I'm still working on Mittsies' project, in flash news. Ooo, it hurts to work on something you've not been involved in with the planning phase. You feel so lost! And I've had the "luxury" of trying to figure out how to implement all of the features without making things haywire or having to spend a deathly amount of time into animation criss-cross variations of all sorts of options. Luckily, we found and agreed on a way that isn't too bad, but bleh. The art itself isn't very well suited for the options and features planned.

Well, enough ranting. I'm off to bed.
2018-08-19 19:48:10
I know I said I would focus on drawing last week, but I managed to sketch more than I actually finished shit. Trying to draw things I'm not used to, so it takes a lot more effort to get things looking how I want.

But, a nice guy, Damien, helped me out with coding the that Ellie demo I've been having laying around for some time! So finally, I can show you guys this! I've been waiting for so long, gah!

Ellie Scene Beta Release!

Tell me what you think about it! The core animation won't be changed, but I might go in and touch up on a few things. Some things aren't done and there are is no sound yet, so keep that in mind.

And as for the Lollo flash, I and Mittsies made a deal. I'll help him out with a flash of his, and he's going to push through and finish up the remaining coding needed for the Lollo flash. So I'll be occupied with his project for a little while, just so ya know.
2018-08-12 18:55:03
Hey there! Site's back up, huh? Apparently, our server guy was moving and I wasn't informed. Typical. But I got a few things to show off today!

First of all, I finished up that Little Dick Riding Sofi Reskin!
Hopefully it looks a lot better. Every art asset is updated, and I even tinkered a little with the animations, redoing the cumscenes completely while still trying to make it look similar to the original. Added as well are an intro and ending in a comic format. And yes, there is a hidden ending. You should know how to find it by this point.

Secondly, a few sketches that were supposed to be collabs... But then never was.
Zara and Ursula - Tittyfuck
Zara and Ursula - Buttfuck
Zara and Ursula - Pussyfuck
Unfortunate, I suppose.

And then two drawings I finished up recently!
Hot, Hot Summer! The weather this summer has been unusually warm, so I was inspired to draw this energic Zara!
Street Slammin', a drawing based off of this fanart thingy from LeatherIceCream, who thought this chick in the background of some basketball game called Street Slam (or Hoop depending on where you live) looked like Zara.

Lastly, I put together a highlight video that Gal Gun 2 stream I and Raz did a while ago.

Hope you enjoy today's update! I'm going to focus on drawing for a while now!
2018-08-07 19:11:56
This summer sure has been something else. Must be some sort of heat record. It's impossible to exist without all the windows open and fans running everywhere. Even at night!

I worked on the reskinning of Little Dick Riding Sofi all week, and now it seems that I've completed all of the animation! That only leaves the little comic intro and ending things. And a little bit of coding, but getting this one done shouldn't be a problem. I did stream some of the process of the flash making, so I might do that to the drawing of the comics too if there is interest.

I might look into doing a reskin of something else too, but like I said... A lot of the flashes are too old to easily reskin them. Either the artstyle is too different, or the way the flash is built is too old and it's a hassle to work with. Sometimes both. You guys mentioned anything with Ellie, but... She's not in anything recent. BHEE and GBR are too old and would be better off remade from scratch, and that'd take quite a while!

Should I bother to look at some of the other projects? I know Titty Punchan was mentioned, but I haven't looked at it yet so I don't know if it is possible. Gimmie some suggestions and I'll at least take a look and see if there's anything I can do.

Or if you'd rather have me continue working on the new stuff, that's an option too of course.
I'm going to try and finish up a bunch of sketches I've got lying around too. It's been too long. But my ereaser has become so stiff and dry in the heat that it's impossible to erease things without leaving be smudgemarks that are impossible to remove. It's incredibly frustrating. Bleh.

But ye, leave a comment so I know what you guys want!
2018-07-29 18:06:54
My feet are starting to feel like normal again, yey. I did a lot of sketching during the week, but then I got the idea of trying to update the graphics of one of my older flashes, which ended up taking up the latter part of the week.

