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2020-05-12 14:39:44
So glad to see some pregnancy, cumflation and belly-bloating in your work. Just wanted to say a 'thank you' to all the hard work you and your collaborators (co artists? not sure of the level of involvement) put into these flash animations. Keep up the great work and I hope you're keeping safe.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2020-03-10 00:13:25
Is there gonna be a part 3 to the Rudolph's Revenge series, featuring Zara? Not anytime soon obviously, but one day down the line?
2020-02-17 22:42:08
Just wanted to say hi and great work! I found you through e621 cuz I'm a fuck lol. Love your style of animation/art :)
2020-02-14 18:01:40
Why do you never include Sixten in any of your flashes as a sub? People have been asking for years after Rudolph's Revenge. You have hundreds of people even on your own comment section of that flash and others across the web where it's been posted asking to include him again. Yet you include characters that are much less popular and never asked for. I'm just curious since it seems you look for fan input and ask for fans to give input, but in this regard you've just ignored the requests for a long long time. I remember it was suggested for him to be in the horse flash you're working on but it was like ONE commenter saying he didn't want it and that somehow swayed your opinion over HUNDREDS of other people over the years. Coupled with the fact that all you had to do was make him an option and you would appease EVERYONE, yet you choose not to do that. Also no need to reply you're not gay. You've done gay shit for many years now and you've even made a feral rudolph gay picture recently you posted on twitter at the behest of a requester. It's very very clear you have no issue doing gay content, because if you did, none of that shit would exist. So what gives?
Rock Candy1915819157
2020-02-15 02:39:16
I can draw gay things even if I'm not gay. It's still a valid reason. Other reasons to why I don't is that I don't see Sixten as a sub guy, neither is Sixten gay or bi. So it falls outside of both mine and his interests. A drawing is significantly less work than a flash, hence I'm fine with drawing things I'm less interested in that doing full on animations. Animations are passion projects, and if I don't like what I'm making, I won't enjoy making it and it won't turn out very great. Rudolf's Revenge was fun when I made it, but I don't really want to portray Sixten as a sub any more. Including him in flash things have always been a dilemma, but he really doesn't fit in the context of my horse project. Maybe he'll make appearances in future works, who knows.
2020-02-15 06:19:39
In regards to Sixten not wanting to be a sub: 99% of your content is rape, which means this solution is easily solved by just having him raped. So I'm not exactly sure why this is even brought up? It was the same with Rudolph's Revenge, it's not like he's going around TRYING to be a sub, and it fits the characters lore and even your content style. Because it's non-consensual. This is seriously a huge reach and seems to be really silly to even be mentioned. While everything else is completely understandable. It's easily solvable by just having him as an option for all of those fans who have been asking for years. While they are passion projects, if you include a scene with Sixten which is comparable to like 10% of a big project, you make fans who have been asking for years happy, and it's not a focal point so you can still enjoy making your project, as it's a small piece. I mean look at your decision to include your newest OC Donut steel over a fan request years (Johanna), after posting her character bio, she has 4 comments. Nobody is even interested in her, yet you include her in your newest project over a character who has been asked about many times. You ask for input on what your fans want, yet you don't listen. For years now. It just seems like what you're doing is making what you want, and basically looking for validation after, not ACTUAL input. Again this would be completely okay if you didn't ask for fan input. It just becomes a bit preposterous when you ASK for people to go out of their way to tell you what they want, then you ignore them. Why bother asking? That's the thing that doesn't match up at all to what you're saying. If it's a passion project why ask who to include or for fan input? "Hey guys what do you wanna see? Oh you want the same character you've been asking for years? Fuck that, I'll include my OC donut steel nobody gives a shit about". The whole thing is dumb. So is the reasoning that it's not in "Sixten's interests", when all you do mostly is rape. You ask for people to tell you what they want, yet you don't even try to humor your fans asking. Then even for people who want a small scene to be included, you say it's a passion project and somehow the whole thing will be brought down by including one scene? Okay. Whole thing is super disappointing and your response was dumb. Doubt you care but you just lost another fan.
