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2013-04-16 08:57:33
I love your animations. Very well done! Kat is my favorite character :D
Rock Candy90829081
2013-04-16 08:58:33
Which one of them?
2013-04-16 09:03:25
Za Kat :3
Rock Candy90849083
2013-04-16 09:04:47
Mye, she's pretty fun!
2013-04-03 09:07:22
Crazed Loon
2013-03-30 23:55:31
I love your work, I'm a stalker-type fan.
2013-03-19 17:56:34
give us another flash! lol. Real-ey though, keep liking your loves. they're what your self is about, and what we like. keep it up man and keep being a cool cat gedder mind shaper. remember, it aint like we dont like yah. -o
2013-03-17 04:29:09
Rock Candy89018899
2013-03-17 06:08:32
Long time no see, indeed!
2013-03-24 02:04:23
2013-04-03 09:07:47
2013-04-04 07:55:41
中国没封锁这些网站吗? (不好意思,我不是中国人...)
2013-03-17 04:24:23
Hey RC I was wondering (since it's not in your about page as far as I saw) if you ever roleplay as your characters?
Rock Candy89008898
2013-03-17 06:07:50
Only if necessary. But I tend not to.
2013-03-17 15:11:32
Darn, I was hoping you would want to RP some time. Alas :(
Rock Candy89038902
2013-03-17 15:17:36
I don't really have time for such things! I'm flashing so much!
2013-02-03 12:02:09
Hey Rock Candy, I know you are busy with your own gmaes and all but I had a great Idea. There is an awesome game made by Konashion called Super Deepthroat. In it you can customize the person you deepthroat and I was wondering if you would creaate some mods to make the person look like some of your characters.
Rock Candy88398753
2013-03-03 06:56:04
I'm not sure if I am unlazy enough to do that... It seems like a chore.
2013-02-03 11:07:53
when will the forum registration open again?
gizmo Z
2013-01-23 05:32:24
DAM za cat is so sexy
2013-01-20 05:39:31
Hey there RC , I've been enjoying your art for quite some time but I never actually took the time to read the 'about' page before. I have to say I liked reading it, and I'm happy you wrote all that up there as to show the users you're not just an avatar that draws porn, but a person. Not enough artists do that. I'm also a 20-something guy without a job-or school since a few months too, and I get bored shitless as well, so I know how it is. Keep up the good work! Naybe I'll add ay on MSN sometime, if I remember what my login information was... ^^; Thanks again!
2013-01-16 09:49:15
make more butt sex plz
2013-01-14 12:25:22
Hiya RockCandy, Did you get my email on how to stop the hacking attempts? If you need me to resend it or have any questions, let me know. My email is the same one used to make this comment. Keep up the great work!
Rock Candy86818680
2013-01-14 12:42:18
I got several. "how to" emails don't really help me, because I don't have access to all that stuff myself.
2013-01-14 23:09:13
Ah, I see. Well, I hope it can all be sorted out in the end. Good luck, and keep up the awesome work :).
2013-01-11 13:09:42
Msn's gonna be taken down on March, tho.
2013-01-10 22:05:09
Hiya RockCandy, Are you able to receive e-mail at Rock_Candy [at] live.se? Thanks.
Rock Candy86538652
2013-01-11 03:44:06
It is my MSN account, so yes.
2013-01-08 02:22:26
i wonder if theres going to be a new chartcher this 2013 i wonder if theirs going to be a new girl of boy chartcher
Rock Candy86468632
2013-01-10 09:52:16
I'm not gonna make any new characters.
2013-01-07 19:37:25
Yoyoyoyoyoyo. RC, do you have a twitter or something like that? I want to follow your updates 140 characters at a time.
Rock Candy86258624
2013-01-07 19:39:43
I do not, I don't have any of these modern instant-update site account thingies.
2013-01-07 20:08:33
Alrighty then, just wondering. Keep doing what you're doing!
