I drew Zu getting spitroasted!
Long time since that last happened! This time, it's with the two "new" characters from Zu's new workplace in her new bio! Don't worry though, it's not a canon scenario. But I think it is an interesting one! I really like how it came out, too.
During this week I started thinking about going back and touching up old flashes. I looked back at some of the work files, but they were so outdated that the only thing that I could do to touch 'em up is to totally rework them. I'm not sure if I want to take up such projects, though! I have so many different ideas of what I want to do, but I'm limited by my inability to write and learn coding. Bleh.
Here's a re-imagination of Gooper Blooper Returns!
I thought about what kind of plot would fit this scenario, but I just couldn't come up with something interesting that kept the giant squid in there. So I replaced him with generic alien tentacles. The aliens would want to distract humanity by hacking into our waves and livestreaming a celebrity being fucked. They know humans like that. Sadly, they mistake Ellie's butt for her frontbutt, and so they alienate most of the viewerbase and their plan ultimately fails, but several people got to jack off. And Ellie gets loadsa alien sperm shot up her arse. Instead of ink.
But don't expect this thing to become reality! It was just a thing I did for fun!
I've been working on this and that this week. I feel like I want to make a short loop of something, so I started out on a little thing. We'll see if I can do it til next sunday, perhaps. It's been so long since I actually did something in flash. Or at least, I feel like that.
I know I said I would focus more on what was in front of me, but sadly Mario Kart DLC got my attention this time. I spent a few hours being mad at the horrible hitstun that makes it impossible to catch up if you get hit more than once. What happened to the hitstun in Double Dash and MKWii?! Those worked great! And I'm not fond of the new item system either. And mushrooms and the star feels so nerfed. Blah! At least the new stages were fun this time around.
And I also saw that there's a new Touhou game coming out this summer! Very exciting!
Speaking of which, Raz comes back from Japan today. He brought some loot over for me that I'm going to show off next update! Look forward to that, my dear buttloving friends!