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2014-02-14 12:25:47
There's alot of NSFW stuff here and I didn't even see a warning about it on the frontpage.
Also why are you using your aspergers as an excuse to express your "fascination" of butts? That's a fetish, and pretty much ANYONE can have a fetish.
Rock Candy1079410792 1080310794
2014-02-14 13:03:12
I just expect anyone that comes here that they'd know that already.
And it's not really an excuse... I read somewhere that people with aspergers can have a fascination with anal. It's not that I don't see it as a fetish. Because it is a fetish, a damn good one at that!
2014-02-16 02:40:52
I have aspergers, and I always make sure I don't use it as an excuse for anything that doesn't involve it.
Y'see, aspergers and autism has a really bad reputation with some people, and I have a bad feeling this place just makes it worse.
Rock Candy1080510803
2014-02-16 04:04:48
Well, I don't really care. Doesn't bother me that much. Me and my friends joke about it all the time.
2014-02-09 21:45:19
Man i really love your games. My favorite game is painful therapy session :)Do you have another gay games in this style ? If no, do you want to create it ? :D
Rock Candy1076110758
2014-02-10 06:33:48
If you can wait a month or so there might be something for you.
2014-02-09 14:50:01
How is the big project going? I dont want to rush you or anything :P Take you`re time! Make it special :D
2014-02-08 11:20:54
Hey man, great work. I check your site regularly for updates. That being said, please update more :( even short loops. Your stuff is fantastic
Rock Candy1074810747
2014-02-08 16:48:07
Ya I really should. But the christmas flash trouble really threw me out of routine!
2014-02-07 21:01:52
Hey RC, I just wanna say thanks for all the great work, your great at Flashes, and frankly, I would like to meet you when I'm older. However, I would like to say that you need at least ONE non-pornographic game. Anyway, thanks, your awesome, and goodbye for now.
Rock Candy1074610744
2014-02-08 06:04:50
One porn game? Huh?
2014-02-11 21:11:26
I meant that you need a game with absoulutly no sex. A platformer, anything.
Rock Candy1078210781
2014-02-11 22:42:59
Why would I do that? If I make a game, it'll have butts and sex.
2014-02-02 14:32:52
Hello, I spend too much of my time on porn sites, and I found your work. You make really good and funny flash animations. I love your drawings too, they are cute. And when I saw the "about" section I smiled : I'm an asperger too.
So I just write a short comment here to tell you that I often come to your website to have a look at your work. And you're awesome ✌ !
2014-01-01 16:26:34
tja, älskar vad du gör! Helt otroligt vad du orkar göra för oss! Önskade att jag också hade sånna skills som du :/ så kunde jag hjäpa till :P Ju fler desto bättre? I alla fall, önskar dig ett gott nytt år och all lycka i framtiden! Du äger!
2013-12-17 11:58:16
hey man. just in case ya forgot... I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING E-MAIL! so I can't create an account, so this is the only way I can talk to you.
2013-12-13 17:12:32
I know you have an MSN, but do you have a Skype? Do you add fans?
Rock Candy1046610465
2013-12-13 17:22:05
Ya, I do. I have not updated the About page in forever. Perhaps I should after christmas.
My skype is crystallizedsugar.
2014-01-26 18:14:59
crystallizedsugar nice name it really fits the sorta candyish theme you have
Rock Candy1071110710
2014-01-26 18:26:11
That's the joke.
2013-12-13 09:04:05
Hmmm I did look back at your adult flashes and realized production has indeed been slow lately. Out of the 3 adult flash pages, 2010 and 2011 each have their own page worth of submissions. 2012 only has 4 flash.. and one's an edit. So far 2013 has only had 5 :/
Why RC whyyyyyyy :(
Rock Candy1046210461
2013-12-13 09:26:02
Because it takes longer to make them. And I have non-adult flash projects to do too.
2013-12-02 18:01:38
You do good work I'd like to help you out and keep the site up, or help you with some flash. I'm too busy to realy do anything so i was wondering if you take donations?
2013-11-30 17:08:35
oyTASEoRs I wonder how messed up I am in the head. But after seeing the content of this site, I feel relief that I'm not the only one who likes these kinds of things.
2013-11-25 10:23:26
Dude... buttsmex...cat chicks and globs of spooge. If there was a ranking system for porn across the entire web... Id rank you #1 son.
keep up the good work man your flashes are pure gold... true moving artwork.
