1: I uploaded a few pictures. Four pictures. I will upload more later, but I'm just too tired now D:
2: This week is Zu Triple week, unfortunaletly, this week is also a some sort of try-out-work week, so I get up early and come home late. This makes me tired, because I am used to get up at like 12 or something. D: So I've not been able to work on it much. And when I did, I got this thrown into my face:
If you don't recognize it, it means something like "OLOLLLOLO I CRASH ON YOU AND YOU HAVE TO START OVER FROM THE BEGINNING, EVEN THOUGH YOU SAVED LIKE THREE TIMES". It has happened a lot recently:
Luckily, I spontaneously bought a new computer last week, so after I've moved all my stuff work will hopefully go a lot faster...
3. Me and some dude, called FlashFireEX or something, started to make some kind of EarthBound edit with Zu, Za, Zoo & Ellie as the chosen four, we'll see how that goes...
4. I have to go take a shit before any accidents happen. I've been holding it for the whole time I wrote this news post.
See ya later!!