Got a few good facial expressions sent to me during the week, I'll try to make good use of them if I can!
I've received a bunch of auditions for Sofi now, so now comes to difficult choice of choosing which one's best fit for the job... Perhaps I'll have a small sample of each played during stream later today, and we can all come to a conclusion together?
Picarto link here.

Until then, I'm gonna work on some drawings that I've sketched up during the week. I feel rusty as always, but we'll see how they turn out.

I recieved some fan art for you guys to admire today though!

Zara in a wooly turtleneck, drawn by SyncedUp!

And a drawing of Zu getting dicked in the ear by Bear!
Variation 1
Variation 2

Posted 22nd of February 2021 - 02:12 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
Thanks for all your comments on last week's news post! I really enjoyed hearing all of your opinions. Thanks to you, I decided to not bother with the extra excessive belly shirt animations. I instead a bunch of different tops for her to wear, so we're not completely out of luck when it comes to clothing options.
Here's an example:

So, next up is going to be facial animations. And here I have a chance for any artists out there, to draw a face for Sofi that I might include in the flash! Obviously, I'll choose the ones that fit Sofi the most, more out there expressions might not be included.

You can send in the picture through our Discord server, Twitter or email: [email protected]

I'm also in the middle of looking for a VA for Sofi. Not many want to be part of the project due the rape and bestiality themes, so uh... If you happen to know anyone who are OK with those things, send them my way, ya? I need to find some for Jo & Zu as well, so even if they don't fit for Sofi, they could fill those roles instead, perhaps.

I'm gonna prepare and start working on the face stuff this week, so I might show some off at next sunday. It'll work different from now, but I'm hoping it'll look good still.
Posted 15th of February 2021 - 01:39 by | 12 comments.
I've made a lot of small changes to Sofi's part, and some bigger ones are to come.
One of these things are a few more cosmetics options for her, I made a bunch of hats.

But when it comes to shirts, if I want to add additional shirts, I'd have to do a whole lot of additional frame by frame animations to make them work. This will probably take a lot of time, and I plan on only doing 5 to 8 extra shirts. But only three of them would actually need this animation to work out...
Is this worth it? Or should I save that time and move on to other things?

Here are some images of the shirts themselves:

For the first shirt there, I was thinking I could animate it so that the bulge comes out from between the gap where the buttons are. Which would be at least something visually different? But ye, should I do that, or cut these and just try to keep it simple?

Also, as you can see, I redrew her eyes to be a bit more rounded. They're not actually going to be positioned like that once I get to making expressions, so don't worry if it's a bit soul starey.
I also slightly tweaked her jaw, to make her head less egg-shaped.

Let me know what you think.
Posted 8th of February 2021 - 07:57 by | 41 comments.
My sleep rhythm is back to normal... I think. Let's hope it stays that way.

Anyway, don't have a lot on my mind right now, so... I'll just post the new Hampus refs I made:
Hampus Nude
Hampus Clothed

And this.
Some old Ellie angel sketch.

Also, if there are any flash animators out there still, if you wanna help me out with my project, send me a message! I could use some assistance to make the progress on this project faster... Or if you wanna help out or collab on some smaller side project that I've got laying around.
Posted 31st of January 2021 - 17:53 by | 11 comments.
I'm late again with the update, drat. My sleep schedule fucking sucks so I barely know what day it is anymore.
Anyway, I've managed to get far enough into Zu's animations to have them work out in a playable state. However a beta release if still kind of far off. There's still a lot to add to it. For the time being, I'm gonna try to improve upon Sofi's part further! I'm going to have new voicelines recorded for her and such... Maybe some animation tweaking and other things. I'll stream some of that in a few days perhaps, so if you're interested, keep an eye out on my Picarto page. Or in the discord, where I annoyingly post a ping every time I start.

There's been fan art of chocolate Zu this week: Black Dickgirl Zu!
From ToiletPrinter on our discord server.

I also finally finished Lotta after a long break. Rock n' Raz 14 took up most of my character time, but now she's here!
Lotta Nude
Lotta Dressed

Next character seems to be Sixten's younger brother Hampus, at least if I'm to trust the poll I had on discord.

I think that was all I had for today. Hm. Ye. I think I'll say this is good enough. See ya next time!
Posted 25th of January 2021 - 21:44 by | 3 comments.

Looks like you'll have to watch it on youtube, since this part doesn't like to be embedded... Well, it might be worth it?
This time, we're really stretching the limits of what can stay up on youtube.
I've added subtitles as well, so turn 'em on before watching!

