Awaiting Code
I've sent the Sofi flash to be prelimiraily coded, but unfortunately my usual coder is going to be unavailible for... quite some time. I've therefore sent the thing to a newbie at AS3, so it might not be as quick to finish it up. In the meantime, I'm thinking maybe I should do some more commissions and other drawings. If you'd like to commission something, hit me up on discord. I need the moneys at this point.

Anyway, I drew this: Dark Days for Sunny for Nonochton!

That's unfortunately all I had for this week's update.
Should be able to do some more drawings for the next one though, with the flash outta the way for now.
2019-06-03 05:57:14
Comments (3)
Rock Candy1859618595
2019-06-04 17:23:46
Ye, I'm aware, I talked to him about it earlier. It's good stuff!
2019-06-04 17:21:54
not sure if you saw this but captainkirb did a set of sofi drawings. its cool to see one of my favorite artists do fan art of another favorite artist's characters hope all goes well with the coding
2019-06-03 22:32:33
The alternative coding solution is a good news. Really enjoyed that drawing.