2013-01-04 14:41:37
Bringing you freedom on the net by hacking and briefly taking the control away from you, 1 site a time.
2013-01-03 19:32:06
I've sat here for about an hour trying to think of something slick to say, I'm kinda just to lazy to think of something I guess. Generally though, I like your site RC. It's simple and enjoyable to look at. But if your going to lose parts of it,(such as the porn), I would rather see you shut the site down and start again when you can get your hands on an updated build and not get trashed about and rebuilt by "Hackers". If you do this you could still distrubute news to your fans though, take down emails and mail them an update every Sunday/Monday. It would take awhile but it could be done. -Somewhat of a Sugggestion and an Opinion- ~Rusty~
Anon Infinity
2013-01-03 17:19:25
A question to the members of FXAPOC, the hackers who claim to be improving this site. What the fuck? You all claim that you hate trolling yet by hacking this site you are trolling. You plan on "cleansing" this site of pornography, but you fail to realize that this site was intended to have some pornographic material. You guys are complete assholes and I cannot wait until RC and all of the administrative staff reclaim what is rightfully theirs. If you have "14 years of experience" with hacking, maybe you should use it to go something useful instead of acting like an ass.
2013-01-03 18:42:55
some faggot nerds have nothing better to do in there life than waste time. i hope rock candy comes back and kicks them fuck out
2013-01-05 00:11:14
I wish, but I am not the hacker attacker
2013-01-03 14:43:57
I came here just to say that I spent here TROLL
2013-01-01 16:05:31
Heya there, can i ask for some of your attention? It's nothing much, though if you read this comment it will make me happy. i haven't used messenger since i can remember it existed, and that is why i'm writing at the Guest book. i'm just a random someone in the net that one day found your works and enjoyed them quite a bit. If i had to say what was the thing that made me keep clicking, it would be the result of the setting made by every part of the dedication that makes your world. Characters, Story, Music, Drawings, everything that connected to create your amusing world. Man, i didn't wanted to write something so plain, but i just wanted to express my appreciation to you for creating this enjoyable site. And, if i ever make some doujin i will try to post it up to see if i can tickle your interest. Thanks for sharing your works, i hope for you to keep producing with your praise-worthy creativity, many other works that will snare the pointer of other mouses flying in the net. Keep it up, Ishi Ame! Ah, my grammar it's not that good, but i tried hard to make the comment understandable. Sorry if i failed too much.
2012-12-09 08:28:48
this is very interesting
Rock Candy83778371
2012-12-10 21:21:26
What is?
2012-11-30 06:07:41
Who voices your work?
Rock Candy83768336
2012-12-10 21:21:10
Right now, no one at all.
2012-12-13 04:11:44
How about in "Rock Candy [Gooper Blooper Returns"?
Rock Candy83908389
2012-12-13 06:47:51
just some girl I knew.
2012-12-24 11:40:11
how did you manage to convince her to do the voice acting for you? or is tht stuff normal where you are?
Rock Candy84408439
2012-12-24 11:41:01
She was my friend.
2012-12-25 09:27:35
yeah but if i asked one of my friends to do that they all say no & give me weird looks haha. so im just gunna take it as that's a normal thing where you are :)
2012-11-22 07:09:17
Why did you deleted me from MSN son. Why you do this to me. I though we had something special. You meet me from Erick, remember? I know you dont, you dont have to lie. My heart is already broken.
Rock Candy82868285
2012-11-22 07:10:33
I always delete contacts that do not speak to me in forever.
2012-11-19 17:10:10
This is the BEST site ever! It isn't just some crazy porn website, It's much more! So, If I'm not in the mood to watch Zu get buttfucked, I can just look at some of the fanart, news, or other stuff. Keep up the good work! PS: Is Zu the main character BTW? There are more flashes with her in it then there are with anyone else.
