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2011-06-16 22:43:04
hey, my B-day is on the nineteenth, (Sunday[Father's Day]) do you do special requests ? Just wondering .
Rock Candy36693667 36723669
2011-06-17 02:57:02
No, I do not.
2011-06-17 15:38:40
'kay, just wondering
2011-06-14 12:47:15
Love your work! :D Keep it up! I thought coming to the Guest Book would be like a counter device or something of the sort- I've seen it before. This is much better!
2011-06-11 12:35:32
19 Here, and I'm a huge fan of your flashes, art, stories and the characters that go into all of these. I also love Not a Care for The World. (Too damn catchy!!!!)
2011-06-10 16:44:14
Your Flashes look all so very smooth.
Do you use any kind of Flash Plugins?
Rock Candy35443543
2011-06-10 16:54:41
PLugins? Nope.
2011-06-10 18:37:51
May I look into one of your medium complex
.fla files?
I´am intressted in the way you strukture your flashes.
and how you work out the animations.
Well it just would be nice.
Have a nice day.
2011-06-04 18:13:53
Why is it that every flash game you involve Zu in, she's getting raped ? I mean, surely she doesn't get raped by people 24/7 .
2011-06-03 11:53:01
There is something wrong.
When I go to the pictures or Fan Stuff the pictures don't show up.
Or it's just my computer.
2011-06-03 09:51:15
In ProjectX I found out a way to not get raped by the plants in the final boss stage.
2011-06-02 07:50:47
what's the happen your homepage?
it is impossible that see the pics....
Rock Candy34853484
2011-06-02 09:19:48
Just some server problems. Unfortunately, Raz is away until monday/tuesday, so it'll look like this until then.
2011-05-30 20:47:04
Just finished the game, pretty awesome, the only things that were troublesome was the time to press the escape button before getting raped,it seems that i only have about 0.78 seconds to react and even when i do press it early i still get raped. Maybe it's just me, but overall the game is great i love how everything is slightly pixelized and the sex scenes were AMAZING, looking forward to the final release, :D
2011-05-23 07:41:53
i want to send the pictures(kind of fan stuff) to u...
but i dont know where should i send ...
what should i do...?
2011-05-21 16:39:24
Of course i should have known, The hi polymer leads that are available for mechanical pencils are resistant to smearing.
I guess ive gotten used too using high quality stuff. The pencil i use most is the Zebra Drafx :http://static.jetpens.com/images/a/000/002/2069.jpg
Its realy comfortable and is good for drawing very small details.
Drafting pencils are different from mechanical ones because the sleeve and barrel are longer for using with rulers and they have a certain grip.
I use a lot of complicated materials.
Rock Candy33783377
2011-05-21 16:59:14
I see. I like to keep it simple. I mostly fix my artwork on the PC later anyway.
2011-05-21 15:25:09
Oy, i just wanted to ask what tools you use to make your sketches, the rough looking ones.
Thought id come to the guest book so others might see this as well.
Rock Candy33743373
2011-05-21 15:28:31
Paper and pencil. Nothing else.
2011-05-21 16:24:41
Me... being a technical bastard. It depends. Is it your averege local brand of wooden HB pencils. (In america the most common brand is dixon)You dont use any different hardnesses? Is the grip triangular or hexigonal?
Rock Candy33763375
2011-05-21 16:27:01
I use a mechanical pencil. I only use one hardness. Dunno what kind though.
It's not that important as long as it works :V
2011-05-17 12:55:43
Hey Rock Candy. Just wondering, when will the Za project start?
Rock Candy33363335
2011-05-17 13:31:32
When I'm done with sprites, Tittypunchan and the other flashes.
2011-05-07 18:37:51
I wonder... does your father know you make these animations? If he does, is he proud of you? ^u^
2011-05-06 21:31:39
Det är trevligt att veta att det finns lite skillade svenskar där ute!
Rock Candy32303223
2011-05-07 01:40:24
Trevligt att veta att det finns andra svenskar som gillar mitt arbete.
2011-05-06 21:07:20
I really LOLed when I red the about page ._. And touhou is epic, but which is your favorite game and favorite theme song/character :o
Rock Candy32293221
2011-05-07 01:38:36
Game is difficult to say.
Favorite theme song is Shanghai Girl From Meiji 17.
Meiling is my favorite character as well.
2011-05-06 15:21:31
So,I was wondering you work SO hard on all your projects I was thinking do you do all this for run Or are you paid for it?