2013-11-21 10:02:27
Hey, I have a question about Psycho Girl. What would happen to a kid who was caught by her?
Rock Candy1029610295
2013-11-21 10:11:17
It would die.
2013-11-18 00:03:46
I just wanted to say that you're extremely talented and I respect you as a fellow artist. Your animations are really amazing and it's somewhat of a shame that you don't seem that interested in making a better name for yourself but hey, that's your choice and all. Something that would be totally cool is if you joined the art community on Tumblr, there's a lot people I know would love your style, and you could probably make some friends out of it too. Anyways, just wanted to share my two cents!
Rock Candy1022410221
2013-11-18 09:31:23
Making a better name for myself? I'm not sure what you mean by that...
I'm not too fond of Tumblr, it seems like a weird place. I'm pretty bad at keeping such places updated anyway...
2013-11-13 10:47:54
I could help with the storytelling part.
Rock Candy1014310142
2013-11-13 10:58:48
Didn't you say you were too busy to write?
2013-11-14 10:44:54
I said that I could HELP, not do all of it.
Rock Candy1016810155
2013-11-14 15:32:29
Uh, alright then. Exactly what could you do to help?
2013-11-15 09:27:56
For one, tell you that you do have storytelling abilities. Just look at your character bios
Rock Candy1018610184
2013-11-15 10:31:12
but I need to improve upon them. They are not up to par.
2013-11-15 10:59:39
Well, I can help with the plot development.
Rock Candy1019610190
2013-11-15 12:01:19
But I already know pretty much what's going on in the plot.
2013-11-15 12:11:37
Can you think of anything I could do?
Rock Candy1020310197
2013-11-15 16:30:27
Not really. Do you?
2013-11-18 10:10:34
How about the novel is a collection of your characters separate adventures?
Rock Candy1023810225
2013-11-18 14:29:44
That's basically what their backstories are. I am a very slow writer, I've been writing on the same story for about a year now...
2013-11-10 22:00:57
hey rockcandy i really like your flashes and just wanted to say that i read all of your charactors bios and backstories i really feel like i know za zu zoo ellie and sextin the storys are so well written why do you write a novel? i would really love to read it if you do just a sugestion! and thanks for your hard work
2013-11-10 22:01:58
i meant dont you write a novel
Rock Candy1006110043
2013-11-11 04:26:30
Because I really don't have the storytelling abilities to make an interesting read. Right now I'm just trying to make my characters make a tad more sense than before. There'll be lots of changes in the bios in the future.
2013-11-09 04:48:26
what ever happend to layla from Summer Sex at a Swedish Summer Cottage she has not apperd in any more flashes and i was just wondering what happend to her was she just a one time thing and if it was you should make Summer Sex at a Swedish Summer Cottage 2 but thats just me thank you for your time bye :)
Rock Candy1002410023
2013-11-09 05:35:23
Layla is not my character. There wont be a sequel to that flash.
2013-11-08 10:24:12
Y'know, all I've talked to you about is my character idea. But I do have a different type of question for you. have you played Mega-Man before.
2013-11-07 09:50:25
If I use Za for something, and it has the guy I asked you about, then will you make a bio for the guy?
Rock Candy99999998
2013-11-07 10:02:34
I can help you write it if you want to, but I still wont take care of the character.
2013-09-05 11:19:46
by the way rock candy i respect the way you do things. you don't change for people you stick to your own thing.
2013-09-05 11:21:43
and completely out of subject but i have taken your "angry Za" drawing and added a few things to it and would love to show you it. but am unsure of how to do such a thing on the computer so it is on paper. i hope you arent angry at me for doing so.
Rock Candy97899787
2013-09-05 14:53:58
Eh? With a camera or a scanner. Also, if you want to speak more, try the forum.
2013-09-06 12:01:47
eh like when your talking and your getting just a little bit irritated with the subject.
Rock Candy97949793
2013-09-06 13:18:56
This isn't a good place for conversation, if you want to speak, please go to the forum. That's what I'm trying to say here.
2013-09-05 11:07:42
Rock Candy. lets continue our conversation on here because what we are talking about is not a request.
2013-08-30 19:31:53
I really missed this website so much...
