Ye, I'll be going away again soon. I'll be back on the 17th. So no update on the upcoming sunday. Maybe I'll post dumb stuff on our
Twitter while I'm there, we'll see.
Anyway, I'm focusing on finishing drawings until I go, so here's a bunch of them already:
Bullying Zu, something which is very underrated, me thinks.
Baking Bully's Baby, this new concept that's proven to be pretty popular amongst fans.
Dragon Magic, a tentacle assault from GBlastman's Ryuujin on the main girls here on!
A Dick in the Butt, a birthday present for WhatANobody!
Morning Surprise, Zara wakes up to find something unusual about herself.
Crazy Dickgirl Zara, Zara uses her unusualness on Ellie's poor behind.
Swedish Boobs, I attempted to draw digitally a while ago, and this was the result. I also made it for Sweden's National Day.
Well then, that's all I had to say today really. My new place is starting to shape up to be habitable now, so that's nice.
I know all of ya are waiting for flash stuff, but ya. I've not really wanted to start that up with all the distractions I've had to face so far. After this last trip, I think things will calm down enough for me to start all that stuff back up again.
But yeah, bedtime for me now.