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2011-02-04 04:46:19
Wow! When r you going to update ? Your flashes are so cool!
2011-02-04 05:32:49
Jeez man, He posted an update three days ago, flashes take time and asking about releases isn't going to make RC release them any faster.
2011-02-04 06:26:40
Okay! I just found out that Rock Candy has a website. I found this just today.
2011-02-04 07:47:41
Oh well..... Thats alright then :D
2011-02-04 10:54:50
2011-01-20 03:20:43
Hey RC finally fixed my computer
Rock Candy22702269
2011-01-20 03:50:44
That sure took a while.....
Anarcky Stocking
2011-01-08 03:45:01
i will draw the toon about zu & za the toon's name is 'Zu & Za With Ellie' (parody toon about animation called 'Panty And Stocking With Galterbelt')
2011-01-20 07:34:39
i think i should just be garterbelt, you dont know me, but i'm more black than garterbelt will ever be, and by that i mean i'm white and looki like an emo scene kid, but it'd be cool anyway.
"SOAP" McTavish
2011-01-05 10:56:23
ok well i didnt really know that. sorry i guess.
2010-12-31 15:33:56
im on here all the time doin random stuff (ha i love inside jokes) lookin at my favorite cat girls! keep doin your best youll always have fans and ill always keep lookin at your work
2010-12-31 12:24:13
Since i cant comment in the FQA and the request box is for requests, i decide to ask here Is there a way i can send you my own art? i have no scanner and i suck-ass as flash.
2010-12-30 08:26:33
Okay, that's good... also why did exhorder leave? I might try to do coloring for you on occasion, if you want... also, as a final question, how is zubound going along? I love earthbound to tears but as soon as I got to the point where poo leaves to learn starstorm, the game data got accidentally ko'd... and so, I pussy'd out on spending obscene amounts of time oon the greatest rpg game of that generation.
2011-01-02 20:08:51
RC needs a scripter for the text and what'not
2011-01-04 12:20:31
I dony know coding, but if he needs a scriptwriter for stories, i can do that...
2010-12-30 00:39:14
I have been a fan of your work for quite a long time, and this is my first post here. I am nervous about this post, as from what info tells me, it is a sore subject among both parties. this relates to project x. I have been around long enough to gain some facts before viciously defending either side of an argument, and if I have any flaws with my argument, do not hesitate to tell me. I think that project X would greatly benifit from your contribution, but it seems that you and zeta are irritated with each other. her problem is that you apparantly insinuated that she is selfish in some way, and you might be angry due to the same reason. however, I also am aware of the fact that you used one of her characters. If you would be willing to send me some more info on your side of the story, please do. my email is [email protected]. also, I know you said you are back in the project, but as I see no updates to the project x forum to that effect, I am unsure of the actual state of your involvement. I also noticed how defensive both sides' fan groups were of their respective sides. perhaps, as a neutral party, I might act as some sort of messenger between you two? sincerely, the random voice of my ip
Rock Candy21952192
2010-12-30 03:27:03
We already solved that. 's alright now.
2010-12-29 23:51:14
Hey dude just wanted to say YOU RULE and thanks...
"SOAP" McTavish
2010-12-26 18:47:36
If your done with Tripple Zu or whatever (forgot the name), then why is she next to Rock Candy on top of the page?
Rock Candy21702169
2010-12-26 18:50:16
is this for real wat really Zu is my 'main' character, she's not only bound to Zu Triple. Zu Triple was an attempt at making a flash. It could've turned out good, but it didn't.
2010-12-26 23:07:12
Dude zu is one of 4 cat girls and a big part of rock candy's work.
Triple dotz
2010-12-25 07:52:20
Merry christmas from canada!
ES nameless
2010-12-22 19:28:50
looks forward to any new stuff in the NEAR future
2010-12-20 15:32:46
Blarg! this lady be a sea monster! Not realy im not a sea monster XD. glad to see a guest book. Havent been on the site for a while. Glad to see a guy charactor to! Finaly somthin for the ladys :3
2010-12-20 20:27:17
Welcome back and enjoy your stay ay Rock Candy^s website
2010-12-21 02:06:45
Thx for the welcome hun ;) wounder what will be in the next update >.>
2010-12-21 02:34:44
Well If Rock Candy is working on a flash then we wont see any content for like three months. *sigh*
2010-12-21 15:42:52
Oh dear... oh well if it takes that long this lady shal wait...(five minets in and I have only divoured one hand... progress is good.)
guitar hero
2010-12-16 03:26:17
wow a girl in this site that is shockin.anyway.....hi mina=3
2010-12-14 03:39:07
Hi hi! Mina introducing... Herself! Uh.. *mental image* ... gross. ew ew. Anyways, hi! :D Kind of glad that you hav a guest book~ |D
Rock Candy20412040
2010-12-14 03:50:26
Hello there, Mina. :3 It is very unusual to have girls come visiting here! ...I think. Mostly guys on here~.
