Last of commissions
Ahah, I'm finally done. Feels good!
Here's the last batch:

Bunny Bred, 4 panel of Zu dickings.
Succubus Ellie, title should be self-explanatory enough.
Ellie's New Purpose, Ellie gets abducted by tentacles.

I got a bunch o' fanart too!
Beach Peppermint, Peppermint is being naught with Sixten once again.
Zoo & Fuula Clothes Swap, GBlastman's character Fuula and Zoo switch outfits.
AI Zoo Story, Shrapnel drew this MS Paint comic following the absurd story an AI came up with.

Thanks very much!

Lastly, I want to talk about my farm project. Due to my experienced coders either being busy or moving on from Flash which is dying next year, I'm wondering if I should continue with the last part of that project. It's going to take a long time to finish it and I'm left worried about if it'll be coded or playable when it is eventually finished.
Should I just finish up my other various smaller projects and try to move on to some other animation platform and try to make more movie-esque projects instead?

I still really want to make the idea I've had for Zu and her sister, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see fruition.
What do we think? Is it worth pursuing?
Reminder of what my initial idea for the Zu&Johanna scene would look like.
Would like to hear your thoughts on the whole thing.
2019-06-24 07:53:03
Comments (25)
2019-06-30 12:54:19
FUCK DAT just move to the same thing babysitting cream moved too uhhh unity I think. Movies are well and good man (this is pathetic just I know it) but your animations are usually the highlight of my year! It makes me sort of happy knowing someone still puts in the effort for something they like to do you know?....But its your life though man do with it what YOU want NOT what others want. I just thought you should know.
2019-06-28 10:52:55
If flash is dying next year, go out with a bang, finish this project and then move onto something else afterwards, you worked hard on this, don't let it go to waste!
2019-06-27 17:59:50
Literally anything that shows zu's feet in their glory like that is something i would 100% down to see... goodness seeing them curl up while being pounded, a vote from me, but like do what you gotta do to stay good and whatnot
2019-06-27 11:44:46
To be honest, at this point, it's been so long since you uploaded something new, I don't remember all the things you're working on. I say that you should finish up as many things as you can, and release more things, even if they're a little lacking in sound, or whatever.
2019-06-27 08:14:08
I'd totally be down for Zu , i'd even pay for that heck , been waiting for it since you announced it back then.
Here for porn
2019-06-27 01:30:34
I do believe it is worth persuing that part of the flash but at this point you may want to release it seperately just to hold some of us off x_x
2019-06-26 15:27:25
Do you need an AS2 coder?
2019-06-26 14:40:50
Please finish the Ellie part
2019-06-26 08:55:37
Please finish it.
2019-06-26 00:29:14
pls pursue
2019-06-25 22:24:32
friend, I find that it is a flash but, wonderful, brother continues with this beautiful art, please
2019-06-25 22:06:07
If you don't finish it, you'll leave us all disappointed. Just, release it as it is if you have to give up. Won't be good for patreon earnings and might trigger chargebacks but whatever.
2019-06-25 09:17:29
Honestly, I feel like stopping here would be putting all that effort to waste. You should finish it, RC. If not for us, then for yourself. For your own satisfaction.
2019-06-25 01:04:48
You really should finish up the project. you will be so happy you did if it is your last flash project like it, it should be good right? End it with a blast then move on to the new stuff confident you left it right.
2019-06-24 19:47:50
Yes, and it means that someone can pick up where he left off, though he might not want that. It is his IP after all.
2019-06-24 18:45:24
Ways exist to have ActionScript and Adobe Flash projects not need Adobe Flash Player, such as Adobe AIR. Said ways let the projects be normal executeable files, specific to an operating system. It'd be possible to turn all of your old animations and games in to Exe files for Microsoft Windows, for example, so they won't need to disappear.
2019-06-24 16:38:02
Please put out everything you've got done so far, then finish up what you can. I wouldn't scrap anything you've worked on, we've all been dying to see any part of it and would be satisfied with anything at all!
2019-06-24 13:51:41
I'd love to see the Johanna scene, she hasn't really been featured in anything yet, at least not that I can remember. I'm still really hoping Sixten will get some horse themed butt loving at some point though.
2019-06-24 13:49:31
but if it's his final project then that means no more catgirl buttsecks. why would any sane human being want such a thing? "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. You're going to rot in the Dragonsreach Dungeon."
Cunning Linguist
2019-06-24 11:37:28
I would love to see that scene with Zu and Johanna. Work on it. If you don't manage to finish in time, you'll have a much better idea of what you want when you find a new platform. Look at it as rehearsal.