Rock Candy82748272
2012-11-19 17:16:39
To answer your questions: 1. Real life characters: I'd have to find pictures of girls that look like what I imagine them to, and then become a photoshop master. The chances of those happening are quite slim, so I cannot do that. 2. Zu main character: I guess you could say she is, as she's my personal favorite. Nice to hear you like it here, even though there's a lot of things that are still in-construction.
Sir Banana
2012-11-19 04:11:46
Love your work, and love your animation style.
2012-11-19 01:58:21
2012-11-11 14:53:29
Really nice looking stuff ya got here. Just love Zu and Ellie. Got many laughs here watching those flashes and playing games. Would love to see those favorite characters more gagged(when they don´t have to use their mouths). Keep going strong.
Henry Braeburn
2012-11-09 23:22:37
I really like your stuff, especially Zucky Sucky. Keep up the amazing work, from the way your style is evolving, I can see you being one of the more well known animators. :)
2012-11-08 14:13:05
Christmas is coming. gifts that each character deserve. Lollo - Goku Psycho Girl - Kenny (South Park) Zu - Fairly OddParents Sixten - Boat Ellie - Dimension Aether (Minecraft) Za - Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Rain, Noob, Ermac, Tremor,Chameleon and Human Smoke. Sofi - GTA
someoneI hate you psycho girl
2012-11-08 12:30:17
Finally someone on this website. Since we're talking about the character I hate the most, then I can say what I'll do if I co mela find. 1 - Screwdriver to pull the nails. 2 - Breaking all toes and fingers part by part 3 - Pull out his hair with his hand 4 - Pull out his teeth with pliers one by one 5 - get your own machete, cutting his ears, a piece of his tongue and her nipples. 6 - Fill a tub or urine, and drowns it all the time and only get when you're swooning. 7 - Grab the broom handle and stick in her ass. 8 - Spank her enough. 9 - Seeing that he would not have such grace, as I was almost dead, burn her alive. 10 - After cremating his body, cut into many pieces and give to the wolves to eat. Want to hear another 10 types of torture?
2012-11-08 14:02:13
You talk so much hating and torturing Psycho Girl vai or should I say Mikaela. Speech that you hate so much what do you ach is in love with her. = D Relax man it will just cut your dick off XD
Rock Candy82068204
2012-11-08 14:14:12
Stop talking to yourself.
2012-11-08 15:19:27
Fan boring Rock Candy
2012-11-07 17:44:20
I forgot a question. Question 6. If someone spoke like that to Psycho Girl. - Hey you leave at least I try to run? And the guy runs faster than a gazelle and she has no way to achieve it would look like a pussy or ass?
2012-11-07 17:47:17
Anyone voicing Rock Candy 6 - Yes because she loves adrenaline. If the guy running like a gazelle and she fails to get it, she would even co McAra cu. Rock Candy fan of boring, go suck a turtle reaches of question.
Fan boring Rock Candy
2012-11-07 17:49:06
What is Cu McAra?
2012-11-07 17:50:11
That is a mistake I type XD
Fan boring Rock Candy
2012-11-07 17:52:19
Seriously? And I thought I was the one who wrote wrong
2012-11-07 17:53:38
Man I would talk more with you, but by the rules, now let's hear u mesporro by transforming the guestbook in a chat conversation.
Fan boring Rock Candy
2012-11-07 17:34:32
Rock Candy Hey, since we're talking about Psycho Girl tell me. Question 1. She tries to kill a boy he flees but she encurra it and when it arrives would kill another boy and the two start fighting. What would she do? And Lollo, what would she do? Question 2. If someone asks the machete of Psycho Girl loaned to kill someone, she would loan? Question 3. If they attack someone and the guy have a stroke of her judo and steal her knife, she runs or dies? Question 4. If Lollo or Psycho Girl delicoso well take a punch in the face and lost a tooth, they are inrritadas? Psycho Girl And going for a laugh? Question 5 and last. I think you better not read this. When we Vaginal Sex with a flash?