PixelFear D:
2010-12-14 09:49:55
-silently says woah- well its great to see that RCs work hits a larger demographic then just men.... although we do have our resident Zee =3, but other than her, i dont belive ive ever seen another girl post.....
2010-12-14 17:48:11
A GIRL !.... Quick hide the porn.... oh wait.
2010-12-15 22:05:57
Aw shit. everybody hide! Oh wait, she is pretty ;D welcome to RockCandy^s website, Mina ^ = apostrophe
Vinz Winz
2010-12-18 13:53:49
Hello! :3 how are you miss?
Russell Hallesy
2010-12-12 07:48:55
somehow I am unable to connect to the flash section. when I try to, it says that something does not exist. if you want me to post what is said when I try to, I shall. just that being unable to view some of the wonderful stuff on this site is a tad annoying.
2010-12-11 19:41:36
What IS the difference between a furry and a catgirl?
2010-12-12 00:43:20
Well, i guess the MAYOR difference between a furry and a catgirl would be that a furry actually has a animal-like body, while a catgirl only has some animal-like characteristics, like the ears and tail.
2010-12-11 18:19:43
RC, your English is very good for being Swedish. Did you learn in school, or taught by your parents? Just curious... I have a degree in English.
Rock Candy20222020
2010-12-11 18:26:03
Both. I started to learn english when I got Super Mario 64, I wanted to know what the text said... I guess I was around 6~8 maybe? After that, school.
2010-12-11 12:11:36
Hee hee I have a male horse his name is swifter.
2010-12-09 11:57:02
I drew a picture of Older Zoo. ^^ http://wilizin.deviantart.com/art/Older-Zoo-188281342
Aetheros (iz my tag for gamez)
2010-12-09 04:04:15
ahh, i was wondering why i couldnt access my fav web developers site ^.^* hehe
That Swedish Guy
2010-12-08 16:06:37
Snyggt jobbat! Gillar skiten!
2010-12-09 01:50:02
Hej Svenska killen. Bra att du gillar skiten.
2010-12-07 23:35:46
Well, hi :3
Rock Candy19881977
2010-12-08 14:18:28
2010-12-07 09:07:07
2010-11-26 17:30:45
I hope this works, erm... Rock Candy, I keep trying to post a request in the request box but I continuously receive errors involving sql syntax which I know nothing about, I was wondering if you have any suggestions as to how to fix this problem, or perhaps an alternative for me to send you my request?
Rock Candy19411938
2010-11-27 01:32:20
You cant write apostrophes, they fuck shit up. We are trying to fix this...
Aetheros (iz my tag for gamez)
2010-11-26 02:55:01
i know some one is going to hit me in the face for this but anyways ...... RockCandy, who is ran ran ru or watever it is, new character or somefin? i dont live where you do so if its based on a tv character, im left in the dark
ultimate ness
2010-11-23 17:30:01
hi its me from youtube the 10 year old im vicente111ify1 on youtube so i love your animations :D
2010-11-20 03:10:20
Ugh death list 2 was a bit.... cant really sum it up into words, prehaps you shouldnt post these things on your site and just advertise them in the news feed for a different site or something :S
2010-11-23 00:56:12
Definitely. I am a big fan of this site, and I fear that stuff like "Death List 2" will attract unwanted attention.
2010-11-18 18:16:17
I love your art and kinky flash games. But "Death List 2" stoops far below the quality of this website, and is unbecoming. Also, I know you stopped working on ZuTriple, but perhaps you could reincarnate the game from scratch. Keep up the good work.
2010-11-19 22:19:40
I tend to agree with you on this one..... Death List 2 was way below the standard of this site. But thats about as much as I will agree with, let Zu triple stay dead and look forward to the new stuff.... whenever it finally apears *sigh*
2010-11-12 08:28:26
love your idea for this site!!go on!!respect for your work
2010-11-10 15:52:16
2010-11-10 15:54:25
Whoops my bad rule 27 hey chika bum bum
2010-11-09 17:59:02
You know, ending the series with that troll ending probably cost you a good chunk of any fans you had. If you ended it as is, they would understand. But, deciding to be a douche, you ticked off your fans. Needless to say, I won't be back to this site.
