Yeah, that's right!! A flash is finally finished! And it's not the christmas flash!? Well, a flash is a flash, I guess. This have been something of a side project of mine for a while now, and it's now complete. So go shake it out!
And as usual, we're planning on streaming this weekend. Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze!
I'm not sure yet, but it might be even on thursday, depending on if we can get Haplo to guest star in this stream! And I know you all love Haplo, so you should definately watch on thursday! It'll be around the same time as usual, and I'll put up a window when it gets close!
This is our new channel, so go follow that one if you want more fun with Rock n' Raz!
Streaming over for this week!
It seems like commenting was borked, and I didn't realize something was wrong until recently! I thought no one had anything to say, hoahoa. We've fixed so you can comment, but we should try to smooth it out even more. It's a bit slow now, but at least it's working.