It's been up and down with these voicers for the missing voicelines. I've got two people on it, so whoever delivers first I'll use. We're using some placeholder audio until then. It feels great to have the coding started though. I have no idea how long it'll take, Mittsies is hating me as usual because I always make such complicated, tedious or weird functions, hoahoa. But it's moving forwards again, hooray! I'll have to throw together some sort of main menu, man do I suck at those!
Here's something else for that Zu flash perhaps. Something anyone never ever asks for, a Zu titjob!
Pretty cool, isn't it?
And here's a drawing I managed to finish up!
I should really finish up more drawings, but I'm not feeling it right now. Blegh. I've been really frustrated about the voice thing lately.
But we'll see, hopefully it'll solve itself during the week. Soon! Soon we'll see the release of
Spectacular Spectrophilia!