Changes to Zara & other things
Got a few things to mention today! First, Zara! I've made a new nude model of our favorite butt enthusiast, featuring a new skintone and some changes to her hairstyle. Take a look and lemme know what you all think! I'm pretty happy with it so far.

Underwear and clothed versions will come later!

I got some regular arts to show too, a commission, an art trade and a joke image.
Shackled and Exposed, Zoo being afraid of what's about to happen to her tiny, unprotected butt! (Buy your Rear Guard today!)
Tera, Zu and Dog, further Tera Shenanigans...
Giantess Sofi, I drew this in MS Paint. Shrapnel thought something else I sketched was a giant Sofi in a door frame, so I made this version to mess with him.
The fun thing is I could think of a million things a giant Sofi could do...

And a piece of fanart!
Sailor Couple, I missed to post this a while ago when I received it! It's part of an art trade, too.

The Ellie flash is coming along nicely, I think. There's still a bunch of stuff left to make, including the joy of adding voice and sounds to it. Unfortunately the VA I was hoping to voice Ellie has caught a cold so I'll have to wait for her to get over that. There's quite a bunch of other things to do to fill out the time, though... Most of that time will go towards making a introduction comic similar to the Red Riding Zoo Reskin I made a while ago.

And since we've reached our $500 goal on Patreon, I should start doing some of those art streams again. Maybe I could stream the progress of that. Either that or I could stream the making of the clothed versions of Zara. I might give it ago this weekend, we'll see what it'll be then. I just have to figure out how it works again, I've forgotten, hoahoa!
If you're interested in watching, either follow or check out RC on Picarto on saturday or sunday.

The second shared $500 goal I had on Patreon was to get that Ellie tribe comic done digitally! Since I'm godawful at digital art myself, at least when it comes to anything more complicated that simple flat colored drawings, I've asked GBlastMan to help me out with finishing it. He'll be tracing my outlines and coloring it under my supervision, and so far we've got a preview of a page 1 up for patrons.
Check it out here!
Once the page is colored and finished, I'll post it here on

Well, I think that was all I had to say today. Now it's probably time for sleeping for an RC. Good night to you all!
2019-02-03 16:16:52
Comments (18)
Rock Candy1828018277
2019-02-09 02:36:23
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Rock Candy1827918278
2019-02-09 02:35:58
Could you elaborate a bit more on what looks weird with the abdomen/waist/hip area? Or is it just the muscles thing? For the mouth, I attempted to make her pouting, though I'm not used to drawing such defined lips. I do want to keep the pout, but I'm not sure how to draw it to not look like you describe it.
2019-02-08 22:55:29
Her abdomen/waist/hips region all look very strange. It kind of looks alien with how her stomach muscles are defined, almost segmented. Might need to use more reference for them. Her facial expression doesn't look sexy to me, looks like she's going, "Ptbbbtttbbtt". Would be better with her mouth closed or a smile. Also her lips and nipples could probably stand to be pinker or another shade, but that is nitpicking.
2019-02-08 20:06:19
tbh I prefer the old Zara model, she looks like a robot wearing a rubber "human suit". this is honestly not attractive at all and it killed my boner.
Rick Randy
2019-02-04 14:52:44
I know. I'm talking about the few (but lengthy) times we had to dig several pages in before there was any buttsex there.
Rock Candy1827018268
2019-02-04 13:27:23
My collaborator hasn't come back to me yet, unfortunately. And no, I'm not planning on anything for easter. I'm working on finishing up this current one.
Rock Candy1826918266
2019-02-04 13:25:52
The newest things are put on page 1 and get pushed back as new content is posted. I'm not deciding what stays on the first page.
2019-02-04 13:23:30
Is the zu winter coat collab flash still on hold until things are right for it or was it scrapped? Also since more prep work goes into your animations now I figure it's better to ask 2 months early than later, is there any chance of getting a remake or sequel for big healthy Easter eggs this April?
Rick Randy
2019-02-04 11:40:27
Does that mean you'll keep heterosexual anal on page 1? :D
Rock Candy1826518263
2019-02-04 10:10:22
You don't need to worry about that.
2019-02-04 07:35:44
Good Work man! Just... Put more buttsex in there, man. Every time I log in I fear that there will be no Analsex for the entire first page of the Picture section. Or worse: The only buttsex that's there is homosex. It's fine it's there, I just don't want to click on it.
Rock Candy1826218258
2019-02-04 02:47:19
Sure, that'll be a part of her alternative outfits.
Rock Candy1826118257
2019-02-04 02:46:31
I changed her hairstyle because it was very inconsistent and difficult to get right from different angles.
Rock Candy1826018256
2019-02-04 02:44:27
She is supposed to be pale though, she is swedish after all. I might change the color of the eyeshadows too, it does still out quite a lot.
Somewhat Random Dude
2019-02-03 20:43:27
Seems just a tad pale?
2019-02-03 19:47:25
will we ever see more of the slutty clothed version of zara? I think a lot of people really miss that outfit with the slutty high heeled boots..
2019-02-03 18:39:43
I definitely like the old Zara better, not to be disrespectful, but seeing the old Za got me pretty used to her and I liked the way she looked her hairstyle, skin tone and everything. Im not saying this zara is wrong just stating my opinion. Still good work man
2019-02-03 18:26:57
Maybe it's because of the eyeshading, but she looks way too pale. Almost like a vampire or something.