I've been awake for too long, I can't recall what I've been doing last week at all.
What I know now at least is that most of the bugs on Sofi have been smoothed out. I can't imagine anything else will be popping up once these last things have been patched up.
o ye now I remember what I did most of the week, I was messing around with the sound stuff. That was completely awful, I had to cut the silence out of up to 700 sound files, and the go back into the editor and check that every voice line was still matching the lipsyncing. Absolutely soul draining, no wonder I had repressed those memories.

Anyway, Fallow's gonna be away for a bit during this week, so I'm gonna try to finish up what's left on my to draw list. I've got almost everything sketched up, so I just gotta clean 'em up. Look forward to that!

And before I go, some super cool fan art!

Fan art from Oversleeper!
Annoyed Sofi

Fan art from TioZenko!
Ellie's Gift

As always, thanks a lot! Great work.

I'm off to attempt to sleep. See ya next week!
Posted 6th of December 2021 - 04:34 by
anon wrote:
That's a huge number of files to edit manually. Is there a way to automate such a process should you encounter this situation again in the future?
Not for something like that. And it will be avoided in the future.
That's a huge number of files to edit manually. Is there a way to automate such a process should you encounter this situation again in the future?
Get rest, take your time and work at your own pace, don't kill yourself over a flash game haha. Make sure to get up and stretch and drink water every now and then, it does wonders for your health.
Cilly wrote:
May I ask why you are still working on Sofis part even though it was finished? I thought Zu was the next part?
We're using it as a testing ground for our engine.
May I ask why you are still working on Sofis part even though it was finished? I thought Zu was the next part?
I hope by the new year you will have time to do <3 Good luck!