Sofi Talks Some More
A second preview of Sofi talking!
I've only got a few lines left to lipsync now. Boy am I looking forward to finishing that up, hoahoa. Probably will during the week. After that, it's the eyes that need some animation. And after those are done, some other details. I hope I wrote a list somewhere, because I'm not sure what those details were...

I also found a new VA for Ellie, I think you'll like the voice I picked out for her.
I'll update you on that as things progress.

For whatever reason, the guy who wanted to commission me hasn't given me the details yet, so I haven't gotten to drawing anything yet. And my to-draw list grows ever long...

But I do have some fan art to show off!
2 Cats 6, further Zoo and Zu shenanigans, as part of an art trade once again!
Zara Double Teamed, Zara shouldn't have picked a fight with these girls. Drawn by Cerberus Carmine!

It's looking good for animation progress right now, so I'm happy for once.
2019-04-08 09:07:06
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