2012-11-07 17:40:21
Things I think Rock Candy would respond. 1 - Psycho girl absolutely watch both kill themselves, and simply kill the winner and would not work with some loser. Lolo would do the same. 2 - Yes 3 - The way Rock Candy is a fan of her, she would say that she would send a HADUKEN. 4 - They would inrritadas yes. Of course. 5 - Never
Rock Candy82018192
2012-11-08 00:28:34
I'm not sure about the first question, due to how weird it is worded. Try again. 2: She wouldn't answer, if you're that cloes to her, you are most likely to get stabbed. 3: I don't really get it, but the knife is not a part of her. She can get a new one almost anywhere. So if it was stolen, I don't think she'd react much. 4. Lollo is a ghost, so she wouldn't be able to lose teeth. And Psycho Girl would smile on. 5. There's already Zu Triple. 6. She'd look like normal, because she wouldn't care how fast he runs.
2012-11-08 12:16:01
It would be cool or boring, Psycho Girl find Jason or Freddy Grugger, or worse Chuck Norris
2012-11-19 17:11:18
Sorry to be a grammer nazi, but, Krugger, not Grugger
2012-11-07 17:17:06
The damn those fans of Rock Candy, speak only of Psycho Girl fucking cock she's human, just like killing others, because she knows it? Why not let her play GTA, Counter Strike, Half-Life at home or in Lan House, then she has to practice in real life.And as I said up there, she's human, ie also feels pain, gets sick, more than it already is right, and surely, if someone disarms it, this fucking
2012-11-07 17:18:43
Retarded you really are retarded
Shadow The Teen Serial Killer
2012-11-04 04:03:04
i like this website it's awesome and nice art
Shadow The Teen Serial Killer
2012-11-04 04:00:25
hey rockcandy make a new character in this website here are the things name:rose age:18 sex:female race:cat human please make this character we do need a new character
Rock Candy81578155
2012-11-04 04:15:01
What for?
The real motherfucker
2012-11-05 08:18:54
to have a character more XD
Rock Candy81758173
2012-11-05 09:29:10
So it's pointless.
The real motherfucker
2012-11-06 22:40:00
Not so much. Could use that Kat Girl Layla as a character.
2012-11-06 22:49:42
Hey guys, you know what would be nice? If you create a character who knocked heads with Psycho Girl. Oh yes it would have to be more careful when walking around.
Rock Candy81878184
2012-11-07 00:09:59
That's an awful idea. Psycho Girl is supposed to be shrouded in mystery.
2012-11-07 17:08:48
I doubt in, just call Chuck Norris
2012-11-04 00:19:07
Hey Rock Candy, i saw all of your animations, games, pictures, EVERYTHING :D I just finished playing Onihole again and let me tell you something: Your animation is awesome. But i mean, SERIOUSLY awesome, it's comparable or even better than lots of ZONE-Sama's animations. Take this as a suggestion: You should work a little in your drawing. They're not "OMFG SO HORRIBLE" but i think you can make it better. If you do it okay, i'm sure that someday you'll be referred as the maximum buttsex with the "best-animations-ever-seen" flash creator. Go Candy Rock, you rule! Congrats from Argentina! :3
Dude person guy
2012-11-03 20:59:35
Hey rc, I was wondering if you were on Newgrounds?
2012-11-04 01:25:39
2012-11-02 19:10:43
Remember me? Well, I've been visiting your site oftenly ever since I seemed to abandon you and your art. I never really got the time to chat anymore, sorry. You are doing great progress. Rock Candy, keep up the amazing work. :D
Rock Candy81368134
2012-11-02 19:18:02
Maybe you should make time! Thanks, tho.
2012-11-02 19:21:59
I'll try. I'll be more active on here. Probably not on NG.
2012-11-02 08:04:07
Since I've been visiting this site for about a year now, I'd like to say that your awesome creations made me smile every time. I want to thank you for making those animations, Rock Candy. I loved your most recent project the most of 'em all. And I truly admire your ability to just keep on going no matter what them 'haters' tell you. I'm looking forward to all of the projects that are yet to come.