2010-11-09 18:38:50
Heh... Faggot...
2010-11-09 22:58:30
As I failed to comment on the right post because I am a fool You'll read this again but anyway...... Ahhh what a lie.... As soon as RC releases something (and hopefully soon) you will come crawling back to him and his flash. Secondly what actually makes you think that RC or any of us for that matter care about your opinion.... I mean really you may be quite an important person in real life but here you're well... nothing. So in short and I speak for everyone when I say that we're glad you're (supposedly) not coming back :D.
2010-11-08 07:50:24
Well, at least you don't endorse rape. I'm glad that you seem to have SOME sympathy towards victims of rape. I hope that Zu has her revenge some day. I feel so sorry for her...
2010-11-07 17:31:05
Here's the thing, I am a girl, and I actually don't think its hot. (dramatic music) Also, some of my friends have been raped in the past, and for some reason, didn't think it was hot either. Some of them have also expressed thoughts of committing suicide...for some reason, that still doesn't make it hot. Oh, you wish for me to describe to you HOW they were raped? Well, all I can tell you is this: cries, blood, screaming, insults, beatings, and forced sex. That's about it. I feel like that SHOULD be hot, but for some strange reason it isn't. But you probably find it hot, right? After all, you known EVERYTHING about rape; how terrifying it is to watch, how traumatizing it is for victims, how depressing their lives become afterwards! The reason I wanted femdom, was because that seems a lot more hot to me (considering how it reverses the roles and humiliates the male, rather than the girl). However if that's not ur cupa tea, that's okay with me. Have a nice day! PS: Zu will probably commit suicide if ya don't keep an eye on her. Just a heads up. Hey, why don't you make a funny flash about it? That'll probably boost up your popularity, especially among teenage girls!
Robert Paulson
2010-11-07 21:09:10
Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap.... That's fucking hot, if rock candy doesn't make a flash about it, i will. I'll credit you for being the writer for it.
2010-11-07 21:47:14
Hmmm.... Perhaps that wasnt the sort of reply she (most likely he) was expecting..... I think he-she was going for a guilt inducing comment but really this isnt the place for that sort of talk..... These Flashes have no morality but that doesnt mean those who veiw it are the same and I for one would never rape anyone in the real world but I see nothing wrong with a flash animation depicting rape... Finally the femdom idea is well... just terrible, as this site is most likely male dominated then femdom would be like rock candy saying " Ok Im going to completely ignore my target audience because a girl-boy wanted a femdom flash to promote equality of rape". So sadly (for you) I dont think its going to happen.
Rock Candy18421836
2010-11-08 01:42:54
I see, I see~. I don't find 'real' rape n' stuff hot at all. I know about the consequences and I am trying to make Zu's life/story as realistic as possible. And yus, I think depressed girls getting their butts raped is hot, but I like other things as well. Femdom, not so much, because... Well, I just don't find it hot. If you really want me to draw something like that, I could probably make Za doing something like that~. I can see why you are mad, but you can't blame it all on me... Zu DOES want to commit suicide, but she cannot grasp the concept of death and she's too much of a coward. :3
2010-11-08 05:04:23
...uh, why is it exactly that you find depressed girls getting anal raped hot, while you find "real" rape in general not hot? Again, I don't find it hot when my "depressed" friends tell me about how they were raped. Have YOU ever known anyone who was raped? I mean, how would you like it if your sister, or your girlfriend, or even your own mother was raped once? Would you find it hot? Would it make a difference whether it was anal rape? I know that Zu's story isn't real, but the way you describe it makes it seem you have no sympathy towards victims of rape at all, because you seem to find it hot (ass-rape in particular). Oh, and the femdom thing: don't worry too much about it. Think about it as a special request from a female "fan" (and by fan, I mean that I like your non-adult flashes, because the adult flashes pretty much contain nothing but rape, unless Za is involved).
Rock Candy18471846
2010-11-08 07:13:43
Because I simply find it interesting. It's not something I can explain. Real rape is not hot, because I find real stuff disgusting and real girls ugly, no offense. :V Real rape is not my problems, sure it is wrong, but I don't really care. If girl is raped in pussy, I find it really wrong and annoying. Sure you are upsetabout rape, but I cant do anything about it. It's not like I am going outside and raping people; I don't even want sex. Zu's story is more about that people that are different gets mistreated, outcast and sometimes worse. It has nothing to do with saying rape is good, derp. Well, if you don't really want it, then I wont draw it... I would make something non-adult, but I am useless at coming up with scripts.