Rock Candy1916119159
2020-02-15 09:21:06
Well, since it looks like you won't come back, I won't bother to refute your points. Sad to see you go.
2020-02-15 10:33:02
Convenient and unsurprising. You have no refutation my man. Ask for input: Ignore years of requests Say Sixten isn't interested in being a sub: Meanwhile Sofi is being forced into taking a horse donger in your newest flash and every character in your flashes isn't interested in what happens to them, but it still does. Get the most requested character ever of yours to be in the flash: Choose instead to have the objectively least popular character that nobody seems to care about included instead Say animating is a passion project: Yet deny even including a small scene to appease those very fans who you ask for input because "????", nobody said you had to focus on only Sixten. Instead of compromising slightly or including a cool little feature or scene for your requests you just go "nolol". Then you get called out for some of the dumbest responses I've ever heard (That Sixten not being interested is still one of the stupidest things I've ever read considering what you do on average). Then you go even more full retard stating you don't need to respond. You're right, because you unironically can't in a logical manner. The only thing you could do is spout some nonsense, but no logical refutation. Especially on the "Sixten's interest" part, there is no logical refutation. So alright, I'll take instead pointing out the absurdity and leave you with the brain dead retards who normally comment on your website. The same 2-3 people who give one line as a comment with zero value. Enjoy my post as it's the last I'll make. I would suggest to actually accept criticism, but based on your responses, I'm pretty sure it's beyond you. Good luck.
Rock Candy1916319162
2020-02-15 11:40:13
Oh, so you're still here. Well, I'm gonna give it a try then, but you've probably left by now, thinking you've boom'd me real hard. First; you're taking the "Sixten isn't a sub" thing way too literal. I'm saying it's one reason he doesn't appear much in content in general, not the sole reason. Second; a small scene with Sixten in the horse project wouldn't make much sense considering the context of it. Even if he did appear, there wouldn't be any gay content involving him. Third; About including Johanna. Zu's scene will feature a completely mirrored asset re-usage. Zu and Johanna are very similar in body proportions. Sixten does not, and also has a dick. Not compatible. I also see you're not part of the discord server. I get a lot more comments over there, and Johanna has seen a lot of positive reactions. Fourth; I do listen to feedback. I've added in a lot of things in the Zara and Sofi beta that people have been asking for. I've even streamed this, so you cannot say it is untrue. I cannot implement absolutely everything that people ask for, that's ridicolous. Fifth; You're not involved with how flash things are built or planned. You're just arguing that you're not getting what you want. There are many people that don't get what they want. Saying that Johanna is a "donut steel nobody cares about" is stupid, because that could be said about all my characters. Sixth; All my projects are passion projects. It's what drives me to make them. I didn't say it would drag it down. But if I'm not interested in what I'm making, then it won't turn out any good. And I wouldn't feel good about releasing something half-assed. You're completely misunderstanding what I'm saying, and it could be intentionally or not, but it sounds more like you're picking out things to be mad about than actually trying to understand me. Now for your second post; Ask for input: Include what I find interesting or can add in without a lot of trouble. I say Sixten isn't interested in that, hence there's less of a chance he'll make such an appearence in other works. But I explained this above. Sixten is not the most requested character at all. He rarely gets any requests. You can't just use the site as evidence for your claim. The discord server is much more active. He doesn't fit into the context of this flash, at least not in the way you want it. I make a lot of compromises and try to include cool features. You just don't think of them like that when playing the games. Well, I guess we'll see how dumb I am if you're still around to answer when I'm done writing this. Maybe you'll call me dumb because I answer instead? Either case, I'm not the best at expressing my thoughts, but that's no reason to go on a rant like this. Again, Sixten's interest was a statement about general appearances, not the reason he's not appearing in this project. I'll look forward to seeing if you actually left or not this time.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2020-02-15 21:10:16
I know this "discussion" has nothing to do with me, but I wanted to point out something regarding what Boom said about the majority of your content being Rape... While there is some truth to that, at the same time that's incorrect. Because a good majority of your Rape content is usually Mindbreak-to-Consent, or the girl[s] being raped doesn't really object/put up much of a fight because, secretly deep down, they want the rape to happen because they want to be dominated/fucked silly. Such scenarios wouldn't really work with Sixten since he isn't gay or bi, nor likes being a sub during sex. So unlike the ladies, ge wouldn't find any pleasure/enjoyment from the experience. That's my thought on it anyway.