This flash was Little Dick Riding Sofi. A flash that I'm not really satisfied with. But I went through it and updated and changed some of the graphics of it. I'll touch up some of the animation too. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Here's what it looks like currently:

If you compare to what the original version looked like, I hope you think it's a vast improvement, because I sure do.

I also went and made a sketch for a little story accompanying it.

This also means I'll have to make some sort of ending strip for it too, I suppose!

Anyway, it's something quick and refreshing I could work on. I hope to get it done soon!

I also recieved fan art from LeatherIceCream: Zara and Sofi Talk. Thanks much!
2018-07-22 17:21:44
I'm here again. Sorry I didn't manage to squeeze out an update before I left, but I kept procastinating packing, so I had to run real quick! I had a lot of fun, but I'm in so much pain right now. I walked on sizzling hot asphalt barefoot and now I can barely walk. At least I can still draw and shit, but urgh. I sure hope it heals up sooner rather than later.

I'm gonna try and draw some stuff today at least, then we'll see how it goes. I'm feeling like drawing Ellie, so you might get some of her later!

No words from Mittsies on the flash still, but I've asked Meriyel to see if she can do something with the Ellie part of the farm project. Her computer is currently borked though. But it's at least a possibility!

So ye, will let you know how all of this goes on sunday! Now there aren't any more planned trips on my part.
2018-07-16 08:44:15
I wish I could experience the summer, but here I am, sitting inside my room, drawing jizz. Takes forever. And I'm only halfway done, such a bother. Doesn't help I'm completely terrible with animating fluid either, hoahoa. But I am getting closer to not having to animate it again for quite some time, at least.

Oh, you might want to know what I'm talking about, too. Here.

I've spent the entire week doing this belly button spurt. It's been taken a step or two further compared to the original, so you've got that to look forward to. There are two different cumscenes this time around, so I've gotta start on the second one tomorrow! Wohoo!

And, well. That's pretty much the only thing I've been working on, so I don't have a lot else to say. I really want to finish up Sofi's part. I'd say don't expect much else than further updates on this next week's post. Maybe I'll try to do an art stream or something before I leave for Riddarveckan this year. We'll see!

Anyway, I'm pretty tired, so I'll see you then!
2018-07-01 17:22:00
Man, that sickness stayed with me for almost an entire week. I don't think I've been that sick for years. I'm glad to be feeling better finally. It's good to be back drawing and animating again after such a long absence, I tell ya.

Here's a new drawing + some I forgot to post before I left:

Zara Mating Press, covering some requests I've gotten here on site.
Failure to Please Self, Zoo unable to get off while masturbating.
Playing Dress-up! Zu and Zoo dressed up like popular swedish cartoon characters.

I also have recieved a commissioned piece as payment for one o those Katswell animations I made: A Zu gangbang! Noice! Can never go wrong with that!

Also, I finished the sketching of that one comic I showed a long time ago. I've been working on it to and fro, but I finally reached the end of it now and would like some feedback before I add text and start cleaning it up. I already plan on changing a few details, but it's always good to get second opinions! Also, I always add fluids and such when cleaning it up, so don't be confused to as why it seems so dry right now. But ye, have at it:

2018-06-24 16:49:15
Sorry for being absent these last days, but on the plane ride home I got really sick. I've been in bed sleeping for like two days. My throat is killing me right now, it's terrible. I wanted yo draw some stuff when I got back, but alas. Only sickness for me.

Well, if you followed my twitter adventure, you should've gotten a good enough idea of what went down while I was gone! Except for the last days where it was just raining and then I got too sick to even think about taking pictures. I'll update the twitter with the loot I brought back soon after finishing writing this news post.

