Bunch o' Commissions & a Colored Zoo
My Ellie VA unfortunately caught a cold again so I decided to take some commissions while waiting. They took longer than I expected to finish, but here they are!

Orgasm Intensifies, Zara volunteers for some sort of crazy experiment.
Crushed by her Crush, in which Zu gets seducted.
Team Bunny Attack, Zu happens to wind up between two horny bunnies.
FERTILIZED x2, Sixten impregnates both Ellie and Zoo, while leaving Zu out of the fun.

I think I've noticed a theme here... It's like nobody wants them sweet butts anymore :c

Anyway, this is what Zoo looks like with colors slapped on! Her new skintone should hopefully make her look a bit more asian in nature.

Tell me what you think, ya?

I'm going to make a new Zu and Sixten too, since I became really bothered by tiny details that has changed over time. At least I can make them a lot faster now!
Here's a sketch of the new Zu, I think it will work well.

2019-03-04 06:38:27
Comments (11)
Rock Candy1838118380
2019-03-05 15:42:21
Different circumstances for each VA. I don't work with pro's here, and I don't meet 'em in person.
2019-03-05 15:19:10
I can only imagine what the conditions must be like where you live for every voice actress you ever choose to work with being sick for months and months on end
Rock Candy1837918378
2019-03-05 15:18:35
It's not that easy to find new VAs who are willing to do things like these. Hence why I have to stick with 'em.
2019-03-05 14:08:13
Should change the actor for Va and get a faster one, just a suggestion
Rock Candy1837518374
2019-03-05 06:13:33
I don't really use voicechat at all. I prefer text.
2019-03-04 14:34:43
Nice work, love the sketch RC!! I'm a (very) long time fan but don't message much. I appreciate you keeping up with the good work! You have some amazing and original characters! Also, when do you voice chat on discord? I'm kind of a novice when it comes to drawing but I'd love to give some of my advice. Anyways keep up the good work and have a good day!
Rock Candy1837318372
2019-03-04 13:16:52
They just don't give me much inspiration. I get more direct discussions on the discord server and that helps a lot. Unfortunately, most of the members there like this sort of content.
2019-03-04 12:26:10
Honestly dude. There's plenty of requests for anal in your request box. Trafficcones or not, loads of requests for buttstuff.
2019-03-04 12:15:29
What do I think? I think there should be more Buttstuff.
2019-03-04 12:04:09
Yo! I'm all upset now. I came to this website butt, I stayed in hope of butt, I constantly expect butt. Butt is what I live for, and you made me like this, so yo better take responsibility
2019-03-04 09:06:13
I found RS due to my butt enthusiasm and the lack of it is making me angry! All these pussyfilias taking over