2010-11-07 09:06:14
Heh... Sea of trolls trolling trolls...
2010-11-05 22:16:09
from what I heard about you rock candy, you are a dick, and I'm glad your pussy cat "Zu" (is that even a name?) is out of the game, so go fuck yourself and for you board bitches go fuck yourself too.
2010-11-05 22:45:40
Man you're such a cock-juggling thundercunt. I mean seriously Back off. First you insulted RC and then everyone else on the boards. Thats quite a few people that you've never met. So in short fuck off....... That is all.
2010-11-07 04:48:17
Lol cock-juggling thundercunt, that insult has made my day, sorry ben but i'm stealing that xD
His name was RP
2010-11-06 01:28:20
Fail troll is fail. Again everything on here is irrelevant, this is basically just a spam book. You need to try harder or just don't bother, someone who spends fapping time on a grammatically challenged rage post is more pathetic than a majority of the virgins already raging on this GB. Lulz though, props for stupidity.
2010-11-06 23:18:45
Bravo, you get a cookie for ignorance and a medal on arrogance. How pathetic are you on a whim? But I ignore jackoffs who probably fap to flash 24/7 but that's just you I guess. Go fuck yourself over a million times and see if you can get a brain, hm?
His name was RP
2010-11-07 11:27:28
You just made my day. Hypocrisy at it's finest, ignorant and naive to be judging from what someone else says, now you call me pathetic, when your going to a RAPE guest book and showing raging ignorant fanboyism because of another RAPE artist (A fucking beaner at that) told you her feelings got hurt. Then you call ME pathetic , and stupid. HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. My god, i'm eagerly awaiting your next idiotic post, i'll be over here, jerking off with your tears in the mean time, downie boy, comedy like this is fuckin' rare, haha.
triple dots
2010-11-07 01:17:19
there is a time and a place for opinions, this place is neither so honestly fuck off and go to a different site you stupid mother fucker
Rock Candy18221806
2010-11-07 03:38:23
I like how you base me on what other people have said without even talking to me. Have fun being angry at me for no real reason!
2010-11-05 08:29:31
Also, I've heard a lota talk about this Zeta. Who the hell is she? Wait, isn't she the one who made those Sonic hentai pics; y'know, the ones with the robot tikal character! You know her?! Then tell her I said Hi, and that she is the GODDESS of sonic hentai!
Robert Paulson
2010-11-05 16:52:34
Oh yeah forgot something, rape is funny. Fuckin' hilarious, go take your pity party somewhere else, no one gives a shit what you think or what pleases you dumb shit.
2010-11-04 23:09:54
the rules...i hate rules TT_TT its scares me
White Knight
2010-11-04 14:25:40
He deleted my only good post!
2010-11-04 19:42:49
Well, White Knight, this is Rock Candy's Web site; he can delete whatever posts he wants. Zeta asked her fans to stop posting here, and Rock Candy hasn't asked his fans to go after Zeta. The word is that Rock Candy and Zeta are trying to work it out, so let's all us fans just chill out and trust them.
2010-11-04 08:54:05
ok this has all been blown out of proportion, people are getting ivvolved in things hich has nothing to do with them, i think we should allow RC and whoever this Zeta person is to beef it out between themselves, it's not fair to come onto somones website to just start insulting them.
Robert Paulson
2010-11-04 00:38:20
I lulz'd at all the faggotry. Especially since most of it came from Papanomics (Which made me lulz harder). That sad faggot got kicked out of toon pimps forum, because of his rampant raging everywhere over his wanna-be waifu. I have nothing against Zeta and respect her artwork, same goes for you. But jesus christ, look at these rants. Spam, spam, spam, spam in a god damn can. Entertaining though.