I'd reply to some of the comments on the last news post, but there's just so much whining. If you're unhappy with what's posted on site, join the discord where I'll post WIP shit and stuff if I can. Maybe it'll help out a little, since I announce when I'm about to stream there and whatever. Or don't and continue to whine or leave, it's up to you I suppose. It's not like I'm happy with the current situation either. But yeah, everything's just an "excuse", whatever that means. I'd like to hear hat's classified as not an excuse for once. Bet it's just shitposting.

Anyway, I go ttwo nice birthday drawings while I was gone!
One from Cinndrie!
And one from Absented Tangent!
Thanks much guys, appreciate it very much!

Can't really think of anything to write at the moment, but I wanted to get an update out there.
2018-06-18 11:45:15
I was away over the weekend, so I procrastinated the update a little. Sorry 'bout that, heh heh.

A guy recently came to me, offering to help me out with some coding! I gave him the Ellie part of my farm project, so I canget a beta out soon. I'm not sure how skilled or fast he is, so I can't say when it'll be released. But I'm glad it's being worked on at least, I've yet to hear anything from Mittsies and the Lollo flash. Bleh.

Today, I've got some erotic fan fiction for you guys to read!

Beginning with Rudolph's Therapist!
It's a story about Sixten and Rudolf, written by FlamingFlamingo. Contains some gay stuff, if that wasn't obvious already. So for those who enjoyed Sixten's side of Rudolf's Revenge, perhaps this is right up your alley!

The other one, I had donate-commissioned from a guy almost two years ago, and he got to writing it just recently, hoahoa. Still faster than me finishing a flash.
Playing Stork!
Written by Jesse Graves, you can find more of his stuff here: Lisa's Nook on Tumblr. This one's about his character Lisa and Zu.

Give 'em some feedback or comments, I'm sure they're eager to see what people thought of their stories.

As for myself, I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a lot of things recently. It's been mostly bigger projects I've worked on.
I'll also be going to Japan for round 2 weeks on thursday, so the site won't be updated until I come back! But I'll try to be active when I can on our discord server and I'll make sure to post photos of our adventures on Twitter! I did it the last two times as well, so check that out if you're interested in what we can find and do.

And if that Ellie beta flash reaches playable state while I'm away, I'll make sure to try and find a way to get it to ya. Might want to look out on twitter and discord for that as well, if so.
2018-05-29 06:35:06
You might've noticed that the site was down for a few day. The server suffered a power outage and was damaged. Luckily, it was only minor damage, so it could be reparied relatively easy. The PSU died, from what I gathered. Coulda gotten a lot worse!

Anyway! I've been working on the semen and whatever this week. I did some streaming like I promised! I set up a Picarto channel, so make sure to follow it if you're interested in watching sometime! I'll either be working on a flash or doing a request from the chat while sharing some music! It's been well received so far, so that makes me happy.

But since I just stopped streaming... My first stream drawing!

That's all for today, I think. See you next sunday!
2018-05-20 16:36:50
Apparently, some of ya can't keep track of what I've been talking about lately. I won't blame ya, I always write my news posts before I go to bed, so I might be a bit unclear sometimes. So, to make things clear:

Spectacular Spectrophilia:

Project awaiting coding. Mittsies will finish it when he's got time over, since it's a big hurdle to work with.

Butt Bus:
Cancelled project. This is all that remains of it. While I'm talking about it, here's a sketch + more of an old idea from way back, that someone wanted to see again. I'll finish this sketch up later.

Farm Project:

I'm working on this currently. I've had to upgrade to CS6, since CS3 farts itself when trying to load this.
CS6 is such a bitch and I hate to work with lines in it, so I've been a bit reluctant to work on it. Gyeh. I've finally finished all of the belly work and must go on doing cum animation. I've had such a bad time with this in particular in CS6, it hurts. I'm really not looking forward to doing it, but I have no other choice.

Also if someone who knows some basic actionscript wanna help me out, we can get the Ellie part out for a beta release, too.

Winter Zu collab:

Currently on the backburner. Might consider streaming parts of the making of this sometimes during the week.