2020-02-03 00:59:27
Have you ever had plans for making an archive space for the fanfics for those looking for some of them?
Rock Candy1913419132
2020-02-03 07:15:39
Are any unavailible?
2020-01-27 18:27:34
... Utterly degenerate. Still, in this epoch, to some; brings joy. And when I look upon Your animation skills... compared to the competition, rather nice. Shame We live in such deranged times; else You would be doing much better and valuable art, I do believe. Well. Scandinavian. Fare You well.
2019-12-20 09:41:20
Really amazing work! I've been following your work for around 2 or so years now but never really said anything. Especially quirky and unique mechanics like certain easter eggs (like the Yo! hidden in some of the flashes) give them a unique flavor. Keep up the good work! :)
2019-11-27 05:39:52
Thank you for being a part of the internet for most of my adult life. Despite the cartoony style, your animations have good fundamentals and nice details; backed by a Swedish sense of humor. As with many people, my favorite from you is the Ran animation. I saw it when you first posted it, and it has been a favorite for nearly a decade. It's a porn flash with heart and attention to detail. Her off-pink clothing, Youmu wandering up the stairs to the netherworld, her eye rolls and clenches, and her Shoot the Bullet spellcard all add value.
Rock Candy1897318972
2019-11-27 08:05:23
All I can think of when Ran Ran Rump is mentioned is how awful it looks, myself. If I had the time, I'd do a quick remake of that. But it's good to hear that you enjoy it nonetheless.
Jesus Christ Himself
2019-11-22 23:55:37
Remember to pray for forgiveness, ya' lil' whippersnappers
2019-11-15 23:55:51
Was wondering what your plans for your new works and archives after 2020 are, once Flash goes down.
Rock Candy1893018928
2019-11-16 03:19:57
You can still save down the files and play them on a standalone flash player.
2019-10-18 12:43:44
I saw you worked on Project X love potion, and saw something strange in the sound test. Did you perhaps plan on coming back to this project?
Rock Candy1886918868
2019-10-18 19:01:49
What was that? I don't plan on returning to it, I'm banned from their forums and the like. Also I thought they had stopped working on it?
2019-10-16 12:30:00
Lol I thought Rockcandy was straight, I guess he has another way to get to a man's pants.
2019-10-16 10:51:05
Sophie is gay
2019-09-17 07:13:37
hi I really like your work and I can't wait to see what next game will be so keep good work
2019-06-21 13:46:38
alright gamers just gonna leave my footprints here
2019-06-18 19:09:01
The Discord link doesn't work ;-;
Rock Candy1865418653
2019-06-19 05:07:54
Broken? How so? It was fine recently.
2019-06-07 08:26:53
waiting for new content and tring figure out how to active YO! in Titty Punchan!... i see it but how do i active it? or is it not activation one?
Rock Candy1860618605
2019-06-08 08:12:15
Don't think there is.
2019-06-01 22:00:44
oy na bruv ur a fukin weirdo init
2019-05-25 22:09:30
Nice to know you're still alive!
2019-03-30 10:05:45
how it feels 2 be alive m8 i need help with that
2019-03-16 18:26:15
Cunning Linguist
2019-03-15 12:50:53
Happy Birthday, Zu. Know it's been more than a week, but hope you got your babbies regardless.
Cunning Linguist
2019-02-23 12:30:36
Happy Birthday Zara! Hope you're enjoying it in fashion!
2019-02-22 16:33:13
Howdy RC! I got my first orgasm after watching one of your videos on pornhub about four years ago. it was veryyy enlightening. thanks for all you do, and thanks for all the awesome content!
