Better Zara?
I listened to your feedback and asked a friend to help me out with the problematic areas. Hopefully this looks a lot better! I also streamed the process of adding clothes to her just before I wrote this update, too. They're not completely done yet, but they're close to. Just need to add a few more details and shade 'em.

I had a bunch of drawings sketched up, but I spent most of tonight streaming so I couldn't finish any.
But I did get a few bits of fan art! So let's go through them before I head to bed!

2 Cats 3, Zu and Zoo find themselves in a sticky situation.
Zu Titties, it definitely is. Drawn by Oni Garth!
Ellie Drawing, a nice Ellie drawn by Ledgy!
Zara in Peril, this piece is part of an art trade!

Hey what do you know, all 4 main girls got a piece of fanart this week. That doesn't happen often!
I'll probably stream again this upcoming saturday. Not sure what yet, but if I can't find something else, it'll probably be the continuation of the Zara character portrait!
2019-02-10 18:04:36
Comments (9)
2019-02-16 22:06:00
Her stomach looks a lot better, good job. That was the most glaring problem. her lips look nicer with some color too.
The Guy Here For Porn
2019-02-12 11:41:29
and not the good kind...
The Guy Here For Porn
2019-02-12 11:40:13
The only complaint I have is lips on a character are really hard to make look good.I think i liked the old style more, this loooks like one of those sex dolls almost...
the geared one
2019-02-11 18:20:01
I am not a fan of her paler skin personally, she seemed too vibrant a person to be so pale. It might just be my personal opinion but she seems like someone like Zara would be a bit more... "pop-out" for lack of a better term
2019-02-11 12:43:39
is it bad that i kinda liked the older one...? hope it available as an alt version but this one is good too. honestly, previous ones body and skin color/texture was great for me while this ones face/make up looks amazing. i'm torn.
Rock Candy1828818286
2019-02-11 03:16:46
I wish I could, but she hasn't been replying to my messages :<
Rock Candy1828718285
2019-02-11 03:15:22
I am going to change the color of the eye shadow. And the lips have some lipstick going for it, so it's supposed to stick out a little. I'll probably make the nude version have no makeup at all too. As for the arms, I don't know. Maybe the left one is too long? But not by much, if so. I'm not sure what you mean by my old artstyle. I've just kept on drawing and this is how the natural changes in the way I draw has turned out.
Giddy-Up Buttercup
2019-02-10 23:42:13
Stomac looks a lot less like a Geiger-design. The facemakeup still needs some improvement. Have Yulia help you with that. I think you need female input on that.
2019-02-10 19:38:20
You fixed the fucked up stomach but she's still too pale. If that's what you were going for, that's fine, but her lips don't match her skin tone. The eye shadow is also too jarring and I can't be entirely certain but it looks like her arms are way too long. Additionally, if the point of the make-up is to make her look like a skank, then add some blush and other shit on her face, its too plain as it is now. Personally, I think you should have kept with your old style before you began making everything look anatomically correct, but that's just my two-cents.