Sorry for being late again. I've had an unusual amount of things to get through these last couple of weeks, and I get easily overwhelmed. It should let up soon though.
I've been focusing mostly on trying to get the Ellie scene ready for EX to get animating. He's gonna have to get into creating scenes in flash eventually, but I have to show him how to do it most efficiently. I'm trying to get in some work on HHHW in between. Also trying to get the new Zara redesign ready as well. I'm almost done with that though! I'm just having some issues with a few outfit designs...
Got some mixed responses from the baby showcase last update.
The baby stuff will matter in the story mode, but since we need everything to be done before we can put that together, getting the baby stuff done now will also make for a fun toy to play with in the scene select. Don't worry, how it works will make sense once the story is revealed.
Before I go, I have this fan art from Synced Up! A 3 page story:
Sofi & Zara Page 1
Sofi & Zara Page 2
Sofi & Zara Page 3