Yo! Welcome to Rockcandy.se! Here you'll find various things I've made over the years! There's a focus on analsex around here, but there's some other stuff as well if ya look around a bit! Even stuff that isn't porn! If you're new and curious, please check out the About Page for more information. Otherwise, go ahead and browse and leave a comment wherever you please. I try to update the site every Sunday night. Sometimes I'll post things at any time at Twitter, so check that out. It'll also be updated if the site is down or there's a stream about to start! Ya, that's right, we stream games sometimes. Not often, but it happens. We also now have a Discord server. Click here to join! Woah baby, now you can finally throw money at us at our Patreon! Rock Candy on Patreon! Enjoy the butts!
Latest news
Heyo, had company over last weekend, and then I just forgot to post an update. But here I am once again!
Getting things running again, if ever so carefully. I've decided to dedicate my attention to HHHW and this new collab project on alternating weeks, once I make some progress I may give some details on what it'll be about!

For now, enjoy this commission that took a pretty long time to finish up!
Ellie's Dumpster Office, Ellie had to set up office elsewhere.

Also, BigIronAudio added SFX to the Thot Patrol animation! Have a looksy!

A while back I began working on some SFX for this animation. Today I'm sharing it with you guys now that it has the voices canon VA's for every character!

VAs:@MacStarVA, @LewdWhorseVA
SFX Edit:Me(@IronMojave)
SFX Packs:@HentAudio,@expandinator, @GRGLEGRGLE https://t.co/kOm1IbjERz

And we've even got a Sofi from Dsmakesit!
Colored Sofi
Unusual colors, but she's worn weirder stuff.

And with that, I'll leave you for now. I'll try to have another commission finished by next update!
Posted 23rd of March 2025 - 16:39 by | 3 comments.