A new set of profile pictures of Zu has been made! I recommed you all go and shake it out~! Like Zara, she's got three sets of clothes: None, Underwear & Normal Clothing. Some day in the future she'll recieve more costumes, like her maid outfit, but it takes a very long time to make clothes. Mikaela is up next for a new profile picture.

I've made some good progress on besped's trade this week I believe. I'll do more of GBlastMan's on monday and forward!

I have some fanstuff for us here as well.
Something weird from LeatherIceCream. Really, I've got no idea.

And, rarely seen these days, a fan fiction! A short first part, written by Trinity. Give it a read and tell her what you think of it!

Super Smash Bros. 3DS comes out on friday. I hope you're all ready. I'm probably gonna be playing that the whole weekend, if I know myself right. Perhaps, there are people on RC.se that'd dare to fight me? I'll up my friendcode here next update, if there's enough interest, so please let me know!
Posted 28th of September 2014 - 17:51 by
Challenge accepted
sure i'll battle ya my fav internet art maker
name: Requiem
friend code:0232-8651-4697
you did not just challenge meh to smash bros!

I would love to fight you. But i can afford the game till i get paid on the 17th