This website was not working for a while but now Im so glad your back online.
2013-08-29 04:39:24
Hey RC, I was wondering: It says in your About page people can add you on MSN. Since MSN seems to have been folded into Skype, is that still a thing? I tried searching the email in the about page on Skype but it didn't find anything. If it's still possible to do some kind of IM thing can I has details?
Rock Candy97249723
2013-08-29 07:09:53
Sorry, I've been lazy updating the About page, hoahoa.
My Skype is: crystallizedsugar
2013-08-22 01:14:10
i like your art and stuff dude. im really very jealous of your popularity and skill. i also have aspbergers lol just wanted to point that out. i would really like to know you a little more, you seem really cool and stuff. well get back to me saying whether im being weird or not please.
2013-08-19 15:08:58
Hi Rock Candy~! I've been lurking around your website for the longest time now, and I finally decided to leave a comment. Anyways, remember your 'older' style of drawing? Like Zoo's picture? I tried to draw in that style, and it turned out amazing! I praise you...Oh Lord of Anal Sex...
Rock Candy96429639
2013-08-19 15:56:55
Well I'm glad you did, then! I like comments!
Care to show the drawing?
2013-08-22 18:20:40
Of course! Would you like to have a link on deviantArt? I'm planning on making an account for it!
Rock Candy96929687
2013-08-23 03:09:29
Ye, sure.
2013-09-03 15:09:35
I'm not that good with shadowing/shading and wrinkles! Sorry! C:
Rock Candy97629759
2013-09-03 16:09:36
Mmyes, I can see the face is kind of similiar. I'm not sure if that's good or bad though, I never liked how I drew faces back then. I barely like them how I draw them now, blergh. You managed to make the eyes look good! Well, eye.
Anyway the legs are a bit weird. And why does she have a lightbulb on her head? The text is cut off so I can't read what it says about her.
2013-09-06 15:39:52
That's not a lightbulb! It's an ahoge with a bell and ribbon. It looks a bit weird. I understand the legs, I'm not good at drawing them. :I
Rock Candy97969795
2013-09-06 18:10:59
Ahoge? I don't know what that is. Well, a tip is to draw a skeleton or a nude version of your character before you add clothes and such. Helps getting limbs in the right places. Most of the time.
2013-09-09 18:13:54
Thanks! I'll be sure to keep that in mind!
An ahoge is a "stupid hair"(even though Tashi is really smart.), and it's popular in anime and manga, ever watch FullMetal Alchemist or Lucky Star? The thing on Edward's and Konata's head is an 'ahoge'.
Rock Candy98269823
2013-09-10 03:46:30
I don't like anime in general, so no.
2013-09-18 16:48:39
That makes the whole situation different, but anyways, here's an "ahoge"
Art is by Denkarasu.
Rock Candy98809876
2013-09-19 17:39:08
I, uh, see... Clearly there some heavy cultural differences here, 'cause I don't get it.
2013-08-19 11:47:32
Hey Rock Candy, You got a email man, id like to talk over a possible commision :)
Rock Candy96419636
2013-08-19 15:55:33
I don't take commissions though, so I'm not sure if you want my email after hearing that.
2013-07-09 14:27:42
yes! someone finnaly understands that anal is superior to vaginal!
so shut up and take my respect
2013-09-05 11:12:17
dipsy you could try not being so rude. some people like vaginal sex. and some like butt ses. i personaly like oral. but that doesnt meen i'm stupid or anyone else is. it just meens they have an opinion. and as human biengs we are entiteled to our opinions. so please be more considerate the next time you post something. i just figured out what i am telling you a few weeks ago. so i know what i am talking about when i say this. please stop. sincerely jacob.
2013-06-30 20:05:15
Hey RC,
Do you think you'll ever draw or do a flash with Sixten getting buttfucked? He doesn't really seem to be getting much inclusion or love period.
Rock Candy94759470
2013-07-01 01:09:08
Some time, probably. I'm not really into males that much, so I mostly use him for nonporn stuff.
2013-07-01 18:09:29
I see, well that's a bit disappointing.
Rock Candy94829480
2013-07-02 07:52:10
Don't worry though, it will happen one day!
2013-07-02 19:12:40
Hopefully so. It just seems like it'll be years or something. I've been a huge fan of yours since before you even had this website up and I found some of your flashes on swfchan I believe of zu.