I also forgot to post this last week!
Sofi's Wedding
It's a fan fic by Pyreaus, the man behind Beleth!
In this lewd story, Sofi and Beleth get married... But there's a twist to it. Maybe. Possibly.
Guess you'll have to read it to find out.
Posted 17th of January 2021 - 21:55 by | 6 comments.
Only just yesterday, we got some snow over here. But it's melting away already, so... Very shortlived.
Anyway, I've been working on the Zu&Jo flash and Rock n' Raz 14 alternatively each day, and I'm making good progress on both. I'm at the last set of horse animations, which is good. After that, I'll probably go back to Sofi's part and make some improvements.

So ye, don't really have a lot to show for now. I did receive some fan art though!

Two from Mugen!
Zara Spreading
These came as a surprise, so thanks much!

And one from OmniPatata!
Meet the Zu
Very different from the usual stuff, which is nice! Thanks!

Now I'm gonna go and make me some food and hopefully make good progress on Rock n' Raz.
Posted 11th of January 2021 - 11:51 by | 3 comments.
I wasn't working my usual schedule, so I forgot which day it was, drat.
Well, since it is almost a new year soon, I'm posting the update now! I don't have anyting special to share, so I'll keep it short.

The Rock n' Raz episode is complicated, so it's gonna take a bit longer to finish than I thought first... But I'm working on it at least. We'll see when it gets done. I don't want to completely forego the Zu & Jo part, which I'm nearing an important milestone in. So I might switch back and forth between those two once next year comes around.

I've got some stuff here though... A commission in two parts.
Buttception Aftermath

And a piece of fanart!
Angry Sofi!

Enjoy yourselves, and I'll see you all next year!
Posted 31st of December 2020 - 08:46 by | 5 comments.
Well, my friends, it seems like christmas is almost upon us. So I wish you all a merry christmas and such.
I don't have anything super special prepared for this year, but I managed to finish a relevant drawing at least!
Christmas Ellie Tree, it's what it sounds like... Maybe?

Thanks for all the suggestions on what to do with Flash n' stuff. I'm not going to be moving on to anything else just yet. I've gotta finish my horse flash collection first. And then maybe even some smaller projects that are unfinished. That ruffle thing probably has the best chance of keeping us relevant, hyuk hyuk. But we'll see what happens.

I'll stream flash progress up til christmas, after that I'm gonna try to make Rock n' Raz 14 a thing. And I think that's best left unstreamed. Rock n' Raz is always left best as a surprise. I really wish I could see my friends' reactions when they first watch it, I've been told they've laughed so hard they cried at some parts. Well, I hope this part will do the same to some of ya as well! I'm hopeful it will be a good episode!

I commissioned this piece as a christmas gift for a friend, so enjoy Sofi getting blorped.

And with that, I'm off!
Posted 20th of December 2020 - 20:35 by | 5 comments.
Lots of question going around about what I plan on doing now that browsers have dropped support for flash. Guess I should answer them, the best I can.

Only browsers have dropped support for flash, which means you can still download the flashes themselves and play them offline on a standalone flash player. There are several, although I'm not sure which is best or which will stay around. But it'll be possible, at least.
There's also this flash emulator thing that Newgrounds have been working on. I haven't looked into it myself, so I don't know how it works or if it is any good.
As for those who wonder if I'm going to port it to HTLM5 or something; I don't know. I'm not coding the flashes myself, so I can't really say for sure. If HTML5 can even support the stuff that actionscript does or whatnot.
Some have suggested to make the flashes downloadable .exe files, which I suppose is an option? I don't know. I haven't really discussed it with Fallow.
I'm going to continue with my project til it is finished, however long that might take.
After that, I'm not sure. I guess I gotta move away from flash, but to what, I have no idea. Don't really wanna bother thinking about it until I get there. I can only work with and draw in flash, so if I switch programs, there's going to be a huge dip in quality, for sure. On the other hand, I'm not very happy with flash when it comes to making movie-like projects, since there's always a tiny bit of desync going on, which will get very noticable on a linear timeline that is longer than a minute or so. So ye, I dunno. We'll see.

I might have some better answers later on. But I just really wanna work on my project.
Which is what I'm going to continue to do soon, after I go get me something to eat. I'm gonna stream it as I usually do these days. Be there if you wanna hang out or see how the progress is going.

Also, I'm going to take the days between christmas and new year's to work on this:

This episode have been put together by some of the people usually involved in Rock n' Raz, so it'll be a bit different!
It's also the longest episode so far, just a bit past 3 minutes of actual content. (Intro & Yo! finding sections not included, that is.)
I am, however, positive that it'll be received well. I don't really get a lot of response on these from the majority of my fanbase, but they're pretty popular amongst my friends and some other people within the community.

Well, whatever you think of Rock n' Raz, I consider the holiday end of December as a sort of a vacation. Once it's january, I'll get right back to the Zu & Jo part.
Posted 14th of December 2020 - 07:17 by | 11 comments.