Today, internet guy came and put internet in my phone jacket. So I'm happy!
I've been sketching a lot while I was without internet. I wish I could have sketched more and finished some drawings I owe people, but I couldn't stay focused long enough hoahoa. I started to draw some new profile pictures for the characters, upgrading their designs a little and such.
Let me think of the two WIP profile pictures I have here:
Mikaela aka Psycho Girl's new design.
Zara's new design.
If there are any errors in here I'll try to fix them as soon as someone points them out and provides some helping guidelines.
And the sketches I drew, most of them are of Zara and Sofi. Head for the image description for a more "in depth" comment.
Lollo's growing boobies
Jobseeking Zara
Racing suit Zara
Summery Zara
Zara butt sketches
Working Sofi
Prison Sofi + A weird sketch
Sofi at church camp.
Yash.I hope you find something interesting in there. As for the things I wrote last week...
I didn't recieve many comments on my lewd Zu, hoahoa. So I don't know if I should continue working on it or not! But she is indeed wearking gloves. I found gloves fitting her sexy maid outfit well.
As for you who offered AS coding help, why don't cha send me an email at
[email protected] with some work of yours or something so that I know you are able! Perhaps we can also discuss future projects, I'm interested in making some kind of game with some kind of interactive features, unlocking and such. I have a wide variety of game ideas in my head, but we'll see if we can take on what I have on my plate at the moment first, ya?
As a bonus, let me give you a screenshot of a short little loop I've started work on while internet wasn't around.
I've not started to animate yet though, I feel like there's some artsy stuff to fix before I start doing that. But I need some kind of confirmation first. I hope to recieve some of that, until then, see ya on sunday!