Rock Candy81358131
2012-11-02 19:17:07
You're welcome! And it's qiute easy to continue when you make something you like.
2012-11-01 02:22:38
The stuff you do is wonderful and rather complex. I understand that it takes both time and skill to create the things you make. So what made you first try it out? And what kept you going?
Rock Candy81158113
2012-11-01 04:05:02
Curiosity made me start. Love of butts kept me going.
2012-10-17 17:31:05
Would you like or dislike it if I colored one of your sketches and sent it to you? or slightly modified it?
Rock Candy80398035
2012-10-18 01:52:01
I wouldn't mind that.
2012-10-09 17:59:12
hey RC! You don't have to tell me but I reaallly like knowing people alot when I see there stuff on the internet.... Do you mind telling me how the relationship between you and your father is? I looked at the about page and it said you don't have a job and live with him. does he care? also what about your mother.Another thing you look pretty good looking how often do women hit on you? do you get money from this site? thanks.
Rock Candy79867983
2012-10-10 01:52:49
He probably does. I don't, though. I don't see my mom. I never meet women. I don't get money from the site. I hope that should answer your questions.
2012-09-30 22:58:48
Hey please let me know if you're gonna bring out Rouge "Kitty" Harlot I'd love to see some artwork of him.
Rock Candy78517849
2012-10-01 02:34:15
Why don't we make a trade then? I draw him, you draw Zu.
2012-09-30 01:16:41
Hey RC I was randomly wondering if you were a Brony? (I know random question but was just wondering)
Rock Candy78287827
2012-09-30 04:25:07
Fuck no. What the hell do you take me for?
2012-09-30 11:26:20
Well i dunno everyone has there own thing i was just seeing where things stood in you eyes, other peoples look at things interest me.
Rock Candy78307829
2012-09-30 11:27:58
In my eyes, they are the worst thing that happened to the internet in a long time.
2012-09-30 16:49:59
If i may ask could i know your reason y and if not i respect that and will drop it.
Rock Candy78367835
2012-09-30 16:52:48
Mainly because they stuff their shit into everything. It's a fucking cartoon, I cannot comprehend how you can make such a big deal out of it and act so dumb. I don't like them.
2012-09-30 17:32:47
hmm not a bad view i agree that some are excessive.
2012-09-18 13:04:58
Hi, Mr.RockCandy. I always see the your Flash. You draws the glamorous cute cat. And I favorite your picture. I want to tell you "I support you, And I love you." So I wrote this BBS. Finally, I am poor of English. I introduce a friend, He helped me to translate. Professor Google ! From Japan, with love...
2012-09-17 09:15:53
Hey check out po ju shota. there's loads of anal sex! :3
Rock Candy77417740
2012-09-17 09:24:33
I am aware of his existance. I do not search for porn though.
2012-09-17 14:46:39
Why are you aware? his/her art isn't well known.
Rock Candy77447743
2012-09-17 14:49:51
Yeah, but that depends on where on the internet you browse. I happened to come across it once or twice. Why are you surprised?
2012-09-17 19:07:31
Oh I'm just surprise that hardly anyone notices shotacon art.
Rock Candy77487747
2012-09-18 02:56:51
Maybe because most people do not like it.
2012-09-19 13:56:43
Well I like it.
2012-09-13 23:06:34
Diggar dina animationer, Har du testat Ib (från samma skapare som Yume Nikki) isf vad tyckte du om det? Kanske det blir en parodi eller nått från din sida :)
Rock Candy77277720
2012-09-15 02:34:15
Aldrig hört talas om det. Vad är det för nåt?
2012-09-11 14:50:32
I know you killed Zu Triple, but I was just wondering, at any point do you plan on doing something similar in concept?
2012-09-04 07:35:26
I have a quick question. Why anal sex only?
Rock Candy76937692
2012-09-04 07:36:42
Because anal sex is all you need! Well, I guess oral is fine too.