2010-11-03 20:12:12
Rock Candy, you have said that you're still willing to work on Project X, and Zeta still says that she would like Zu in the game. This all sounds like a misunderstanding, where perhaps both you and Zeta overreacted a bit. Even after all this, it sounds like Zeta is willing to extend an olive branch, but I think she wants an apology from you for calling her greedy. And it wouldn't have to be a public apology; just send her a private message and the rest of us will never know it happened. I know what you meant what you said it; she has benefited from a good amount of new fan artwork of her character due to the game, but also keep in mind that most of this artwork is by people who asked HER if they could appear in her game. It seems like a fair trade to me, considering all the people who were asking her. Calling her greedy, whether you intended or not, came across as very nasty and hurt her, and if you didn't mean it to be nasty, then you need to tell her. What is it that you expect from Zeta? Is there anything that you believe she owes you an apology for? It seems that you must. Come on, man; the two of you did some very good work together, and I see absolutely no reason why the two of you can't work it out.
2010-11-03 20:55:07
Well said.But Last i talked with Rock it sounds like he's already under way to smoothing things over. Let's just hope and encourage them both to get along. FOR THE GREATNESS OF ARTISTS EVERYWHERE!
White Knight
2010-11-03 14:55:52
It's not in my best interest to post here anymore. Zeta got upset with me, she didn't want me to light this place up after all. I just think it's fucked up how you cheated her. Whatever, you two can handle your own problems. Neither one of you should have made it public.
Rock Candy17811780
2010-11-03 14:57:32
I like how you think you are some kind of knight by insulting people.
2010-11-03 16:33:26
You kinda deserve it man.
Rock Candy17831782
2010-11-03 16:37:37
Well, you too.
2010-11-03 05:32:08
Okay, so this is what I can muster. Rock Candy asked, Zeta misunderstood and cleared it, Zeta wasn't happy with the final result, and Rock Candy decided to be a lazy jackass and not fix it. Seriously, man. you got all the difficult parts out of the way the first time around. I will say that her engrish is a bit hard to understand at times, but I still don't see the issue with doing a simple reskin. considering it was not frame by frame, it shouldn't have been too difficult.
Rock Candy17741773
2010-11-03 06:56:37
It would still mean to add new objects and redraw pretty much the whole thing, add bigger breasts and so on, and it's too complicated when she's positioned like that. Don'rt worry though. I have it all under control.
2010-11-03 01:41:20
You people, seriously. One idiot ranting about grammar, targeting only one person despite the fact that almost everyone present is making terrible mistakes in their dialogue. One person coming to Zeta's defense in the guise of a white knight, which might not be so bad in retrospect, but it hurts the neutral party who just want to find the truth. Then there's three "Troll" characters, and I say Troll on a very broad basis, real trolling is an art beyond one-sided reasoning and making a group of people rage. No no no, real trolls make people rage without the help of some gimmick, or prop, and in turn gain epic lulz when people rage over what is really nothing. Rock Candy, if it is a language misunderstanding, you have no right to call her greedy if she's unsatisfied with the results, just as she herself has no right to insult you over it. She does have the right to withdraw your character from the game however, as in her eyes you have not upheld your part of the deal, despite whatever she may have answered in your one question. When it comes down to it, you should have been more specific about the question, and been more careful about it, considering how important that detail was, seeing as it changed the nature of your deal to a large amount. Now down to the deal-breaker, I wouldn't have chosen sides if neither of the two of you had pointed fingers and called names, because it was a language misinterpretation, but Rock Candy clearly attacked her over the affair, so I can only say that Zeta's side is more attractive from my perspective, and my perspective is that of a neutral individual, rather than a pathetic fanboy who flutters about shouting gibberish about being "trolz lulz, yu spel'd dat rong" etc... Honestly, you people should grow up, this isn't pre-school, this is the internet, stop taking yourselves so damned seriously, because you all look idiotic in the end. Except maybe Zeta, who's just pissed that Rock Candy couldn't keep a simple dispute quiet. Ciao.
2010-11-02 19:54:23
Still I feel this whole situation should just be dropped. Seriously. Yelling at one another over type won't change a damn thing. So as it comes down to it, it's miscommunication. Rock said one thing, Zeta heard another, she said one thing and Rock heard another. It leads to many problems but as long as we REALIZE that BOTH parties did an oops, we can move past it.
White Knight
2010-11-02 20:03:45
Posting something like this after posting something that just instigates makes you look like a fucking idiot.
White Knight
2010-11-02 17:57:55
Rock Candy may be a somewhat talented person, but you're a real shitty guy for what you did to another fellow artist. I hope people find out what a piece of shit you are.
Rock Candy17441743
2010-11-02 18:00:15
Yah, I helped her with spritework, gave her ideas for the game, made a flash for her, one that she didn't like. I sure am a piece of shit ;3
White Knight
2010-11-02 18:05:09
You also didn't upkeep your half of the deal. No amount of your bullshit reasoning is going to change anything. The game is better off without your retarded character anyway. Go draw her getting hit with a bat or something, faggot.
