I was gonna do some physics testing like I mentioned before, but the tester program wasn't really working properly and such I had to wait for FallowWing to make some adjustments, but he was on a trip and couldn't get it done til yesterday! So I spent the week working on various other projects. Managed to get a session scheduled in with Zara's VA to record additional voice lines, her part would've sounded so bleak in comparison with the amount of voicelines that both Sofi's and Zu&Jo's part have. I still gotta get some more ones done, and I've spent all day cutting up voice lines! I'm mentally exhausted at this point!

At least one good thing came out of the delay, I managed to put everything together for the Ran drawing I struggled with for a while!
Forgotten Tribe, I hope the Anon that requested it is still around, and that he likes the result.

Well, tomorrow I'm actually going to look at that physics test and see what I can accomplish!
I've also been looking at that Ellie alien project a bit, that's been delayed to a million stupid reasons. Right now we're trying to experiment with a new art style that's going to make it somewhat easier to animate, hopefully.
Posted 11th of November 2024 - 12:17 by