Lollo Ghost
Lollo Ghost Nude
Lollo Ghost Underwear
Lollo Nude
Lollo Underwear
Lollo Winter Clothes
Lollo Clothes
Lollo sure got a lot of variations, huh? The three first are obviously her ghost form.
The other four are when she was alive, during the 1920s. The winter clothes is what she was wearing when she decided to go out hiking for the last time, and the last picture is what she'd be wearing normally.
She's married, though... So I guess I shoulda added a ring on her finger. Perhaps I'll go back and do that...
Anyway, after the ring, I'm going to see if I can touch up Sixten and make a Psycho Girl. Psycho Girl was actually supposed to be the first, but due to complications she's now the last. Kind of sad.
I also drew some this week.
Demonic Threesome
This is getting kind of out of hand, don't you think?
Where am I?
I bet waking up like this would be really frightening!
HM. I just noticed I've been wearing my T-shirt inside out all day. How annoying.
I've also been fighting some really bad, what should I call them, depressions? This week. I wake up and have no will do to anything sometimes. And I don't know what I should do to make it stop happen. If there is anything at all in my current state of life. Meh. I'll just have to sharpen up somehow.
Eh, I'm going to try and see if that twitter thing worked. If I shout at that thing, then ya don't need to sit here and F5 for the sundaily updates. If anybody ever does that. I'm not sure how it works tho, so we'll see how successful it is. When I'm writing this I've got 34 followers. That's way more than I expected.
Oh, and if you missed it, here's the link to it:
I should probably put it on the home page. I'll do that... Later, some time. I'm too sleepy now.
Anyway, let's see how it goes!