Rock Candy17481746
2010-11-02 18:08:00
I asked if I could change, she said yes. If she said no, I wouldn't change it. Simple as that. Just because Zeta is butthurt or whatever, it doesn't mean that she's ALL right. Her engrish skills are not very good, what happened is that she misunderstood my question, and then this happened.
White Knight
2010-11-02 19:36:21
You should have taken that into consideration when working with her.
2010-11-02 06:03:00
You can go fuck yourself, thief. Your a rapist for making flashes of a little girl getting raped.
Rock Candy17321731
2010-11-02 06:04:36
u mad :3 also, theif wat :V
2010-11-02 02:13:15
It intrigues me the fact that you broke the deal you had with "certain person", and took his/her idea and made it your own.
Rock Candy17271726
2010-11-02 02:37:09
2010-11-02 05:47:18
Zeta. person's talking about Zeta.
Rock Candy17301729
2010-11-02 05:49:45
OKay? :V
2010-11-02 06:10:45
Alright. let me give you the lo-down. I've heard two different stories out of your and Zeta's mouth regarding Zoo-philia Zeta claims that She requested a flash, and in return your character would be put in her game. and she did just that. you then finished the flash, but it pissed her off because she wanted HER character in the flash. she argued her point, but you came up with some bullshit excuse saying you asked if you could switch the characters around for someone of your choosing. In response, Zeta pulled your character out of the game, because you didn't uphold your end of the deal What you said was... Same begining, flash, character in game, blah blah blah, Zeta wasn't happy because it was anal. she pulled your character out of the game, then you then proceeded to call her greedy and talked about how evil she is with some guy named Ren. despite the fact that no one is required, nor is begged to death to donate a single dime to Project X. After reviewing both stories closely, I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with Zeta on this one. it's a shame too, because I really like your work. I'm not going to demand you fix the flash in question, but I am that disappointed that'd you'd pull some dick-move like that.
2010-11-02 06:14:08
grammar fail. "but I am that disappointed that'd..." should just be "but I am disappointed that'd..."
2010-11-01 16:57:55
Yeah, I know that you get this kind of comment a lot, but I'm gonna post it anyway: Why do you think that the Zu Triple game was so bad; y'know, in comparison to your other "horribly animated" games? You've said nothing bad about them, as far as I know. And, to tell you the truth, the animation looks NO different from those like Zoo-philia or Gooper-Blooper. The only difference between them is that there's no moans or anything coming form Fu (the reason obviously being she's getting raped). I'm certainly not demanding that you finish it, but I'm just curioius as to why this particular flash is SOOOOO bad to you, while all the others are okay. See ya, and please make a femdom game next time (it's one of my sick fetishes)
Rock Candy17191718
2010-11-01 17:08:30
Dude, it's two letters. How the fuck can you Mispell Zu ? I wrote the reasons in the newpost, didn't you read it? The .fla file, is a mess. Shit is everywhere, everything is clumsily built together, and, just, fuck, it's a mess.
2010-11-05 07:33:21
Okay, I understand! Well anyway, I have another question: do you have sympathy towards victims of rape, considering how one of you characters is described as being raped pretty much all the time. Now look, don't think of me as some kind of troll. I just don't see rape as funny. I mean, it simply ISN'T. I'm not saying that you are portraying rape as funny, but I just want to make sure that you still think rape is wrong, and that all victims of rape deserve all the sympathy they can get. Would it be silly for me to feel really sorry for Zu, and maybe want to kill off every person who raped her. It only seems fair. Or, if you really want to make me happy, please make a femdom game, where a MALE is the victim, and one of your characters (not Zu) is the rapist. That's all I have to say. See ya!
Robert Paulson
2010-11-05 16:50:05
Troll.....Trollolololol. I think people with mental disabilities are funny, look at you, on a site depicting rape between fantasy characters (Even if your Zeta's fan, her game depicts rape as well) babbling about morality, and you're opinions on rape. Who the fuck cares about your opinion Mr. random poster (Or mine?)? Please fuck off, or write something constructive, and nothing incredibly hypocritical or using backwards psychology to get what you want (Lol at saying yaoi rape is morally correct). Badgering artists with stupidity doesn't do anything but waste time and in some cases, piss them off. Though i still think your idiocy is funny.