Sorry for being late with the update this week, but I've been quite busy the last few days...
I bought myself a Wii U, so I've been playing with that and there's a visitor here at the moment, so that also eats some time.
But I am working on a christmas flash now, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't take as long as Onihole to make, huhu. I only have a few weeks to finish it, so don't go expect anything fantastic out of it! The title is still in the works, so we'll see what it will be called. I can say it's a bit Rule 34-ish and original at the same time, but other than that, you'll have to wait and see what it turns out to be! I'm working on it as I write this...
It's 7 in the morning, but I'm not that tired. So I'm using my time working on the flash. Hah...
WELL, there's a fan art for uploading at least! From Brockus Dain:
Kirby Sofi? Kinda? I'm not sure what it's supposed to reference to, but it looks soothing.
Hmm... Well, I should finish up what I'm doing and go to bed.
Good night, and I'll see you all again on sunday!