A picture made by ChestnutNinja!

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Posted 2nd of October 2011 - 09:26 | Download full version
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Supershark88 wrote:
Why I no like Zu-butt?

I like Zoo-butt better! :D
Seriously though, I prefer Ellie-butt best of all! >;-9
People are killing themselves in the comments...poor Zu, she just wants to know why you no like her butt.
Supershark88 wrote:
Why I no like Zu-butt?

I like Zoo-butt better! :D
It's better with butter!

I just got a weird captcha . . . It reads like something someone would say to his horse in a fantasy novel or something:

NNNEEEEEIIIIIIIGHH!!!! *cloppitycloppitycloppitycloppity . . .*
*Jumps into a blackhole that removes all his organs*
-2 minutes later-
*Psycho girl uses by corpse as a jump rope*
Why I no like Zu-butt?

I like Zoo-butt better! :D
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