2011-05-06 05:45:51
your work is awssome
and those cat girls are cute
keep the good work
by the way "[h!] remake" makes me feel sorry for zu
2011-05-03 12:38:24
I peruse various sites I've found over the years that I suspect contain stolen art, trying to find the original owners. I've suspected for a while that funny-games.biz doesn't have permission for everything they have, and I have a sneaking suspicion based on what I've seen on your site that you wouldn't give them permission to host any of your Flash stuff. Artist to artist, I'm passing along the tip that that site contains some of your work. You may want to contact them about it, if you object to them using your work without express permission.
Rock Candy31673166
2011-05-03 12:41:14
I know they do.
My flashes are for free anyway, so I don't really care.
2011-05-04 05:01:15
*sigh* Funny games is a site that obtains it's flashes from outsiders. RC's flashes are free, if anything Funny games is bringing more people to this website to see RC's other work. And as for the whole 'permission' aspect, swfchan has most flashes in its database about a week after they are initially released so you can do shit all to keep content private.
2011-05-01 20:09:30
Ya know, you've inspired me to start drawing Cat people . I drew myself and added cat ears, and a tail . I look kinda funny .
2011-05-01 06:42:38
seriously, almost all your works are sexy as hell. I just thought i'd drop here and say this.
I simply, honestly, want more of your games! however, just like any other of your fans (i'm guessing) i'll want more and more and more of your games no matter how many you upload...
2011-04-26 18:37:58
Zone/Hentai Key can kiss your ass because your hentai has depth and story behind it not just random sex sounds pathetic doesn't it well I don't care it is
2011-04-28 04:18:04
As much as I like RC's work I have to defend Zone. Hentai key hosts zone and therefore has no affiliation with the work Zone does, hentai's animation is fucking awful and should be destroyed however Zone's work is some of the best out there, not just in content but in quality and its ignorant people such as yourself who link hentai key with Zone and make uneducated comments....Idiot.
2011-04-22 07:55:05
Woah, you have asperg syndrome too? Jeez you're like an older version of me with the same love for anal and all dat. :/
2011-04-18 12:32:27
I think it's kinda weird that you've never drawn any pictures of zu and sixten doing it. I'm just wondering why you've never drawn any of it.
2011-04-11 16:31:50
What do you think is gonna happen to Rock Candy in the future? Like maybe a big chronological book of all the fan stuff (for example, not necessarily requesting it)?
2011-04-01 18:23:59
Me try to make Zu mii on my 3DS, but it looks nothing like her!!! D:
Rock Candy28092808
2011-04-01 18:25:24
I have made Miis of all my characters. Maybe I'll take pictures of them sometime.
2011-03-23 18:53:57
id like to say youre flashes are awesome and uhm.... i dont know what else to say... but youre flashes and other stuff rock
2011-03-19 13:25:37
Some website grabbed your latest flash, without permission.
Rock Candy26862685
2011-03-19 13:53:58
I am not surprised.
2011-03-19 19:26:02
Does that happen often?
Rock Candy26912690
2011-03-19 19:27:46
Funny-biz often takes my flashes. Some other site took my latest flash now too.
2011-03-18 20:08:13
dude zu was awesome im not telling you to make more but you say its shitty its not and that troll face killed my hardon
2011-03-17 15:05:13
I sort of stopped in here after I'd inadvertently drew comparisons between you and a friend of mine in Sweden, Hjalle.
I enjoy the work - Sixten is delightful.
I'm a mediocre doodler, and I'm mildly interested in seeing if I can chip in to fill the little Sixten-gape in the Fan Stuff tab.
Rock Candy26652664
2011-03-17 15:49:01
How can you inadvertently draw comparisions?
Glad you like my work though!
Fan stuffs is always nice; it's kind of my salary for my work.
2011-03-16 22:22:29
It's good to see that after so long and so much time, you still have the ball rolling with your work. I see that a lot of your stuff is getting better, though I wouldn't be to hard on myself if I were you, it is what it is. Keep on trucking.
Rock Candy26662655
2011-03-17 15:50:07
Yeah, I've improved quite a bit since I started doing this... I still feel like it is not enough though.
2011-03-13 00:42:01
Your new flash about Layla is really great I love how she has so many expressions it gives her more character. I also really like zu triple too bad it got cancelled. Anyway keep up the great work your flashes are really amazing
2011-03-11 16:39:25
Hah, I've played Project X: Love Potion Disaster before, and it's great for a beta/demo. Whatever you want to call it.
I can't wait to see Zu's appearance in the game as well.