Rock Candy1831818317
2019-02-22 17:28:27
Glad to hear it yo.
2019-02-09 12:44:14
The fuck did i just find?!
2019-02-02 09:56:58
Hey RC, I'm just happy to see an old style guest book on a website. Love your work, bro.
2019-02-01 17:32:29
Hey RC. Just wanna say I love your stuff. Been following since I was a lad in middle school, and now I've graduated college. Glad to see you still doing some great work. Keep on keeping on my man.
Roomy "Kaizo Shitlord"
2019-01-17 19:47:20
*Insert Funny Here*
2018-12-31 05:38:28
I have found a account on furaffinity reposting your content, is this you? The link is: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rockcandy/
Rock Candy1804118040
2018-12-31 05:51:37
2018-12-24 21:25:05
2018-12-21 16:47:18
kill the refugees, use an axe
The theoretical goer
2018-11-08 21:34:43
Rockcandy.se is a website made by a gay guy that draws different things; nothing special or that different to similar greatest meatspin knockoffs or forums. h t t p : / / w w w . r o c k c a n d y . s e / ? p a g e = s h o w f l a s h & i d = 7 6 h t t p : / / w w w . r o c k c a n d y . s e / ? p a g e = s h o w f l a s h & i d = 8 8 h t t p : / / w w w . r o c k c a n d y . s e / ? p a g e = s h o w f l a s h & i d = 1 2 5 h t t p : / / w w w . r o c k c a n d y . s e / ? p a g e = s h o w f l a s h & i d = 1 3 4 Oh look shortcuts for rock candy gayness tags, my mistake I didn't realize. Good thing I added spaces to all casings and symbols. At least he's famous for something; bad art and 4 posted really hard to avoid posts of gayness on regular porn sites and with Rudolf in gay fanfic. He's almost as bad as the gay tagmes.
Rock Candy1791517911
2018-11-09 00:17:17
Interesting theory.
2018-11-07 15:23:57
Your animations have stolen billions of potential babies from me
2018-11-07 07:48:47
Found a flash file on 4chan from this website, decided to check it out. Pretty funny seeing adult/non-adult content here to, was cool. I see its html and really old website to, hope your doing okay. -mgc
2018-10-12 00:51:01
Have a great Autumn vacation!
2018-09-06 02:29:57
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2018-09-05 00:16:34
Hey, I've been wondering... Is Sofi the only girl of the group that has pubic hair? I could be wrong, but it seems like she is and the others are all completely bald downstairs.
Rock Candy1763517634
2018-09-05 00:47:55
Yeah, pretty much.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2018-09-05 09:54:27
I thought so. Any particular reason why you only gave Sofi pubic hair and not any of the other girls?
Rock Candy1763817637
2018-09-05 12:02:55
She's the only one who doesn't care about what her sex is like.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2018-09-05 23:46:06
I see. I kinda figured that was the reason regarding Sofi. Kind of a shame that not at least one of the other girls keeps a small/trimmed patch of hair down there though. I think a little hair on a girl's sex is attractive. Just a personal preference of course. :) I am somewhat surprised Zu, having a childish mindset, even cares about what hers looks like. Wouldn't think a concept like the appearance of her sex would matter to her. :P
Rock Candy1764017639
2018-09-06 02:10:08
Well, that's my preferences. I don't like hair at all. She used to have, but you could interpret that as a change that she went through as she grew up. Perhaps Simon forced her to. Perhaps she looks up to Zara and wanted to become more like her. Maybe Sixten likes it better without.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2018-09-06 04:52:11
Yeah, I figured you preferred a girl's sex bare. Was just stating mine due to the subject of the original question was all. :) How funny, Zu looking up to and copying Zara when it came to a reason as to why she would care about the appearance of her sex was actually something I considered. XD Anyway, thanks for answering my question(s). I appreciate it. :)
2018-07-11 23:48:40
I love porn as much as the next guy but you ever get tired of making it? Like you ever get the urge to just stop long this? I love your stuff but I feel like if I were you, I'd get tired of it eventually.
