Well well, It looks like I've reached the point where I'm about to add semen and fluids on the besped trade flash. That surely is a sign of that it's close to being finished, right?
(please say it is so!)
It feels like it was an eternity ago I started working on it. I don't think it'll have sound, though... At least, I've not planned on adding sound. I guess it'd be quite empty-sounding if there was none? Should I add sound? I'd need a spanish voice actress or somethin' for the female. Hm, at least I've got sounds effects to re-use. The soundeffects in the Rudolf's Revenge flash was good, wasn't it? I felt like they were good, at least.
That also means I'll be working on the GBlastman trade this week, which I
think might be close to finishing, but I'm not gonna promise anything. It's a bit more simple than besped's trade. I hope to get it done soon, it'd feel great.
As for this week, I felt pretty inspiration-less, I don't know why. I kinda couldn't get myself to draw anything. I did however get some work done on Sofi's and Ellie's profile images, so here's the WIPs of them:
Unless there's some really bad errors that I have not noticed, I think they're pretty much done, they just lack a few details.
I'm glad you liked my Zara drawing from last week. It woulda been great as a flash, wouldn't it? Zara gettin' egged, tentaclefucked and then left in the nest until the hero (the player) arrives to either help her out or fuck her some more. Hoahoa, I always get ideas like these, but it's a lot of work to actually make all of it! Sadly, many ideas will just be that, ideas. Baw~.
I played my Zu stage online with some people too, we found out that you could somehow fall through the dick where it connects to Zu's arse for some reason. Very odd, but amusing too. As for anybody who'd like to try to beat my Ness, my Nintendo ID on Wii U is "RockCandy". I'll try to be more active than on the 3DS. Tomodachi Life is always running on that.
Oh, Zara. Whatever should I do with you.
Anyway, that's it for this update. Let's see what next week brings us, ya? I'll see ya all then!