I really like the design of Sixten and I know you're busy having tons of stuff you want to do, it's just still disappointing that there's nothing after all this time since you've created the character that involves him taking some dick. I'll be looking forward to if, it just sucks that it'll be a while.
2013-06-18 00:12:44
Ever play The World Ends With You? The music for that is FANTASTIC. I saw you like game music, so o decided to ask.
2013-05-28 02:07:26
Just found this site through an amazing butt sex flash game and have to say Great Work :D
2013-05-25 14:19:38
I am depressed.
I don't know what to do with my self.
I loved going on this website, and it motivated me into trying to getting a girlfriend.
So many times...denied...Sadness is tearing me apart...
What should I do with my self?...I don't even find my self as a usefull person...I have loads of money...but what good is money if you have no one to shear it with...
Rock Candy92929289
2013-05-25 14:33:57
Well, you could always commission people for... Imaginary girlfriends, I guess!
I've given up on getting a girlfriend myself; I don't see what the big deal is. So I can't help you on that part. Unless you find consolation in my characters' butts, huhu.
2013-05-24 07:08:08
Hi man! I was wondering if you were still animating and I'm glad to see that you never stopped since the first time I stumbled across your site years ago.
Hope you are fine, just wanted to say that I really enjoy your philosophy of doing things because you like to, instead of doing them for the sake of moneys. Keep it up, I wish you all the best! Ciao!
Rock Candy92919277
2013-05-25 14:30:07
Yes, I am still animating, I released a flash just recently!
And thank you. Hope you'll enjoy my future work too, huhu.
2013-05-20 12:59:20
Needless to say, I love your work
Rock Candy92909266
2013-05-25 14:28:47
I'm glad you do!
I might go back to Project X after I'm done with my own, so there's that.
2013-05-20 12:58:13
Hey, i'd just like to show my appreciation for Zu in Project x, she is one of my favorite characters as i didn't have almost any connection to the sonic universe or characters prior, so Zu was the character i played most when I first found the game. I will obviously be sad if she leaves and doesn't come back but i want you to do what you want and think is the best for you of course. I think your work on Project x has been worthwile, it's through that game that I was introduced to you afterall :)
2013-05-19 04:07:42
I saw a person requesting a rule 69 Sixten flash on your forum. I just want to say this would be a horrificly silly idea, he's the only male that you actually have and hasn't been included in anything but one flash. If he's actually going to get attention, then don't make your only male character, female for the buttraping, you have all of your other female characters for that.
I also wanted to drop by and say that i really enjoyed Zu in PX, and i just wanted to give my support.
Rock Candy92589248
2013-05-20 05:52:18
YOu are correct in that. But then he'd still be a boy getting buttraped?
I'm glad you liked Zu in the project of the X, but sadly I must discontinue my work on it for the time being. I'd like to try to make something of bigger content myself.
2013-05-20 08:34:20
Yes, he'd be a boy getting buttraped, which is how it should be. Speaking of which, do you have any upcoming projects with Sixten getting his butt pounded?
Will you ever go back? It won't be the same without Zu in PX :C.
Rock Candy92609259
2013-05-20 08:40:28
Not at the moment, no.
Maybe, I just need some time to sort out all the stuff I have on my hands already!
2013-05-20 08:51:13
How long do you think it will be until something like that will be worked on?
Alright, well i hope to see Zu back in there eventually since they're taking her out now that you're gone.
Rock Candy92629261
2013-05-20 08:54:02
No idea, I can't say how long anything I make will take.
You still got Zu elsewhere! And I was the one spriting her, so of course she can't be in the future levels.
2013-05-14 08:13:18
When do you plan on working on another porn flash? Do you have any plans/ideas in the works?
Rock Candy92299228
2013-05-14 09:29:25
I already have plenty of flashes and ideas planned and even some in progress. I'm focusing on other projects at the moments though, as they're closest to being finished.
2013-05-14 12:05:31
Are any of those ideas or flashes something that you'd be willing to share info on?
Rock Candy92319230
2013-05-14 12:11:25
Wouldn't you rather want them to be a surprise!?
I'm only sharing it with people involved though. Or when I feel the time is right to announce anything.
2013-05-11 13:05:17
More delicious inflation flashes please.
Also more from psycho girl and lollo.