Zu now has around 80 different eye expressions. Neat, huh?
I'm not completely done with them yet, I have to do some eyebrow work and make some blinking frames, but that's not very troublesome. I'm not sure if I should proceed with Johanna's eyes after this or work on the mouth. But I think doing Jo's eyes first would make most sense.
Also, play testing and tweaking is being done with Sofi's part. There are so many things that need to be fixed, but we're making progress at least. The worst thing about this currently is an ugly aliasing issue. Hopefully we can get rid of all that stuff eventually.
There are still some things that are missing in this build, which will probably be added down another demo further down the line. Just trying to make this playable as it is is a challenge already! Always find something that's not working as intended or needs to be tweaked this way or that way.
But I gotta say, Sofi's face looks sooo much better, and she's way more expressive and talkative and customizable.
I'm not used to having so many customization options for my projects, so I find it fun to just play around with it. Hoahoa.
By next week, I'm aiming to have finished up that comic page I've been talking about previously and Sofi's new ref.
Hope you're looking forward to that.