Speaking of which, I and Raz did a stream of Gal*Gun2 last saturday. Here's our twitch channel, we've reached the patreon goal to try and do streams at least once a month, so if you don't wanna miss out, check out or twitter, patreon or discord server for stream dates.
The flash stream will probably be on picarto. I haven't fully set things up yet, so... If you wanna watch that, keep a look out at the places mentioned above.

And before I go, I drew this for Meriyel, since it's her birthday! Congrats!

Well, a good night to you all!
2018-05-13 18:12:14
Since some people were havin' fun in the comments of the last news post, I made that in response. Don't take it so seriously, yo.

I've actually been working on getting those patreon goals we've reached going. That is, the map of Granköping, which had me go through all the bios and jut down all the important locations and also rewrite and edit a few parts of them, since I found some parts of them rather outdated or weirdly worded.

Second thing, setting up streaming equipment and stuff, so we can get 'em streams going. Plan on trying out some sort of stream where I show you how I work in flash. The Zu collab flash will probably work best for that, I just gotta get familiar with OBS and its settings. Then I and Raz will also do a game stream later. Just what we'll play we're not sure yet.

Also believe me when I say, I'm also frustrated over the no flash thing, but what can ya do. Maybe I'll try doin animation requests in the stream or something.

Here's what was made of Butt Bus, for those of you who were wondering:
2018-05-07 02:08:17
Butt bus is canceled.
also mittsies says he needs to prioritize his own projects for now, so Lollo will have to wait, cry.
2018-05-06 17:18:18
Well, my fans and friends, it seems we didn't have a release as soon as I thought we would. But we are making progress. We have a sort of functional build going on, but it's riddled with bugs right now! Fixing it will be somewhat trial and error, says Mittsies. But the animation and stuff is working rather well! It looks pretty nice! Yes! So nice, in fact, I put together a little sneak peek for you all!

(slightly higher quality mp4)

Can't promise a date of release, but just know that it's being worked on!

As for me, I've been tinkering with that Zoo flash. I managed to finish up all the major animations! Then, I went in to make animation for her little earring to swing, and all of the lag happened. I think I'll have to upgrade to CS6 for this project, since CS3 can't handle it's awesomeness. Huff. I'm going to be so angry. CS6 are full of tiny annoying bugs and oddities. But at least the major hurdle is over. Still, lots of details and lesser animations to make!

That's all I have for ya this week, my boys. I'll see you next sunday!

2018-04-29 19:19:09
The weather is getting warmer and brighter, and it is getting very pleasant outside! And I barely remember what I've been doing this last week. That can't be good. Think I had a bit of an art block or something, perhaps. I can tell by my unfinished sketches in my sketchblock that I haven't really made anything I'm happy with.

I think I've spent the rest of the time worrying and helping Mittsies out with the coding if I can. He's saying that the project is almost finished, but also far from it at the same time. There's a lot of trial and error with the coding he tells me. As per usual, I've made something really complicated without knowing it. But he's making progress and that's great. We just don't know when it's actually going to be fully functional yet. The base is there, we just have to... Make sure it's all working correctly.

I had no idea it would turn out like this, so I'm sorry if I've made you all disappointed. I'm still pretty excited myself. I'll try to see if I can find anyone to code together a demo or beta of the Ellie part of the flash. Might've even found a voiceactress for her! And like I said last week, I'm trying to work out how to make the remaining animations of Sofi's part look as good as I've managed to before I took my break from it. Sure isn't easy, so I'm happy there's only like one or two main animations left. There's still a lot of detail work to do, like semen, facial expressions and what not, so don't go round thinking that Sofi's part will be done in the near future. I'll try to keep you updated, though. Perhaps I'll even consider doing a little stream of me working on it, if there's enough interest.

Before I leave for tonight, I've got this drawing to share with you. It's something I made for someone who really like to brutally abuse Zu with cock. My version might be a bit tame, though... I'm not really good at the hardcore stuff. Neither do I think I should've tried out such an advanced perspective.

See ya next week!
2018-04-22 17:01:18