2018-07-11 23:49:33
Stop doing*
Rock Candy1742917427
2018-07-12 02:08:45
Nah, I love drawing porn, won't tire of it for a long time. You got nothing to worry about!
The theoretical goer
2018-11-08 21:58:49
Lol that faggot get tired? He's probably more busy gayness at his roomates.
2018-06-07 07:56:17
love it
2018-05-26 23:31:48
Hey rock candy, I noticed that trying to access the forums through the footer of the page returns some errors, could you check it out?
Rock Candy1729217290
2018-05-27 11:53:19
The forums doesn't exist anymore. Replaced with the more modern discord server.
2018-05-16 20:10:15
Heeeey this sites back. Neat. Thought it'd be down forever last time I came around here. Back to browsing through catgirls (and boy, and ghost) getting violated.
Rock Candy1728317282
2018-05-17 06:22:36
It's been up an running for quite some time now. Good to hear you found your way back, hoahao!
Nitrosoft Conduction
2018-05-14 20:36:18
I still have a hard time in understanding why would Louise Johansson the all powerful with her unstoppable ability have sex when she can rape instead.
Toad Of Life
2018-03-09 21:58:03
For more fans to devote themselves to you.
Rock Candy1663916638
2018-03-10 08:58:13
Uh, you'd have to get Flash and learn how to animate yourself.
Toad Of Life
2018-03-09 21:57:24
Can you add all of your flash making utilities to the public so we can make some of our own rock candy porns?
Toad Of Life
2018-03-04 22:50:46
The end days the end tides. How do you make these flashes and images so fast? I mean what do you use sir Rock Candy?
Rock Candy1661916613
2018-03-05 08:32:06
"Flashes so fast" haohoahoahoa Well, for flashes, Flash. For drawings, pencil and paper.
The Random Mothafucka
2018-03-02 10:52:55
Quick question. Do you allow others to roleplay as your characters? And if so, have you yourself ever roleplayed?
Rock Candy1660616605
2018-03-02 15:59:42
Uh, I guess? I've never had that happen before. And yes, a few times.
The Random Mothafucka
2018-03-07 16:50:43
Really now? ...as your own characters, too? Hmm... would you mind giving your characters full pictures for their profiles, if that's the case? Or at least, find some pics that work as such.
Rock Candy1665316626
2018-03-13 10:40:20
Yes, as them. Alright, I'll upload the full body pictures to RC.se soon. Then you can use those.
2019-11-07 01:02:10
i got excited and read "roleplay" as "cosplay" and immediately thought, 'time to get a gallon of red paint and become lollo!" ... (>^<)
2018-02-13 20:55:57
Hey dude, I’ve been a fan of yours ever since you’ve pulled this site up and I’ve gotta say, you’re a really inspiring person. I’ve got aspergers too and I know how it goes, and even though the characters you make are hentai stuff, you still care about them, I respect that a lot, it reminds me of me a lot. I mean, hell, I enjoy your characters inside AND outside of hentai! I usually keep my hentai away from stuff I like because it kind of makes me feel guilty in a way, you know, but I don’t feel that way about the content you make, I mean, when your content is like that, you know that stuff is pretty damn good! I’ve done a lot of artwork in my life, but I believe in the philosophy that you can’t determine yourself if you are a good artist. You have to do it through others, and I say friend, you do some great flash and artwork. Also, no frontbutt business! Love everything you have going on here, keep up the good work!
Rock Candy1654416539
2018-02-17 06:42:23
Glad to hear you find enjoyment in my stuff! Hope you'll like future works as well!
2017-12-24 23:20:11
I just so happened to stumble along your website here from your older flashes, and I gotta say, I absolutely love them. From what I've gathered, you took a break, and just started to be active again. That's awesome that you're back, and I can't wait to see more. You just got yourself a number 1 fan.
2017-12-23 17:11:10
Hello, i find your animation awesome <3 And sexy I love Butts ^^
2017-12-14 13:26:43
Gonta likes your artstyle alot Gonta a bit scared Jay sent me here help